Support #347
closedfinding open-ended question data from BHPS
Dear Documentation Team,
I try to locate data from the BHPs but have trouble locating it. Would be
great if you could point me into the right direction here.
I am specifically looking for data gathered through the open-ended questions
in the BHPs (the non-encoded verbatim record if possible). For example, as
far as I known, in years 1997, 2002, and 2007, the BHPs included a question
asking respondents sth along the lines of "Would you take a moment to think
about what 'quality of life' means to you, and tell me what things you
consider are important for your own quality of life?" (see Plagnol & Scott
2009, attached) However, I have trouble identifying this variable in the
questionnaires and locating the corresponding data in the datasets I could
access through the UK dataservice (I assumed it should be in SN: 5151
British Household Panel Survey: Waves 1-18, 1991-2009?) I would much
appreciate your help here-a small hint might already be enough!-i.e. what
variable would this open-question be and, correspondingly, in which dataset
could I locate the transcribed answers.
Furthermore, is there an overview of all the open-ended questions that were
asked throughout the different waves of the BHPs?
Many thanks
Updated by Redmine Admin about 10 years ago
- Category set to Data documentation
- Target version set to BHPS
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Documented around here;
on behalf of the team,
Updated by Achim Edelmann about 10 years ago
Hey Jakob,
thanks a lot, that's what I've found as well, but that's a numeric encoding already. I have trouble to locating the verbatim transcripts of the open-ended questions, i.e. the actual text entered in the questionnaire. I know that BHPs does open ended questions regularly and I need access to the raw data entered to those questions by the respondent (not the already encoded one) for my research... Clearly, should be out there and stored somewhere, so any help would be appreciated please.
Thanks a lot !!
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
Your request has been forwarded to BHPS. We will update you in due course. Jakob
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 50 to 80
I can confirm that the verbatim data have not been prepared for neither safeguarded nor controlled release. It could potentially take up a lot of resources to anonymise verbatim data and, unfortunately, it seems unlikely that we would be able to do that in the near future.
On behalf of the team,
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed