Support #547
closedSocio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS
I would like to compare 18-39 year old respondents from BHPS waves 13-17 with those from UKHLS waves 1-5. One of the variables I would like to examine is the socio-economic status (SES) of the respondents' parents. However, it is not very clear to me which indicators I can use for this. I see the UKHLS xwavedat file contains the variables masoc00 and pasoc00, but in how far are these comparable to the BHPS xwavedat variables masoc and pasoc? Can you suggest a measurement of SES that is similar in both the BHPS and UKHLS?
Thanks in advance, and best wishes,
Updated by Gundi Knies almost 9 years ago
- Category set to Derived variables
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Gundi Knies
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
Dear Christa,
masoc and pasoc on the BHPS data file XWAVEDAT report the 3-digit SOC 1990. The corresponding variables in Understanding Society are called masoc90 and pasoc90 on UKHLS data file XWAVEDAT. Note that the standard EUL version of the latter only includes the condenced 2-digit version of these variables due to the more sensitive nature of the Understanding Society data. If you need the detailed classification you can to apply for access to UKDS Special Licence Data Study Number 6931. Otherwise you can aggregate the BHPS version (divide over 10).
Hoe this helps
Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
- Private changed from Yes to No
Updated by Christa Hubers almost 9 years ago
Dear Victoria,
Many thanks for your reply. I have noticed that there are a lot of missing values on the PASOC variables in the BHPS files. Can you explain to me why this is, and if there is a way to reduce the number of missings? I see this issue has been raised with here before almost three years ago, but without a clear outcome:
Best wishes,