Support #1477
openclusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Dear Understanding Society team,
I have an issue with the combination of clusters and strata in the Wave 2 data. I have tested the exact same code for Wave 1 data, and it works - it is only when using b_strata that the issue arises. Here is the R code.
*b_indresp <- read.dta("b_indresp.dta")
options(survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")
b_w <- svydesign(id = ~b_psu,
strata = ~b_strata,
weights = ~b_indinub_xw,
data = b_indresp)*
this gives me the following error message:
"Error in svydesign.default(id = ~b_psu, strata = ~b_strata, weights = ~b_indinub_xw, : Clusters not nested in strata at top level; you may want nest=TRUE."
If I do add nest=TRUE:
b_w <- svydesign(id = ~b_psu,
strata = ~b_strata,
weights = ~b_indinub_xw,
data = b_indresp,
I get no error message at this point, but an intractable list, not a svydesign object that would work for any {survey} function.
The problem persisted when I tried using other cross-sectional weights for Wave 2, i.e b_indinus_xw.
However, if instead of using Wave 2 data and variables, I use Wave 1 instead, it all works perfectly.
*a_indresp <- read.dta("a_indresp.dta")
a_w <- svydesign(id = ~a_psu,
strata = ~a_strata,
weights = ~a_indinus_xw,
data = a_indresp)*
Additionally, the code for Wave 2 works if I remove the strata element, i.e.:
b_w <- svydesign(id = ~b_psu,
weights = ~b_indinub_xw,
data = b_indresp,
I wonder whether there is an issue with b_strata and the way I use it, and where I have gone wrong..?
I hope you can help!
Thank you very much in advance for your time and support!
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Marion Lieutaud
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
- Private changed from Yes to No
This is possible because of single PSU strata. While this is not the case by design, for a particular analysis the sample that is selected could include strata with only single PSUs preventing the calculation of standard errors where you have specified a clustered and stratified design. In our training material, this issue is dealt with. Please sign up for the MoodleX course "Introduction to Understanding Society Using R". Instructions on how to do that is here:
When you enroll into this MoodleX course, look at the Module "Working with data collected from surveys with complex survey designs" where you will find the relevant worksheet with details on how to solve this issue as well as the accompanying R syntax file.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Marion Lieutaud about 4 years ago
Dear Understanding Society team,
Thank you for your reply.
I am surprised because I had registered for and had looked through the module course you mention, and I had followed the instructions regarding single PSUs - namely to include this line in the code:
options(survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")
I included this in my code and in the example above, and I am not aware that another way of dealing with this was provided? Did I miss something? My apologies if I did!
Thank you very much again!
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
- % Done changed from 80 to 10
Sorry I didn't notice that you had included the lonelypsu correction. We are looking into this.
Updated by Marion Lieutaud about 4 years ago
Thank you! Perhaps I should mention that I use the special license data. So the first line of the code is actually:
b_indresp <- read.dta("b_indresp_protect.dta")
it is probably of no relevance to the problem at hand, but just in case!
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
Hello Marion,
My colleague has checked your code and that is ok. We have identified that for 2 cases in b_indresp, for which b_psu=574, the value of b_strata is 130 instead of 122 as for rest of the cases with b_psu. This is causing the error. We are looking into this and will resolve this at the next release. In the meantime please change the value of b_strata TO 122 if b_psu=574 and b_strata=130.
We expect this to resolve the error you are encountering. Please let us know if this still does not resolve the problem.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Marion Lieutaud about 4 years ago
Dear Understanding Society support team,
a thousand thanks for identifying the problem - that explains it all!
I have only one question left: when I checked the data, I found that in b_indresp, among the 10 individuals in b_psu 574, 8 are in b_strata 130, and 2 are in b_strata 122.
Should I be correcting the 2, and therefore make it so that all within b_psu 574 are in b_strata 130?
Or should I stick to your instructions, and change the 8 (the majority in the psu) to b_strata 122?
This is my last bit of confusion. I hope you can clear it, and I just want to add that I cannot thank you enough for your time and help thus far!
Best wishes,
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
Hi Marion - We have identified that the value of strata=122 should be changed to 130 if hhorig=4. Please make this change and run your program. We will implement this change at the next release.
Updated by Marion Lieutaud about 4 years ago
Dear Alita,
I can confirm that this solved the problem completely!
Thank you again!
best wishes,
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee deleted (
Marion Lieutaud) - % Done changed from 90 to 100