


Understanding Society User Support Team's activity

From 11/22/2023 to 12/21/2023


05:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2015 (Feedback): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
Dear Alexander,
In principle, it would be possible to use the linked central registry data at the LLC, but please ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2018 (Feedback): Month migrants came to Britain
I'm afraid we don't collect the information about the month of arrival to the UK.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team


02:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2009 (In Progress): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2017 (Feedback): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
Hi Karen,
1. We leave the choice about how to code the values in such cases to users.
2. I'd suggest looking thro...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2015 (In Progress): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
Hi Alexander,
I will check this one with the linkage team.
Best wishes,
Piotr Marzec
UKHLS User Support
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2014 (Feedback): Scottish health data
Hi Alexander,
I'm afraid this release is delayed and will be released in the second half of 2024 at the earliest.
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2014 (In Progress): Scottish health data
Hi Alexander,
I'm checking this with the linkage team. I'll get back to you when they respond.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2016 (Feedback): Family connections
1.Yes, that is correct. However, you can find some information about non-resident family members provided b...
Understanding Society User Support Team


01:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2009: Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
01:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
Hi Fergus,
Variable search should be back to normal now. Please let us know in case you encounter any further issu...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1968 (Resolved): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2007: Code Creator
Hi Martha,
We've just launched our new website, so I am afraid I need to kindly ask you to check it once again. In...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2013 (Feedback): Issue with new USoc variable search
We've just launched a new Understanding Society website and we still have some teething problems. The variable...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2006 (Feedback): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2012 (Feedback): longitudinal weight
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2011 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
There are quite a few measures of class in the study but the most widely available across the BHPS and UKHLS i...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2007 (Feedback): Code Creator
Could you please check if the error persists? We know that this sometimes happens but is only temporary and...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2007 (In Progress): Code Creator
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2010 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
Dear Joe,
That is quite a big topic but I do my best to give a few (hopefully) useful hints. First of all, when yo...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2008 (Feedback): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
For non-resident parents you can use paedqf and maedqf, or panssec8_dv and manssec8_dv, for resident parents y...
Understanding Society User Support Team


01:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2004 (Feedback): Selection of weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2002 (Feedback): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
Dear Joanna,
Up to and including W12 the focus was on bio kids, so only maternity/paternity leave.
From W13 we up...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2004: Selection of weights
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #2003 (Feedback): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
Dear Ceri,
You can find the code creating this variable in the file available here: https://www.underst...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2002 (In Progress): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #2001 (Feedback): Special licence request
Hello Miriam,
You may explore the following variables in the main Study -file w_indresp
|_. variable |_. label |...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #2000 (Feedback): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
Hello Aelen,
You are correct, “fihhmngrs_dv” is the household income variable harmonised (BHPS + UKHLS).
If you...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1999 (Feedback): treatment of HMOs
Hello Marika,
All household members of the households selected at the first wave and their descendants constitute...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1998 (Feedback): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
Hello Martha,
There is a benefits module in the main Study, which has the variable “Frwc” related to the “period ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1998 (In Progress): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


12:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1997 (Feedback): Issues using variable w_fimnnet_dv in COVID-19 dataset jk_wave
Dear Mhairi,
The jk file combines the second part of the wave 10 fieldwork and the first part of the wave 11 field...
Understanding Society User Support Team


02:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1875 (Resolved): jbscoc00
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1975 (Resolved): Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1988 (Resolved): Jbbgdat variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1081 (Resolved): Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1921 (Resolved): Non-Covid affected data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1910 (Resolved): Information about NHS and purchase of private health isurance
Dear Rosemary,
I am very sorry we missed your follow-up question. You are right that private health service can be...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1985 (Resolved): Representativeness of housing tenure (tenure_dv)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1982 (Resolved): reference person weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1981 (Resolved): Loneliness measure 'inapplicable' responses at wave 12
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1980 (Resolved): What is jbsoc90ly_cc?
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1979 (Resolved): Using UKHLS for financial year poverty rates
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1978 (Resolved): Potential issue with coding of wkaut1 wkaut2 wkaut3 wkaut4 and wkaut5 variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1977 (Resolved): Birth and non-birth parents
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1976 (Resolved): Combing specific variables from two waves for cross-sectional analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1974 (Resolved): Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1973 (Resolved): Family matrix
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1972 (Resolved): Asking health conditions (hcond*) and first apperance
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1971 (Resolved): vote8 for waves 3 through 6
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1968 (New): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1967 (Resolved): Derived OECD equivalience scale variable which matches scale used to calculate relative poverty
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1966 (Resolved): cross-sectional analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1964 (Resolved): Universe for mglife and other home-ownership related questions
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:26 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1963 (Resolved): Missing LSOA for hidp across waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1962 (Resolved): Early-wave proxy/inapplicables for the physical and mental health (sf / scsf) variables and sources for the derived scales (sf12mcs_dv)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1961 (Resolved): Newly diagosed health conditions in UKHLS wave 10
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1960 (Resolved): EU referendum questions
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1959 (Resolved): pooled analysis for one calendar year from 3 waves?
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1958 (Resolved): Inquire about using 2011 Lower Super Output Areas data create Townsend Score and Carstairs Index
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1957 (Resolved): Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1955 (Resolved): General election voting variables routing
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1954 (Resolved): Absent from household
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1953 (Resolved): Inconsistencies in hcondna1 vs hconda01 and age told had health condition (starting age health condition)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1952 (Resolved): Parenting style weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1951 (Resolved): Zero longitudinal weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1950 (Resolved): Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1949 (Resolved): Merging two datasets
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1948 (Resolved): variables in secure data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1947 (Resolved): Information on pooled data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1945 (Resolved): Using the individual questionnaire
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1944 (Resolved): Sample size in regressions
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1941 (Resolved): Employee (jbpen + jbpenm) and personal (ppen + ppreg) pensions in Understanding Society - query re. some wave data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1939 (Resolved): Data availability
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1937 (Resolved): "Inapplicable" responses for dweltyp
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1934 (Resolved): Linked credit history FCA data to be released in 2023
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1933 (Resolved): Linking individual data to mother's data in the BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1931 (Resolved): Child Birthweight
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:16 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1929 (Resolved): ISCO classification of occupations
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1928 (Resolved): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1927 (Resolved): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1926 (Resolved): Parent-reported variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:10 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1925 (Resolved): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1924 (Resolved): Control for mother/father educ
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1922 (Resolved): Care Home
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1920 (Resolved): Create a Schooling years variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1919 (Resolved): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1918 (Resolved): Controlling for residence/county
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1917 (Resolved): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1916 (Resolved): xwavedat vs xwaveid
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1912 (Resolved): Merging newborn and child data Waves 11 & 12
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1908 (Resolved): Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1904 (Resolved): Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:03 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1902 (Resolved): weights individual files waves 10 -11 wide format
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1899 (Resolved): Household weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1898 (Resolved): Link respondents to Westminster electoral constituencies
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1897 (Resolved): Birth year and birth order of all ever child
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1896 (Resolved): why there are so many cases inapplicable in terms of occupational class (current job)
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1894 (Resolved): Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1893 (Resolved): How can I match the information of youths onto that of their fathers and mothers
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1892 (Resolved): Question regarding longitudinal weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1890 (In Progress): Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1889 (Resolved): Missing waves when merging UKHLS and BHPS datasets
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1888 (Resolved): Interpretation of 'trainany'
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1887 (Resolved): Merging PEACH with core file
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1886 (Resolved): Weighting unemployment duration data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1885 (Resolved): Health status of all the household members
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1884 (Resolved): Reporting economic inactivity using the UK Household Longitudinal Study
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1883 (Resolved): Periods for personal income - fimnlabgrs_dv & paygu_dv
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1882 (Resolved): Linking individual and household data and analysing at a household level
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1881 (Resolved): Explaining valid skips for AUDIT-C items
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1880 (Resolved): Smart meter data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1879 (Resolved): More detailed country of origin
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1878 (Resolved): Census 2011 Output Area Classification Linked Dataset
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1877 (Resolved): Special Licence Access, Census 2011 Output Area Classification
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1876 (Resolved): benefit claim
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1873 (Resolved): Health conditions explanation on website
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1872 (Resolved): Pooling waves for longitudinal analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1871 (Resolved): Inquiry on the place of residence
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:54 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1870 (Resolved): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1869 (Resolved): 2021 calendar data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1868 (Resolved): Use of weights for analysing job quality in UKHLS, Waves 4, 6, 8 and 10
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1867 (Resolved): Significant change between waves - longitudinal weight
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1866 (Resolved): Code Creator Beta No longer working
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1865 (Resolved): Changes to USOC wave data downloaded from UK Data Service compared to previous downloads of the waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1864 (Resolved): Using survey weights in longitudinal analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1863 (Resolved): coding health conditions
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:52 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1862 (Resolved): Welsh Language
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1861 (Resolved): Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1860 (Resolved): household income special licence variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1859 (Resolved): sample size loss due to weighting
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1858 (Resolved): Inquiry on the Youth files in BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:51 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1857 (Resolved): ISCED levels for Main study waves 1 to 12
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1856 (Resolved): Coding of currently on maternity leave
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1854 (Resolved): Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1853 (Resolved): Missing Data in Higher Education Codes
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1852 (Resolved): Select the correct weighting values
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1851 (Resolved): Labour Income whilst on maternity leave
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1850 (Resolved): Query regarding consent for the COVID-19 study
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1848 (Resolved): Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1847 (Resolved): Panel construction across all UKHLS for paygu_dv
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1846 (Resolved): Question re. recontact for Understanding Society cohort
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1845 (Resolved): Childhood socioeconomic status for adults
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:47 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1844 (Resolved): Data Linkage with Stroke NHS Data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1843 (Resolved): missing data on parental education
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1842 (Resolved): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1841 (Resolved): charitable giving in wave 12 or wave 13?
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1840 (Resolved): errors in 4-digits ISCO88 variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1837 (Resolved): Census 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1836 (Resolved): 2021 calendar data
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1835 (Resolved): Number of dependent children (inside or outside of household) - variable availability
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1834 (Resolved): Linkage National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED)
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1833 (Resolved): Data information necessary for publication in journal
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1832 (Resolved): Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1831 (Resolved): hhgrid_w12.clstat
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1829 (Resolved): Proportions of groups within inactive population.
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1828 (Resolved): Partnership histories response status
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1827 (Resolved): Correct weights to use
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1826 (Resolved): Socioeconomic status
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1825 (Resolved): 2011 LSOAs for BHPS waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1823 (Resolved): dual fuel energy expenditure- split into electricity and gas?
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1819 (Resolved): Volunteering and donating questions
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1818 (Resolved): X-wave person identifier of resp. adult
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1817 (Resolved): oldest child via family matrix
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1816 (Resolved): Difference between plnowy4 and mvyr
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:16 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1815 (Resolved): distmov_dv
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:15 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1814 (Resolved): "inapplicable" in sempderived variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:15 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1813 (Resolved): Wave 12 Release Date
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:14 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1812 (Resolved): Aggregate data on specific questions
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:14 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1811 (Resolved): Longitudinal weight selection
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:13 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1808 (Resolved): nunmpsp_dv variable doesn't seem to aling with employ variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:13 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1807 (Resolved): hadsymp and longcovid
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:12 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1806 (Resolved): Socioeconomic classification
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:12 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1805 (Resolved): More information about the variable "bensta2": Education Grant other than a Student Loan or Tuition Fee Loan
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:11 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1803 (Resolved): Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:11 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1801 (Resolved): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:11 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1800 (Resolved): Monthly variable on current labour force status
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:11 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799 (Resolved): query in advance of making data application
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1795 (Resolved): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1793 (Resolved): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1792 (Resolved): Employer changes in BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1791 (Resolved): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1790 (Resolved): Weighting approach in Understanding society
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1787 (Resolved): BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:08 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1786 (Resolved): Weights for longitudinal study
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1784 (Resolved): Questions on Housing Problems
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1782 (Resolved): DK and prefer not to say options in web component of Understanding Society
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1781 (Resolved): Identifying House Moves
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1780 (Resolved): Code creator
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1779 (Resolved): Calculating persistent poverty
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1778 (Resolved): Asking about confusing variable in the birth date in UKHLS
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1777 (Resolved): Creating Longitudinal Weights for Unbalanced Panel
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1775 (Resolved): Reason for job change - same employer, different job
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1773 (Resolved): Gig Economy module
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:06 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1771 (Resolved): Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1768 (Resolved): Merging the Xsample datafile to the main survey
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1767 (Resolved): Difference between j_pdvage and j_dvage
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:05 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1766 (Resolved): BHPS linked to Educational Data
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:04 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1758 (Resolved): Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:04 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1755 (Resolved): Description of creating weights to adjust for nonresponse bias
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:04 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1754 (Resolved): advice on creating a variable for number of children in the main & covid surveys
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1753 (Resolved): How to analyze environmental habits likert scale
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1752 (Resolved): Link wave 9 child module (i_child) with i_hhresp and i_indall
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:03 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1751 (Resolved): Welsh education data linkage query
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:02 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1750 (Resolved): Sample size changes after applying sample weight
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:02 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1749 (Resolved): Permission to use Understanding Society data in a book
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:02 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1748 (Resolved): stable mother pidp and household id in children survey
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:02 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1747 (Resolved): Weight problem when running regression
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:01 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1746 (Resolved): reconciling household income between the main survey & covid-19 survey
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:01 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1744 (Resolved): weight
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1743 (Resolved): Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1742 (Resolved): Recommended Method to Construct Unemployment Duration?
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1741 (Resolved): Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1740 (Resolved): Survey participant drop out across waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:00 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1739 (Resolved): Weights when pooling data from different waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1738 (Resolved): Variables- child abuse, child witnessing of abuse
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1737 (Resolved): Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1736 (Resolved): Data request - by Scottish Local Authority
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1735 (Resolved): Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1734 (Resolved): Imputation flag for income variable fimngrs_dv in BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1732 (Resolved): Inapplicable values in qfhigh_dv variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1731 (Resolved): Interview Time for Main Survey Wave 10
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1730 (Resolved): study youth health
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1729 (Resolved): variable for out of work with a disability
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1728 (Resolved): Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1727 (Resolved): harassment variables unclear
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1726 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1722 (Resolved): Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1720 (Resolved): Which children are selected for parent reported SDQ?
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:57 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1719 (Resolved): Several inconsistencies for birthy and also mastat
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1718 (Resolved): Sexuor Access
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1717 (Resolved): vote8 variable election coverage
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1716 (Resolved): constituency level data
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1714 (Resolved): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1713 (Resolved): fiyrl variable
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1712 (Resolved): Linking waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1711 (Resolved): Identifying care home residents
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1710 (Resolved): Variable for current health status?
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:53 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1708 (Resolved): Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:53 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1707 (Resolved): mvyr - Year Moved To Current Address
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1706 (Resolved): International Socio-Economic Index for class from ISCO-88 codes
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1704 (Resolved): Representative Counts of Migration Moves
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1702 (Resolved): Wave 4 GHQ scores
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1701 (Resolved): Problems with latest release
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1698 (Resolved): Weights for Waves 1-11 (CS and Longitudinal)
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1695 (Resolved): Intimate Partner Violence Related Measure
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1694 (Resolved): Question on meaning ivfio
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1691 (Resolved): Combining BHPS with US, as well as match children to parents across waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1628 (Resolved): data and documentation not matching up (jbsoc variable)
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:46 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1838 (Resolved): Weights when using Data from waves with gaps
Understanding Society User Support Team


12:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1996 (Feedback): Issues using variable fihhmnnet3_dv
Hello Mhairi,
The variable you are referring to is special licence data. For further information about access lev...
Understanding Society User Support Team


12:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1995: question about different SOC used
Hello Peijie,
Our fieldwork agency uses CASCOT to code to the latest SOC and then uses look-up tables to populate...
Understanding Society User Support Team

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