From 11/24/2023 to 12/23/2023
10:45 AM Support #2010: BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- Hi, thank you for the response. Unfortunately, the link to the Stata code doesn't seem to work. Where can I find it, ...
03:16 PM Support #2009 (Feedback): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- Dear Marina,
Here is the answer from our Covid-19 data weighting expert:
"You aren’t going to be able to use th... -
11:09 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
- Thank you very much, Olena, for your help, I understand the point.
If I wanted to use Understanding Society weight...
05:01 PM Support #2015 (Feedback): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Dear Alexander,
In principle, it would be possible to use the linked central registry data at the LLC, but please ... -
04:57 PM Support #2018 (Feedback): Month migrants came to Britain
- Hello,
I'm afraid we don't collect the information about the month of arrival to the UK.
Best wishes,
UKHLS Us... -
10:59 AM Support #2018 (Resolved): Month migrants came to Britain
- I wish to use Understanding Society retrospective data to construct life histories of migrants within the Understandi...
02:31 PM Support #2009 (In Progress): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
02:30 PM Support #2017 (Feedback): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
- Hi Karen,
1. We leave the choice about how to code the values in such cases to users.
2. I'd suggest looking thro... -
12:07 PM Support #2017 (Resolved): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
- Dear officer,
I am looking at the variables indicating the volunteering. I noticed that 'volfreq' collected during... -
02:24 PM Support #2015 (In Progress): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Hi Alexander,
I will check this one with the linkage team.
Best wishes,
Piotr Marzec
UKHLS User Support -
09:20 AM Support #2015 (Resolved): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
In US death information is available via the variables dcsedfl_dv (respondent rep... -
02:16 PM Support #2014 (Feedback): Scottish health data
- Hi Alexander,
I'm afraid this release is delayed and will be released in the second half of 2024 at the earliest.
... -
02:08 PM Support #2014 (In Progress): Scottish health data
- Hi Alexander,
I'm checking this with the linkage team. I'll get back to you when they respond.
Best wishes,
Pi... -
09:02 AM Support #2014 (Resolved): Scottish health data
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
your website
... -
01:59 PM Support #2016 (Feedback): Family connections
- Hello,
1.Yes, that is correct. However, you can find some information about non-resident family members provided b... -
09:56 AM Support #2016 (Resolved): Family connections
- Hello,
I have a few questions regarding family connections:
1. I read the user guide for the family matrix (xhh...
01:56 PM Support #2009: Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:56 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
- Hi Fergus,
Variable search should be back to normal now. Please let us know in case you encounter any further issu...
03:03 PM Support #1968 (Resolved): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
02:58 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
- Thank you for the prompt reply! This is very helpful. Sorry to pile on - I just thought it was important to draw your...
02:41 PM Support #2013 (Feedback): Issue with new USoc variable search
- Hi,
We've just launched a new Understanding Society website and we still have some teething problems. The variable... -
02:36 PM Support #2013 (Resolved): Issue with new USoc variable search
- The variable search page on the understanding society website seems to have been updated recently and is no longer wo...
02:56 PM Support #2007: Code Creator
- Hi Martha,
We've just launched our new website, so I am afraid I need to kindly ask you to check it once again. In... -
02:36 PM Support #2006 (Feedback): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
02:35 PM Support #2012 (Feedback): longitudinal weight
11:29 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
- Margherita,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this isn't an option. The results will be wrong if our wei... -
02:35 PM Support #2011 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
- Hi,
There are quite a few measures of class in the study but the most widely available across the BHPS and UKHLS i... -
08:33 AM Support #1832: Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
- I am struggling to find this faq you refer to, please could you link it?
03:03 PM Support #2012 (Resolved): longitudinal weight
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
I am currently examining the relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWA... -
02:38 PM Support #2006: Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
- Marina,
You could use calendar data longitudinally with a correct set up. For this you would need to select the we... -
09:12 AM Support #2011 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
- Hi, quick question. I am just wondering if either (or both) of these datasets contain variables on social class, simi...
09:07 AM Support #2007: Code Creator
- Yes, I am still having the issue today.
04:37 PM Support #2007 (Feedback): Code Creator
- Hello,
Could you please check if the error persists? We know that this sometimes happens but is only temporary and... -
02:07 PM Support #2007 (In Progress): Code Creator
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:35 PM Support #2010 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- Dear Joe,
That is quite a big topic but I do my best to give a few (hopefully) useful hints. First of all, when yo... -
02:20 PM Support #2010 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- I am writing my dissertation on intergenerational mobility in the UK. My question relates to the harmonised BHPS and ...
03:05 PM Support #2008 (Feedback): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
- Hi,
For non-resident parents you can use paedqf and maedqf, or panssec8_dv and manssec8_dv, for resident parents y... -
10:28 AM Support #2008 (Resolved): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
- I'm wondering is there a socio-economic status indicator for those aged 16/17? As highest educational attainment/ job...
01:46 PM Support #2009 (Resolved): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- To whom it may concern,
I would appreciate some help/guidance with using longitudinal weights for the understandin...
03:24 PM Support #2007 (Resolved): Code Creator
- Good afternoon, when using the code creator function on the website I get the following error when I click "get your ...
01:52 PM Support #2006 (Resolved): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
- Hello,
I am reaching out to kindly request help on how to conduct longitudinal analysis using calendar year datase... -
01:21 PM Support #2004 (Feedback): Selection of weights
11:28 AM Support #2004: Selection of weights
- Joanna,
Thank you for your question. It has a few sub-questions which I will answer separately below.
1. If all t... -
01:21 PM Support #2002 (Feedback): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
- Dear Joanna,
Up to and including W12 the focus was on bio kids, so only maternity/paternity leave.
From W13 we up...
06:17 PM Support #2001: Special licence request
- Dear Roberto,
Thank you very much for the prompt reply, which is very helpful.
In addition to the main survey a... -
04:12 PM Support #2004: Selection of weights
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:11 PM Support #2004 (Resolved): Selection of weights
- Hello,
I am looking to use information on new parents (newmum/newdad), specifically dates of leave taken when chil... -
11:48 AM Support #2003 (Feedback): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
- Dear Ceri,
You can find the code creating this variable in the file available here: https://www.underst... -
09:36 AM Support #2000: BHPS+UKLHS weigths
- Thanks a lot!
09:06 PM Support #2003 (Resolved): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
- Hi
I would like to understand how benefit units are defined within UKHLS to ensure consistency with a variable I a...
04:59 PM Support #2002 (In Progress): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:16 PM Support #2002 (Resolved): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
- Hi,
I am preparing to analyse the take up of maternity/paternity leave among parents of children born into UKHLS.
... -
04:45 PM Support #2001 (Feedback): Special licence request
- Hello Miriam,
You may explore the following variables in the main Study -file w_indresp
|_. variable |_. label |... -
02:36 PM Support #2001 (Resolved): Special licence request
- Dear support team of UKHLS,
I am a researcher working on the UKHLS dataset to understand the mental health traject... -
11:06 AM Support #2000 (Feedback): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
- Hello Aelen,
You are correct, “fihhmngrs_dv” is the household income variable harmonised (BHPS + UKHLS).
If you...
04:16 PM Support #2000 (Resolved): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
- Hello, first of all thanks for you prompt support, that's super helpful!
My issue is the following: I pooled BHPS an... -
04:09 PM Support #1999 (Feedback): treatment of HMOs
- Hello Marika,
All household members of the households selected at the first wave and their descendants constitute... -
02:30 PM Support #1999 (Resolved): treatment of HMOs
- Hi, I am interested in how USOC treats full-time students and HMOs in terms of households composition. More specifica...
03:35 PM Support #1998 (Feedback): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
- Hello Martha,
There is a benefits module in the main Study, which has the variable “Frwc” related to the “period ... -
01:47 PM Support #1998 (In Progress): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:38 AM Support #1998 (Resolved): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
- I was wondering if there is a variable that measure current benefit receipt in the covid19 survey (and what this vari...
12:15 PM Support #1997 (Feedback): Issues using variable w_fimnnet_dv in COVID-19 dataset jk_wave
- Dear Mhairi,
The jk file combines the second part of the wave 10 fieldwork and the first part of the wave 11 field...
03:21 PM Support #1997 (Resolved): Issues using variable w_fimnnet_dv in COVID-19 dataset jk_wave
- Hello,
I am currently analyse the COVID-19 dataset, including the jk (2019) wave. I want to include a variable fo... -
02:10 PM Support #1875 (Resolved): jbscoc00
02:09 PM Support #1975 (Resolved): Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level
02:09 PM Support #1988 (Resolved): Jbbgdat variable
02:02 PM Support #1081 (Resolved): Youth and individual respondents datasets - merging info
02:02 PM Support #1921 (Resolved): Non-Covid affected data
01:59 PM Support #1910 (Resolved): Information about NHS and purchase of private health isurance
- Dear Rosemary,
I am very sorry we missed your follow-up question. You are right that private health service can be... -
01:34 PM Support #1883: Periods for personal income - fimnlabgrs_dv & paygu_dv
- Thanks a lot, Piotr. That's helpful.
Best wishes,
Selçuk -
12:58 PM Support #1883 (Resolved): Periods for personal income - fimnlabgrs_dv & paygu_dv
01:33 PM Support #1985 (Resolved): Representativeness of housing tenure (tenure_dv)
01:32 PM Support #1982 (Resolved): reference person weights
01:32 PM Support #1981 (Resolved): Loneliness measure 'inapplicable' responses at wave 12
01:32 PM Support #1980 (Resolved): What is jbsoc90ly_cc?
01:32 PM Support #1979 (Resolved): Using UKHLS for financial year poverty rates
01:31 PM Support #1978 (Resolved): Potential issue with coding of wkaut1 wkaut2 wkaut3 wkaut4 and wkaut5 variables
01:31 PM Support #1977 (Resolved): Birth and non-birth parents
01:31 PM Support #1976 (Resolved): Combing specific variables from two waves for cross-sectional analysis
01:30 PM Support #1974 (Resolved): Other Arthritis and Other Cancer in j_hcondno* Variables
01:30 PM Support #1973 (Resolved): Family matrix
01:30 PM Support #1972 (Resolved): Asking health conditions (hcond*) and first apperance
01:27 PM Support #1971 (Resolved): vote8 for waves 3 through 6
01:27 PM Support #1968 (New): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
01:27 PM Support #1967 (Resolved): Derived OECD equivalience scale variable which matches scale used to calculate relative poverty
01:26 PM Support #1966 (Resolved): cross-sectional analysis
01:26 PM Support #1964 (Resolved): Universe for mglife and other home-ownership related questions
01:26 PM Support #1963 (Resolved): Missing LSOA for hidp across waves
01:25 PM Support #1962 (Resolved): Early-wave proxy/inapplicables for the physical and mental health (sf / scsf) variables and sources for the derived scales (sf12mcs_dv)
01:25 PM Support #1961 (Resolved): Newly diagosed health conditions in UKHLS wave 10
01:25 PM Support #1960 (Resolved): EU referendum questions
01:24 PM Support #1959 (Resolved): pooled analysis for one calendar year from 3 waves?
01:24 PM Support #1958 (Resolved): Inquire about using 2011 Lower Super Output Areas data create Townsend Score and Carstairs Index
01:24 PM Support #1957 (Resolved): Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
01:24 PM Support #1955 (Resolved): General election voting variables routing
01:24 PM Support #1954 (Resolved): Absent from household
01:23 PM Support #1953 (Resolved): Inconsistencies in hcondna1 vs hconda01 and age told had health condition (starting age health condition)
01:23 PM Support #1952 (Resolved): Parenting style weights
01:23 PM Support #1951 (Resolved): Zero longitudinal weights
01:23 PM Support #1950 (Resolved): Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
01:23 PM Support #1949 (Resolved): Merging two datasets
01:22 PM Support #1948 (Resolved): variables in secure data
01:22 PM Support #1947 (Resolved): Information on pooled data
01:22 PM Support #1945 (Resolved): Using the individual questionnaire
01:22 PM Support #1944 (Resolved): Sample size in regressions
01:18 PM Support #1941 (Resolved): Employee (jbpen + jbpenm) and personal (ppen + ppreg) pensions in Understanding Society - query re. some wave data
01:17 PM Support #1939 (Resolved): Data availability
01:17 PM Support #1937 (Resolved): "Inapplicable" responses for dweltyp
01:16 PM Support #1934 (Resolved): Linked credit history FCA data to be released in 2023
01:16 PM Support #1933 (Resolved): Linking individual data to mother's data in the BHPS
01:16 PM Support #1931 (Resolved): Child Birthweight
01:16 PM Support #1929 (Resolved): ISCO classification of occupations
01:15 PM Support #1928 (Resolved): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
01:15 PM Support #1927 (Resolved): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
01:10 PM Support #1926 (Resolved): Parent-reported variables
01:10 PM Support #1925 (Resolved): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
01:09 PM Support #1924 (Resolved): Control for mother/father educ
01:09 PM Support #1922 (Resolved): Care Home
01:09 PM Support #1920 (Resolved): Create a Schooling years variable
01:09 PM Support #1919 (Resolved): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
01:08 PM Support #1918 (Resolved): Controlling for residence/county
01:08 PM Support #1917 (Resolved): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
01:06 PM Support #1916 (Resolved): xwavedat vs xwaveid
01:06 PM Support #1912 (Resolved): Merging newborn and child data Waves 11 & 12
01:04 PM Support #1908 (Resolved): Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
01:03 PM Support #1904 (Resolved): Using weights when variables have some or many "missing value" codes or NAs due to missing household level data
01:03 PM Support #1902 (Resolved): weights individual files waves 10 -11 wide format
01:02 PM Support #1899 (Resolved): Household weights
01:02 PM Support #1898 (Resolved): Link respondents to Westminster electoral constituencies
01:02 PM Support #1897 (Resolved): Birth year and birth order of all ever child
01:01 PM Support #1896 (Resolved): why there are so many cases inapplicable in terms of occupational class (current job)
01:01 PM Support #1894 (Resolved): Weight for unbalanced and merged UKHLS and BHPS data
01:01 PM Support #1893 (Resolved): How can I match the information of youths onto that of their fathers and mothers
01:01 PM Support #1892 (Resolved): Question regarding longitudinal weights
01:00 PM Support #1890 (In Progress): Extracting PSU and Individual-Level Weights for a Multilevel Model
01:00 PM Support #1889 (Resolved): Missing waves when merging UKHLS and BHPS datasets
01:00 PM Support #1888 (Resolved): Interpretation of 'trainany'
12:59 PM Support #1887 (Resolved): Merging PEACH with core file
12:59 PM Support #1886 (Resolved): Weighting unemployment duration data
12:59 PM Support #1885 (Resolved): Health status of all the household members
12:58 PM Support #1884 (Resolved): Reporting economic inactivity using the UK Household Longitudinal Study
12:58 PM Support #1882 (Resolved): Linking individual and household data and analysing at a household level
12:58 PM Support #1881 (Resolved): Explaining valid skips for AUDIT-C items
12:57 PM Support #1880 (Resolved): Smart meter data
12:57 PM Support #1879 (Resolved): More detailed country of origin
12:57 PM Support #1878 (Resolved): Census 2011 Output Area Classification Linked Dataset
12:57 PM Support #1877 (Resolved): Special Licence Access, Census 2011 Output Area Classification
12:57 PM Support #1876 (Resolved): benefit claim
12:54 PM Support #1873 (Resolved): Health conditions explanation on website
12:54 PM Support #1872 (Resolved): Pooling waves for longitudinal analysis
12:54 PM Support #1871 (Resolved): Inquiry on the place of residence
12:54 PM Support #1870 (Resolved): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
12:53 PM Support #1869 (Resolved): 2021 calendar data
12:53 PM Support #1868 (Resolved): Use of weights for analysing job quality in UKHLS, Waves 4, 6, 8 and 10
12:53 PM Support #1867 (Resolved): Significant change between waves - longitudinal weight
12:53 PM Support #1866 (Resolved): Code Creator Beta No longer working
12:52 PM Support #1865 (Resolved): Changes to USOC wave data downloaded from UK Data Service compared to previous downloads of the waves
12:52 PM Support #1864 (Resolved): Using survey weights in longitudinal analysis
12:52 PM Support #1863 (Resolved): coding health conditions
12:52 PM Support #1862 (Resolved): Welsh Language
12:51 PM Support #1861 (Resolved): Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
12:51 PM Support #1860 (Resolved): household income special licence variables
12:51 PM Support #1859 (Resolved): sample size loss due to weighting
12:51 PM Support #1858 (Resolved): Inquiry on the Youth files in BHPS
12:51 PM Support #1857 (Resolved): ISCED levels for Main study waves 1 to 12
12:50 PM Support #1856 (Resolved): Coding of currently on maternity leave
12:50 PM Support #1854 (Resolved): Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles variable
12:49 PM Support #1853 (Resolved): Missing Data in Higher Education Codes
12:49 PM Support #1852 (Resolved): Select the correct weighting values
12:49 PM Support #1851 (Resolved): Labour Income whilst on maternity leave
12:49 PM Support #1850 (Resolved): Query regarding consent for the COVID-19 study
12:48 PM Support #1848 (Resolved): Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
12:47 PM Support #1847 (Resolved): Panel construction across all UKHLS for paygu_dv
12:47 PM Support #1846 (Resolved): Question re. recontact for Understanding Society cohort
12:47 PM Support #1845 (Resolved): Childhood socioeconomic status for adults
12:47 PM Support #1844 (Resolved): Data Linkage with Stroke NHS Data
12:46 PM Support #1843 (Resolved): missing data on parental education
12:46 PM Support #1842 (Resolved): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
12:46 PM Support #1841 (Resolved): charitable giving in wave 12 or wave 13?
12:46 PM Support #1840 (Resolved): errors in 4-digits ISCO88 variable
12:45 PM Support #1837 (Resolved): Census 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas
12:45 PM Support #1836 (Resolved): 2021 calendar data
12:45 PM Support #1835 (Resolved): Number of dependent children (inside or outside of household) - variable availability
12:44 PM Support #1834 (Resolved): Linkage National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED)
12:44 PM Support #1833 (Resolved): Data information necessary for publication in journal
12:43 PM Support #1832 (Resolved): Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
12:43 PM Support #1831 (Resolved): hhgrid_w12.clstat
12:42 PM Support #1829 (Resolved): Proportions of groups within inactive population.
12:42 PM Support #1828 (Resolved): Partnership histories response status
12:42 PM Support #1827 (Resolved): Correct weights to use
12:42 PM Support #1826 (Resolved): Socioeconomic status
12:32 PM Support #1825 (Resolved): 2011 LSOAs for BHPS waves
12:32 PM Support #1823 (Resolved): dual fuel energy expenditure- split into electricity and gas?
12:31 PM Support #1819 (Resolved): Volunteering and donating questions
12:28 PM Support #1818 (Resolved): X-wave person identifier of resp. adult
11:16 AM Support #1817 (Resolved): oldest child via family matrix
11:16 AM Support #1816 (Resolved): Difference between plnowy4 and mvyr
11:16 AM Support #1815 (Resolved): distmov_dv
11:15 AM Support #1814 (Resolved): "inapplicable" in sempderived variable
11:15 AM Support #1813 (Resolved): Wave 12 Release Date
11:14 AM Support #1812 (Resolved): Aggregate data on specific questions
11:14 AM Support #1811 (Resolved): Longitudinal weight selection
11:13 AM Support #1808 (Resolved): nunmpsp_dv variable doesn't seem to aling with employ variable
11:13 AM Support #1807 (Resolved): hadsymp and longcovid
11:12 AM Support #1806 (Resolved): Socioeconomic classification
11:12 AM Support #1805 (Resolved): More information about the variable "bensta2": Education Grant other than a Student Loan or Tuition Fee Loan
11:11 AM Support #1803 (Resolved): Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
11:11 AM Support #1801 (Resolved): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
11:11 AM Support #1800 (Resolved): Monthly variable on current labour force status
11:11 AM Support #1799 (Resolved): query in advance of making data application
11:10 AM Support #1795 (Resolved): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
11:10 AM Support #1793 (Resolved): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
11:10 AM Support #1792 (Resolved): Employer changes in BHPS
11:09 AM Support #1791 (Resolved): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
11:09 AM Support #1790 (Resolved): Weighting approach in Understanding society
11:09 AM Support #1787 (Resolved): BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
11:08 AM Support #1786 (Resolved): Weights for longitudinal study
11:07 AM Support #1784 (Resolved): Questions on Housing Problems
11:07 AM Support #1782 (Resolved): DK and prefer not to say options in web component of Understanding Society
11:07 AM Support #1781 (Resolved): Identifying House Moves
11:07 AM Support #1780 (Resolved): Code creator
11:07 AM Support #1779 (Resolved): Calculating persistent poverty
11:06 AM Support #1778 (Resolved): Asking about confusing variable in the birth date in UKHLS
11:06 AM Support #1777 (Resolved): Creating Longitudinal Weights for Unbalanced Panel
11:06 AM Support #1775 (Resolved): Reason for job change - same employer, different job
11:06 AM Support #1773 (Resolved): Gig Economy module
11:06 AM Support #1771 (Resolved): Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
11:05 AM Support #1768 (Resolved): Merging the Xsample datafile to the main survey
11:05 AM Support #1767 (Resolved): Difference between j_pdvage and j_dvage
11:05 AM Support #1766 (Resolved): BHPS linked to Educational Data
11:04 AM Support #1758 (Resolved): Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
11:04 AM Support #1755 (Resolved): Description of creating weights to adjust for nonresponse bias
11:04 AM Support #1754 (Resolved): advice on creating a variable for number of children in the main & covid surveys
11:03 AM Support #1753 (Resolved): How to analyze environmental habits likert scale
11:03 AM Support #1752 (Resolved): Link wave 9 child module (i_child) with i_hhresp and i_indall
11:03 AM Support #1751 (Resolved): Welsh education data linkage query
11:02 AM Support #1750 (Resolved): Sample size changes after applying sample weight
11:02 AM Support #1749 (Resolved): Permission to use Understanding Society data in a book
11:02 AM Support #1748 (Resolved): stable mother pidp and household id in children survey
11:02 AM Support #1747 (Resolved): Weight problem when running regression
11:01 AM Support #1746 (Resolved): reconciling household income between the main survey & covid-19 survey
11:01 AM Support #1744 (Resolved): weight
11:00 AM Support #1743 (Resolved): Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
11:00 AM Support #1742 (Resolved): Recommended Method to Construct Unemployment Duration?
11:00 AM Support #1741 (Resolved): Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
11:00 AM Support #1740 (Resolved): Survey participant drop out across waves
11:00 AM Support #1739 (Resolved): Weights when pooling data from different waves
10:59 AM Support #1738 (Resolved): Variables- child abuse, child witnessing of abuse
10:59 AM Support #1737 (Resolved): Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
10:59 AM Support #1736 (Resolved): Data request - by Scottish Local Authority
10:59 AM Support #1735 (Resolved): Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
10:59 AM Support #1734 (Resolved): Imputation flag for income variable fimngrs_dv in BHPS
10:58 AM Support #1732 (Resolved): Inapplicable values in qfhigh_dv variable
10:58 AM Support #1731 (Resolved): Interview Time for Main Survey Wave 10
10:58 AM Support #1730 (Resolved): study youth health
10:58 AM Support #1729 (Resolved): variable for out of work with a disability
10:58 AM Support #1728 (Resolved): Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
10:57 AM Support #1727 (Resolved): harassment variables unclear
10:57 AM Support #1726 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
10:57 AM Support #1722 (Resolved): Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
10:57 AM Support #1720 (Resolved): Which children are selected for parent reported SDQ?
10:57 AM Support #1719 (Resolved): Several inconsistencies for birthy and also mastat
10:56 AM Support #1718 (Resolved): Sexuor Access
10:56 AM Support #1717 (Resolved): vote8 variable election coverage
10:56 AM Support #1716 (Resolved): constituency level data
10:56 AM Support #1714 (Resolved): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
10:55 AM Support #1713 (Resolved): fiyrl variable
10:54 AM Support #1712 (Resolved): Linking waves
10:54 AM Support #1711 (Resolved): Identifying care home residents
10:54 AM Support #1710 (Resolved): Variable for current health status?
10:53 AM Support #1708 (Resolved): Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
10:53 AM Support #1707 (Resolved): mvyr - Year Moved To Current Address
10:51 AM Support #1706 (Resolved): International Socio-Economic Index for class from ISCO-88 codes
10:50 AM Support #1704 (Resolved): Representative Counts of Migration Moves
10:50 AM Support #1702 (Resolved): Wave 4 GHQ scores
10:50 AM Support #1701 (Resolved): Problems with latest release
10:50 AM Support #1698 (Resolved): Weights for Waves 1-11 (CS and Longitudinal)
10:49 AM Support #1695 (Resolved): Intimate Partner Violence Related Measure
10:49 AM Support #1694 (Resolved): Question on meaning ivfio
10:49 AM Support #1691 (Resolved): Combining BHPS with US, as well as match children to parents across waves
10:48 AM Support #1628 (Resolved): data and documentation not matching up (jbsoc variable)
10:46 AM Support #1838 (Resolved): Weights when using Data from waves with gaps
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