Support #1455
openInapplicable responses to GHQ-12 and SF-12 in the extra five minutes sample
I am trying to work out why there is such a high number of ‘inapplicable’ responses to the GHQ-12 and SF-12 mental component individual questions and summary scores (roughly 960) in the extra 5 minutes sample for wave 3. These participants appear to have answered other subjective questions so it does not seem to be because they did not respond to the individual survey or were a proxy. Could you help me to understand why these participants responses are recorded as ‘inapplicable’ for these questions, rather than ‘missing’, or point me in the direction of the document which explains this?
Many thanks
Updated by Alita Nandi over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Natalie Bennett
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hi Natalie,
These questions were asked in the self-completion part of the questionnaire. If these respondents didn't complete the self-completion part then this would be missing. The variable w_scflag_dv records who completed the self-completion part of the questionnaire. You can check this,
ta c_scflag_dv if c_xtra5min_dv==1 & c_scghq1_dv==-8
ta c_scflag_dv if c_xtra5min_dv==1 & c_scsf1==-8
Best wishes,
Updated by Natalie Bennett over 4 years ago
Hi Alita
That is great thank you so much for your help.
Best wishes
Updated by Alita Nandi about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100