Support #366
closedWork on attrition and non-response
I'm a researcher at ONS working on the longitudinal Survey on Living Conditions, used to produce the UK's contribution to EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions.
We're currently carrying out a project looking at factors affecting non-response and attrition, funded by Eurostat. I note that on your methodology page you mention some work Understanding Society has carried out in this area:
Survey Non-Response, Non-Response Bias and Attrition
- Analysis of complex call-record and other paradata
- Developing methods for minimising non-response, non-response bias and attrition
- Experimentation with the use of incentives for maintaining contact, maximising survey response, and participating in keep-in-touch activities
Since these are very similar to the areas we are investigating on our survey, I wondered if there was any documentation you could share, and if you could point me towards the right people to contact to find out more about this work.
Updated by Peter Lynn almost 10 years ago
You are probably aware already of the report I wrote for Eurostat on reducing and controlling attrition bias on EU-SILC. If not, you can find it here:
Most of the non-response research carried out at ISER can be found by searching our publications database at:
I would suggest typing "non-response" in the search box and ticking the small "match phrase" box (otherwise, your search results will include everything with "non-" in it!). You may then want to further edit down the search results by selecting only publications in which the authors include myself or Annette Jackle. Or you may prefer other criteria.
I'm not clear exactly what you are looking for, e.g. whether your project is to analyse the nature of non-response on the LSLC and you are looking for precedents of how to do such analysis, or whether your project is to propose (or experiment with?) changes to the LSLC data collection methodology, in which case you might be looking for evidence of the effects of various design features. If you could provde a little more detail, I might be able to point you to specific papers.
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Gundi Knies over 9 years ago
- Category set to Data documentation
- Assignee set to Redmine Admin
- Target version set to X M