



Support #1861


Job tenure variable in Understanding Society

Added by Laurence O'Brien about 2 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Hi, I would like to work out how long someone has been working for their current employer for in Understanding Society.

I was thinking of using the variables jbbgd, jbbgm jbbgy, but I'm not sure if they contain enough information and it would be good to get some help with this. These variables are usually inapplicable for waves 2+. This is also the case for people who were not working continuously since the previous wave, and for people who have changed employer since the previous wave. So for these people, I can't use information from earlier waves to calculate the number of months they've been working for the same employer.

Is there another way to calculate this, potentially using some other variables, that I am unaware of? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


employment status history flowchart.pdf (193 KB) employment status history flowchart.pdf Understanding Society User Support Team, 02/24/2023 08:42 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

  • Category set to Data documentation
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We aim to respond to simple queries within 48 hours and more complex issues within 7 working days.

Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team

Actions #2

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #3

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

As we use dependent interviewing, if someone is in the same job they are not asked these types of questions about their current job as that wouldn't have changed. In this case, you will need to pick up that information from a past wave when they started working on this job.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Actions #4

Updated by Laurence O'Brien about 2 years ago

Hi Alita,

I understand you use dependent interviewing. It makes sense not to ask these questions to people who are in the same job from one wave to the next. My issue is that, from what I can see in the data, the questions are also not asked to people who have changed job since the previous wave. So for these people I can't use information from previous waves to calculate their job tenure


Actions #5

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

If they were continuously employed and changed jobs then the end date of each job is recorded in jbendd/m/y4 & then in a series of Nxtjbend/m/y4 (loops until reaches current job)

Actions #6

Updated by Laurence O'Brien about 2 years ago

Ah I see, I didn't know about those variables but that's very helpful - thanks! When you say the nxtjbend questions loop, as far as I can see in the data there is only one set of nxtjbend variables. Does this contain the end date of the final job they had that ended or am I missing something? Also what happens if they were not continuously employed?

Basically I guess I would like to know the end of the last spell they had before they started working with their current employer. Sorry I can see this is probably doable but I can't quite work out how to do it.

Actions #7

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

Sorry I should have been clearer, after the next job information if current spell not reached the employment loop starts. I am attaching a diagram of the routing for these questions. These don't include the quesiton/variable name but only the description.

Actions #8

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 2 years ago

  • Category changed from Data documentation to Questionnaire content
Actions #9

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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