



Support #345



Added by Nora Alafif about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

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Kindly provide me with your suggestion based on your good experience in understanding society study :

1- I'm sturuggling to find the gravidity :number of total pregnancies that current pregnant woman had in wave 4 ,wave 2

I need to know among my sub-group of pregnant women how many biological children they had ,I TRIED

ever had father children a_ lnprnt,d_lnprnt? but unfortunately showed inapplicable for wave 4 ,I'm guessing was that because this question had been asked in wave 3 ??

I have tried another variable

number of own children in household d_nchild_dv yet I'm worried that might include non biological children?

COULD U PLEASE advise me what is the suitable variable from wave1,4 to find  gravidity?
2- In wave 4 
variable pregout
Last time we interviewed you, you were pregnant. {if PREG = 1} Did this/your next pregnancy result in a live birth with a normal delivery or by caesarean section? 1 Live birth - normal delivery; 2 Live birth - caesarean; 3 Not live birth; 4 Current pregnancy
...which suggests it is only asked of women who were pregnant the last time they were interviewed...
Is my interpretation correct?
If so, I am worried that this may not capture all those women who were pregnant in wave 4?

Thanks for your cooperation

Actions #1

Updated by Nora Alafif about 10 years ago

Nora Alafif wrote:

Kindly provide me with your suggestion based on your good experience in understanding society study :
1- I'm sturuggling to find the gravidity :number of total pregnancies that current pregnant woman had in wave 4 ,wave 2>
I need to know among my sub-group of pregnant women how many biological children they had ,I TRIED >
ever had father children a_ lnprnt,d_lnprnt? but unfortunately showed inapplicable for wave 4 ,I'm guessing was that because this question had been asked in wave 3 ??
I have tried another variable >
number of own children in household d_nchild_dv yet I'm worried that might include non biological children?>
COULD U PLEASE advise me what is the suitable variable from wave1,4 to find gravidity?>
2- In wave 4 variable pregout
Last time we interviewed you, you were pregnant. {if PREG = 1} Did this/your next pregnancy result in a live birth with a normal delivery or by caesarean section? 1 Live birth - normal delivery; 2 Live birth - caesarean; 3 Not live birth; 4 Current pregnancy
...which suggests it is only asked of women who were pregnant the last time they were interviewed...
Is my interpretation correct?
If so, I am worried that this may not capture all those women who were pregnant in wave 4?>
Thanks for your cooperation

Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

number of total pregnancies that current pregnant woman had in wave 4 ,wave 2

The questions are asked in a loop over all pregnancies that did not result in live birth since last interview, see questions from pregm onwards

pregout ... only asked of women who were pregnant the last time they were interviewed...Is my interpretation correct? ...that this may not capture all those women who were pregnant in wave 4?

You can find the universe for this question here:

if ff_ivlolw = 1 | ff_everint = 1 //interviewed at prior wave or has been interviewed previously
and if HHGRID.SEX = 2 & ((HHGRID.DVAGE > 15 & HHGRID.DVAGE < 50)| (GRIDVARIABLES.NewMum = 1) //Female and aged 16 to 49 or is a new mother
and if (Preg = 1|2) | MorPreg = 1 //Was pregnant at last interview or has been pregnant since last interview or next pregnancy

Let us know if this answers all or not.
On behalf of the team,

Actions #3

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • Target version set to X M
  • % Done changed from 20 to 100

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