





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
1479 Resolved Normal mismatch merging indall m:1 using hhresp (merge=1) Pilar Zueras 01/08/2021 01:55 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1476 Resolved Normal Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC Henry Parkes 01/21/2021 12:43 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1473 Resolved Normal keyworksector variable missing from pdf documents Theocharis Kromydas 01/21/2021 12:44 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1468 Resolved Normal Tracking category labels over time Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz 01/07/2021 02:47 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1467 Resolved Normal Website links not working Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz 01/07/2021 02:47 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1465 Resolved Normal Highest qualifcation variable Stef Williamson 01/07/2021 02:47 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1462 Resolved Normal respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness Laura Jones 01/07/2021 02:48 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1455 Resolved Normal Inapplicable responses to GHQ-12 and SF-12 in the extra five minutes sample Natalie Bennett 01/07/2021 02:50 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1390 Resolved Normal englang - change in English as first language Ivelina Hristova 09/22/2020 12:32 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1337 Resolved Normal w_jbnssec3_dv have more than 3 category Louise Luo 07/15/2020 03:37 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1304 Resolved Normal The "fihhmnnet" net household income variables - what deductions are made? David Irvine 09/03/2020 01:03 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1302 Resolved Normal See term variable changed for wave i? Laura M 09/03/2020 01:04 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1301 Resolved Normal Volume change between releases Laura M 08/14/2020 05:29 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1215 Resolved Normal wJHSTAT for employment at same firm Chris Martin 08/14/2020 05:32 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1214 Resolved Normal variables "satisfaction with...." Ioulia Bessa 08/14/2020 05:32 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1203 Resolved Normal Net Income Variable in BHPS Jonas Stein 08/14/2020 05:33 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1183 Resolved Normal Discrepancies in the distribution of religion between US and UK Census Jing Shen 04/23/2019 03:54 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1172 Resolved Normal seeming errors in fnspid and mnspid variables Katy Morris 06/04/2019 08:26 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1038 Resolved Normal Imputations for savings, investment, debts and housing value Nora Müller 03/27/2019 11:16 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
929 Resolved Normal Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect Cara Booker 03/01/2018 11:14 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1477 Resolved High clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object) Marion Lieutaud 01/20/2021 03:50 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1241 Resolved High Problem merging inderesp with children data Marina Fernandez Reino 07/15/2020 03:37 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1118 Resolved High f_closenum filtering issues Ella Moonan-Howard 08/14/2020 05:35 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
723 Resolved High Combining USOC/BHPS and zero weights David Hussey 09/02/2019 12:00 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1211 Resolved Urgent promotion variable and household income Ioulia Bessa 08/14/2020 05:33 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
907 Resolved Urgent Error message (invalid 'and') while trying to loop OLAYIWOLA OLADIRAN 02/06/2018 12:48 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
896 Resolved Urgent Understanding Society Wave 7 timing data Olga Maslovskaya 02/12/2018 12:21 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1230 Closed Normal Equality Act 2010 definition of disability Onyinye Ezeyi 08/21/2019 10:22 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
352 Closed High BHPS Elisa Macchi 04/13/2015 10:32 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
914 Closed Immediate end dates of individual interview for IP W9 Olga Maslovskaya 02/15/2018 05:30 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
514 Closed Immediate BHPS wave O proxy and or phone data Christopher Booth 03/03/2016 04:40 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1686 Feedback Normal New diabetes diagnoses in UKHLS wave 10 Amy Clair 05/03/2022 10:41 AM

Amy Clair Actions
2176 Feedback Normal USOC Wave 16 - Enquiry re: questions on employment rights Andrei Savitski 11/20/2024 03:47 PM

Andrei Savitski Actions
1111 In Progress Normal Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew Chris Foye 03/27/2019 03:44 PM

Chris Foye Actions
547 Closed Urgent Socio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS Christa Hubers 05/27/2016 12:55 PM

Christa Hubers Actions
775 Feedback Normal Nurse interviewer ID number 9999 Fiona Pashazadeh 11/22/2017 11:20 PM

Fiona Pashazadeh Actions
2204 New Normal test (genetics) Understanding Society User Support Team 02/07/2025 09:15 AM

Genetics UnderSoc Actions
1340 Resolved Normal relationship_dv code request Chris Playford 05/13/2020 02:24 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
1239 Resolved Normal Using weights on a subsample of UKHLS Amanda Moorghen 09/13/2019 10:23 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1238 Resolved Normal Genotyping Data - plink format Dionysios Grigoriadis 09/13/2019 10:41 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1232 Resolved Normal 2015 immigrant and ethnic minority boost and ward level data Elena Pupaza 09/13/2019 10:43 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1229 Resolved Normal Equality Act 2010 definition of disability Onyinye Ezeyi 09/13/2019 10:44 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1221 Resolved Normal Using UKHLS at the quarterly level Tom Waters 09/13/2019 10:28 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
908 Resolved Normal Request Charlotte Edney 09/13/2019 10:29 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1237 Resolved High Month of birth variables Maddalena Ronchi 09/13/2019 10:42 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1233 Resolved Urgent Commuting to work (jsttwt) Maddalena Ronchi 09/13/2019 10:42 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
489 Closed Low HRP david rhodes 02/16/2016 10:27 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
156 Closed Low Variables and weights Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:37 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
437 Closed Normal sample design and community establishments Phil Jones 11/10/2015 10:35 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
419 Closed Normal Adult self completion wave 2 and weights afshin zilanawala 11/10/2015 10:41 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
414 Closed Normal Weights for unbalanced panel Ewan Carr 11/10/2015 10:44 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
410 Closed Normal Income in Understanding and BHPS Lori Bougher 11/10/2015 10:45 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
388 Closed Normal Weights Northern Ireland UK Gretta Mohan 11/10/2015 10:47 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
376 Closed Normal Ethnicity and Associated Studies Rosalind Willis 11/10/2015 10:50 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
373 Closed Normal Enquiry on household income data Ai Yun Tay 11/10/2015 10:50 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
371 Closed Normal Weighting for longitudinal youth analysis Kareena McAloney-Kocaman 11/10/2015 10:51 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
367 Closed Normal Enquiry about class classification, SOC and NS-SEC Min Zhang 11/10/2015 10:54 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
366 Closed Normal Work on attrition and non-response Martin Griffiths 11/10/2015 03:07 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
360 Closed Normal Non-response models for Wave 2 Dharmi Kapadia 11/10/2015 10:53 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
356 Closed Normal Longitudinal response rates Dharmi Kapadia 11/10/2015 10:54 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
322 Closed Normal Net Income measures Andy Ross 11/10/2015 10:59 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
319 Closed Normal Merging individual and household data in SPSS Emine Deviren 11/10/2015 11:02 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
306 Closed Normal Link with HES data? Emily Williams 11/10/2015 11:00 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
303 Closed Normal Ethnic group sample sizes in older age-ranges Emily Williams 11/10/2015 10:57 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
294 Closed Normal a_empstat file at UKHLS wave 1 Amanda Hughes 11/10/2015 11:00 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
291 Closed Normal USOC cross-section household weight for BHPS sample: wave 3 Alex Hurrell 11/10/2015 11:01 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
289 Closed Normal Reproducing survey questions Victoria Peacey 11/10/2015 10:58 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
275 Closed Normal BHPS sample psu strata variables Charlotte Woodhead 11/10/2015 03:03 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
262 Closed Normal Weights Maire Williams 11/10/2015 11:03 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
253 Closed Normal general population sample peter tammes 11/10/2015 11:01 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
239 Closed Normal oprlg, oprlg0 and oprlg1 in three waves Yinxuan Huang 11/10/2015 03:06 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
235 Closed Normal income peter tammes 11/10/2015 11:05 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
232 Closed Normal Finding out whether an individual moved house between WAVE 18 of BHPS and WAVES 2 and 3 of Understanding Society James Laurence 11/10/2015 11:07 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
226 Closed Normal geographical identifiers Andrew Meyer 11/10/2015 12:22 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
225 Closed Normal Merging BHPS and USOC weighting. Nathan Hudson-Sharp 11/10/2015 11:11 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
224 Closed Normal enumerated person weight vs person design weight Gary Pang 11/10/2015 12:20 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
221 Closed Normal detailed information on derived variables Zoe Oldfield 11/10/2015 11:04 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
219 Closed Normal Fertility history Understanding Societies Wave 1 Wieke Selten 11/10/2015 03:06 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
217 Closed Normal linkage with npd marta de philippis 11/10/2015 11:09 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
215 Closed Normal Recording of deaths to BHPS / US respondents John MacInnes 11/10/2015 02:16 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
214 Closed Normal SPSS files and documentation John F Hall 11/10/2015 03:04 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
211 Closed Normal ethid4a and pride4a in wave 2 Yinxuan Huang 11/10/2015 02:35 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
206 Closed Normal income variables in Understanding Society Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:50 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
205 Closed Normal Comparable health variables: BHPS-USoc David Bayliss 11/10/2015 02:36 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
203 Closed Normal Merging BPHS and US Morag Treanor 11/10/2015 03:03 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
202 Closed Normal Analysing respondents from a particular year from two waves Gary Pang 11/10/2015 02:19 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
200 Closed Normal relationship data in altego file Derek King 11/10/2015 03:06 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
199 Closed Normal health conditions in main adult data set - wave 1 and wave 2 Jennifer Roberts 11/10/2015 02:18 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
198 Closed Normal Understanding Societies wave 1: a_lmend Wieke Selten 11/10/2015 02:22 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
195 Closed Normal Wave 3 Special Licence Access Dharmi Kapadia 11/10/2015 02:22 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
194 Closed Normal Type of postsecondary education attended L Lessard-Phillips 11/10/2015 02:20 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
193 Closed Normal Commonwealth Games Questions clare leadbetter 11/10/2015 02:18 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
192 Closed Normal Wave 3 adult data Jon Heron 11/10/2015 02:19 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
191 Closed Normal current employment situation and current job Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 03:02 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
190 Closed Normal Wave 3 release date and content on loneliness Marcus Green 11/10/2015 02:22 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
189 Closed Normal Items from citizenship survey Matt Easterbrook 11/10/2015 02:21 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
188 Closed Normal Job satisfaction and promotion variables Sarah Parsons 11/10/2015 02:44 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
184 Closed Normal How the derived variable of highest educational qualification is derived? YIFAN SHEN 11/10/2015 02:43 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
177 Closed Normal SF36 in BHPS and SF12 in UKHLS Emma Salter 11/10/2015 02:26 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
176 Closed Normal Missing parental data Sam Baars 11/10/2015 02:30 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
(1-100/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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