





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
329 Closed High year resp left f-t education / year first job Janina Zeh 12/22/2014 08:50 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
328 Closed High Urban - Rural indicator - combining England & Wales with Scotland, and Northern Ireland Andy Ross 12/22/2014 08:50 AM

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327 Closed High Fed-forward employment status at W3 Amanda Hughes 12/22/2014 08:51 AM

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331 Closed Normal grid variables Maria Katia Orteca 01/05/2015 12:41 PM

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336 Closed High Parents' occupational social class when respondent was aged 14 for new UKHLS respondents Amanda Hughes 01/26/2015 04:00 PM

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333 Closed High Components of: a_fihhmngrs_dv gross household income: month before interview Alex Turner 01/28/2015 09:42 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
335 Closed Normal Household weights in b_hhresp Wave 2 Dharmi Kapadia 02/04/2015 02:17 PM

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334 Closed Normal Variables related to (jobmarket) training in US William Elming 02/04/2015 02:17 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
339 Closed High Pensions Module in w11 and w16 BHPS, Is There a Similar Pensions Module in US? Onyinye Ezeyi 02/17/2015 12:35 PM

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338 Closed Normal Nurse Health Assessment Dharmi Kapadia 02/17/2015 12:35 PM

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337 Closed Normal d_qfhigh_dv and d_hiqual_dv in Understanding Society Vivian So 02/17/2015 12:35 PM

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330 Closed Normal current hh income - negative figures Mike Wilson 02/17/2015 12:36 PM

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340 Closed Normal job spell data Stefanie Jane 02/26/2015 10:54 AM

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346 Closed Normal b_ff_ukborn - high level of missing data Dharmi Kapadia 03/16/2015 12:04 PM

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345 Closed Urgent pregnancy Nora Alafif 03/16/2015 12:05 PM

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342 Closed High BHPS sample in US Onyinye Ezeyi 03/16/2015 12:05 PM

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341 Closed Normal ethnicity or place of birth of partners (cohabiting partner or spouses) Tina Hannemann 03/16/2015 12:05 PM

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348 Closed Normal longitudinal or cross-sectional weights Stefanie Jane 03/26/2015 04:21 PM

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350 Closed Normal Council tax David Comerford 03/26/2015 04:21 PM

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349 Closed Urgent GLYCATED HAEMOGLOBIN (HbA1c) Rasha Alfawaz 03/26/2015 04:22 PM

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344 Closed High Where can I find the variables movemth and moveyr in waves 2, 3 and 4? Gilllian Paull 04/02/2015 02:43 PM

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343 Closed High Variables jnmnth and jnyear missing in wave 4? Gilllian Paull 04/02/2015 02:46 PM

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243 Closed Urgent BHPS query - Waves 12 + 17 Jonathan Burton 04/02/2015 02:48 PM

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158 Closed Normal Derived income variables in the BHPS Sara Watson 04/02/2015 02:48 PM

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332 Closed Normal In ECHP, FC and WFTC are included in pi211mg and deducted to get pi211m? Diego Collado 04/02/2015 05:19 PM

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347 Closed Normal finding open-ended question data from BHPS Achim Edelmann 04/13/2015 09:06 AM

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353 Closed Normal fed-forward (_ff_): what does this mean (doesn't always match previous wave) Phil Jones 04/13/2015 09:09 AM

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354 Closed High mc Nora Alafif 04/13/2015 09:10 AM

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352 Closed High BHPS Elisa Macchi 04/13/2015 10:32 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
351 Closed Normal longitudinal vs. cross-sectional weights Carolina Zuccotti 04/13/2015 10:50 AM

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358 Closed Normal selfemployed well being Julia Heynat 04/23/2015 03:15 PM

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363 Closed Urgent educational qualification variables Yaojun Li 04/28/2015 03:02 PM

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369 Closed High missing paju maju Carolina Zuccotti 05/05/2015 12:49 PM

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364 Closed Normal Update on linking Understanding Society to Hospital Episode Statistics Alex Turner 05/11/2015 09:30 AM

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362 Closed Normal weights for longitudinal analysis Anonymous 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

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361 Closed Normal variables about house's type Maria Katia Orteca 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

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374 Closed Normal Response rates in wave 1 Caroline Tait 05/22/2015 12:26 PM

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372 Closed Normal Longitudinal weighting Ulrike Rauer 05/22/2015 12:26 PM

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370 Closed Normal Local authorities Noah Carl 05/22/2015 12:27 PM

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357 Closed Normal cluster variable Elisa Macchi 05/22/2015 12:29 PM

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375 Closed Normal migrant group related queries Ayse Uskul 05/27/2015 12:17 PM

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368 Closed Urgent variable "inc1lab" (Wave C) Sabrina Kraus 06/08/2015 03:13 PM

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380 Closed Normal conditional access to BHPS with older LAD coding? Jiazhe Zhu 06/11/2015 02:50 PM

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379 Closed Normal Query re nursing occupation representation in the datasets Anda Bayliss 06/11/2015 02:50 PM

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377 Closed Normal Twins Fruhling Rijsdijk 06/11/2015 02:50 PM

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359 Closed Normal savings greater than income Elisa Macchi 06/15/2015 01:27 PM

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384 Closed High NS-SEC variable M Bourne 06/18/2015 03:31 PM

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382 Closed Normal *_sex (not *_sex_cr) in egoalt file Dave Griffiths 06/23/2015 10:15 AM

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365 Closed Normal Net income variables Tom MacInnes 06/23/2015 10:17 AM

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381 Closed Normal lvwhy recording Valentina Zigante 07/07/2015 04:00 PM

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378 Closed Immediate Retirement data Sarah Qu 07/07/2015 04:01 PM

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386 Closed Normal Using BHPS / Understanding Society for CNEF Martin Schröder 07/16/2015 11:38 AM

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389 Closed Normal Secure data question Tarra Penney 07/21/2015 10:45 AM

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385 Closed Normal EMB sample Vivian So 07/21/2015 10:45 AM

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391 Closed Urgent job tenure variable in Understanding Society Jun Liu 08/06/2015 02:37 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
387 Closed High Weights when nurse visit is baseline Amanda Hughes 08/06/2015 02:38 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
392 Closed Normal secondary vs. post-secondary distinctions in vocational quals Jonathan Burton 08/11/2015 04:11 PM

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400 Closed Normal Identifying when IP sample members die Peter Lynn 08/12/2015 01:46 PM

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403 Closed Normal Questionnaire epilepsy Elisabeth Burdukova 08/17/2015 09:48 AM

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397 Closed Normal question about Total personal income annually Greg Hines 08/17/2015 11:52 AM

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395 Closed Normal Match income variables from BHPS to UndSoc Andreas Wiedemann 08/17/2015 11:53 AM

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398 Closed Normal Identifying drop outs and re joiners Gretta Mohan 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

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394 Closed Urgent Data in Excel? Julia Halej 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

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393 Closed Normal Weights for unbalanced panel Gareth Hagger-Johnson 08/24/2015 09:22 AM

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399 Closed Normal w_hiqual_dv coding Stefanie Jane 08/27/2015 04:01 PM

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402 Closed Normal Health conditions Phil Jones 09/01/2015 05:04 PM

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401 Closed Normal Weights and finding variables Tracy Turc-Milloy 09/10/2015 05:21 PM

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405 Closed Normal Data on relationsihp duration Paco Perales 09/16/2015 06:07 PM

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407 Closed High Missing variables in the UKHLS for the continuing members of the BHPS hiba hussein 09/16/2015 06:08 PM

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408 Closed Normal mc Chihiro Udagawa 09/16/2015 06:08 PM

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413 Closed Normal discovering whether a variable is asked in Round 5 (etc.) David Bartram 09/22/2015 10:49 AM

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409 Closed Normal Weights for w2 bloods Gill Weston 09/22/2015 10:51 AM

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404 Closed Normal Where did sceverdrnk go? Cara Booker 09/28/2015 02:14 PM

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416 Closed High SOC 00 to ISCO 1988 stata dofile (code for 4 digits) Understanding society dataset Albert Arcarons 09/28/2015 02:15 PM

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423 Closed Normal Application to use HES data Gareth Hagger-Johnson 10/07/2015 08:44 AM

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420 Closed Normal NPD linkage Jennifer Roberts 10/12/2015 09:25 AM

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425 Closed Normal MEMORIG unclear values Chris Martin 10/12/2015 09:26 AM

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426 Closed Urgent Merging youth to family information K.Samantha Russell Jonsson 10/23/2015 07:05 AM

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427 Closed Normal Income variables' descriptive stats on US website do not match my results Gabriella Melis 10/23/2015 07:06 AM

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431 Closed Normal Coding of 'missing' in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data of variable 'a_scghq2_dv' Sharon Cruise 10/23/2015 07:11 AM

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432 Closed Normal Distributions of NS-SEC variables in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data Sharon Cruise 10/23/2015 07:12 AM

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434 Closed Normal "None of the above" in `w'_qfhigh Yujung Whang 10/30/2015 11:06 AM

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433 Closed Normal How can I apply for a special license? Yujung Whang 10/30/2015 11:06 AM

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429 Closed Normal Calculation of Benefits Income in BHPS and USoc Lori Bougher 10/30/2015 11:07 AM

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424 Closed Normal Proxies in general, how do they work? Vernon Hedge 10/30/2015 11:12 AM

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436 Closed Normal How to identify the Household Reference Person Laura Jones 11/09/2015 01:01 PM

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428 Closed Normal Adult SC Questionnaire Wave 2 afshin zilanawala 11/09/2015 01:02 PM

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418 Closed Normal Understanding Society dataset harmonised with GGP Katy Keenan 11/09/2015 01:03 PM

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417 Closed Normal Choice of income bands in proxy question on annual earnings Till Hoffmann 11/09/2015 01:03 PM

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415 Closed Normal Question on household income Irene Sanchez 11/09/2015 01:03 PM

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406 Closed High Calcuation of net income variables Andreas Wiedemann 11/09/2015 01:04 PM

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241 Closed High c_fiyrinvinc_dv vs c_fiyrdia Onyinye Ezeyi 11/09/2015 01:04 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
437 Closed Normal sample design and community establishments Phil Jones 11/10/2015 10:35 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
440 Closed Urgent Longitudinal Regression Analysis Weights Esther Afolalu 11/10/2015 10:36 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
430 Closed High Sample size and weight within blood sample w2 Gaelle Albertus 11/10/2015 10:37 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
422 Closed Urgent SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3 Ashwin Kumar 11/10/2015 10:37 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
435 Closed High Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS Ourega-Zoe Ejebu 11/10/2015 10:38 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
419 Closed Normal Adult self completion wave 2 and weights afshin zilanawala 11/10/2015 10:41 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
412 Closed High Weights for BHPS and Understanding Society Andreas Wiedemann 11/10/2015 10:42 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
414 Closed Normal Weights for unbalanced panel Ewan Carr 11/10/2015 10:44 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
(201-300/1938) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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