Support #1920
Create a Schooling years variable
Hi team,
I need help with some Stata coding...I want to create a schooling years variable to get the number of years of education of an individual. I am only using wave 11 for my analysis. I have realised that both scend and feend only ask new entrants which I guess explain why there are so many -8 responses? From there I have 2 questions.
1)how would you combine feend and scend to not have this divide and jsut know the "education" leaving age of an individual?
2)More importantly- what would be the most efficient way to get the scend and feend values for those in Wave 11 that were not new entrants? Should I load the whole ukhls, drop all missing/-8 ? but from there how would I append/attach those values to my wave 11 dataset (how to match the pidp here?)
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Updated by Pauline Bucher over 1 year ago
Note: I am confused about a 3) thing
3)When recoding the -8 and -1 as misisng in wave 11 for both scend and feend, I only get 1081 observations.
How is that consistent? The way I understand, it means that there were only 1081 new entrants in wave 11 which does not sound right? Am I missing something?
I could work with a restricted sample of new entrants wave 11 but I doubt there were only 1081 and don't know why I have so few?
Updated by Pauline Bucher over 1 year ago
Here is the code I have tried for query 2) using the xwavedat file but I still get only 1081 observations...
use xwavedat, clear
keep pidp feend scend
rename feend felage
rename scend slage
sort pidp
recode slage (-1=.) (-8=.)
recode felage (-1=.) (-8=.)
save educ, replace
use k_indresp, clear
use pidp k_sex k_dvage k_scend k_feend k_country k_health k_disdif1 k_disdif2 k_disdif3 k_disdif4 k_disdif5 k_disdif6 k_disdif7 k_disdif8 k_disdif9 k_disdif10 k_disdif11 k_disdif12 k_disdif96 k_fimnlabgrs_dv k_dissev1 k_dissev2 k_dissev3 k_dissev4 k_dissev5 k_dissev6 k_dissev7 k_dissev8 k_dissev9 k_dissev10 k_dissev11 k_dissev12 using k_indresp, clear
rename k_sex sex
rename k_dvage age
rename k_scend slage
rename k_feend felage
rename k_health disabled
rename k_disdif1 mobility
rename k_disdif2 lifting
rename k_disdif3 dexterity
rename k_disdif4 continence
rename k_disdif5 hearing
rename k_disdif6 sight
rename k_disdif7 communication
rename k_disdif8 learning
rename k_disdif9 danger
rename k_disdif10 coordination
rename k_disdif11 personalcare
rename k_disdif12 other
rename k_disdif96 none
rename k_country nation
rename k_dissev1 mobilitysev
rename k_dissev2 liftingsev
rename k_dissev3 dexteritysev
rename k_dissev4 continencesev
rename k_dissev5 hearingsev
rename k_dissev6 sightsev
rename k_dissev7 communicationsev
rename k_dissev8 learningsev
rename k_dissev9 dangersev
rename k_dissev10 coordinationsev
rename k_dissev11 personalcaresev
rename k_dissev12 othersev
sort pidp
recode slage (-1=.) (-8=.)
recode felage (-1=.) (-8=.)
save data, replace
merge 1:1 pidp using educ, keepusing(felage slage)
drop if age==.
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
- Category changed from Derived variables to Data management
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
- Private changed from Yes to No
1) I am afraid I can't help you with this one, that depends on you research problem and we leave such decisions to researchers.
2) Please link that information from the xwavedat datafile using pidp.
Hope it helps.
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
Sorry, I missed your further posts.
Re 2, the advice is the same, the most efficient way is to link that information from xwavedat, you don't need to use k_scend and k_feend at all, scend and feend from xwavedat includes the same information (for wave 11, that is), save for a few mismatches due additional cleaning performed in xwavedat. The -8 on k_scend and k_feend are people who were outside of the universe for these questions in wave 11, you can find the universe in the pdf of the questionnaires ( Btw, please note that the number of respondents who were asked k_feend, k_scend or both is smaller than 1081 (count if k_feend >0 | k_scend >0 -> 702 cases), that's because there are some cases for which k_feend >0 & k_scend >0 is true.
I would also recommend recoding all possible missing values at once, that is, to recode the whole range from -9 to -1, e.g. mvdecode k_scend k_feend, mv(-9/-1). In this case this wouldn't make any difference, but it can be useful for other variables, you can also recode all variables in the dataset at once: mvdecode _all, mv(-9/-1)
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 10 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 100