Support #914
closedend dates of individual interview for IP W9
I have noticed that in i_indresp_ip there are the following variables available:
Individual interview start time (hours)
Individual interview start time (minutes)
Individual interview start time (seconds)
Interview start date (year)
Interview start date (month)
Interview start date (day)
Time at end of individual interview (hours)
Time at end of individual interview (minutes)
Time at end of individual interview (seconds)
Unfortunately, interview end date is not available. I can see from data that at least on 64 occasions “interview” ended not on the same day which is expected with online mode of data collection. Unfortunately, I do not know how many days lapsed between the beginning and the end. Is there a chance to get interview end date (year, month, day) variables?
Many thanks!
Updated by Alita Nandi about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Private changed from Yes to No
Request withdrawn by user