Support #362
weights for longitudinal analysis
Dear Alita Nandi,
I am postgraduate student aat the University of Lund. I am working on my final dissertation and I am using the UKHLS survey. I want to study the so-called Healthy Immigrant Effect which says that immigrants tend to be healthier than native-born when they arrive to the country, but they converge to the health of natives as time passes.
It is the first time that I use the UKHLS survey and I have used the material of the online course, in particular the weighting section. I must admit that everything is really well explained and do files are specially helpful. However, I still have a doubt about which weight to pick for my analysis and I was wondering if you could help me on that.
To first study the inequalitites in health status between immigrants and natives I will use the wave 1. Therefore I think tthat I have to use the weight a_indpxus_xw since I am using adult main and proxy interview data.
To study the "health assymilation effect", i.e: wether immigrants´ health converge to native levels, I plan to run a regression where the dependent variable is the difference in health between wave 4 and wave 1. I will include as explanatory variables country of origin and other control variables for wave 1. Since in this model I will also use data from wave 4 (health status in wave 4) I am guessing that if I use the cross-section weight for wave 1, I won´t be controlling for attrition. Therefore, I am really confused about what weight I should use. I would really appreciate if you could give me any advice about it.
Thanks in advance
Updated by Alita Nandi almost 10 years ago
ANS to Q1 ("To first study the inequalities...."): Yes, if you are using information that are available for full and proxy respondents in wave 1 then use a_indpxus_xw but if you include even one variable that is not available for proxy respondents, then your final analysis sample will include only full respondents. In that case use a_indinus_xw.
ANS to Q2 ("To study the "health..."): You will have to use d_indinus_lw. Note that these weights will be zero for anyone who has missed at least one interview between waves 2-4. So, in effect your analysis sample will consist of those who responded continuously at waves 1 to 4.
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
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Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
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