From 01/31/2024 to 02/29/2024
07:29 PM Support #2062 (Feedback): hcondncode38 variable
- Hello Emma,
I’m attaching a brief guide about health conditions variables. From Wave 10 onwards, questions were mo... -
03:24 PM Support #2062 (Feedback): hcondncode38 variable
- Hello,
I'm a little confused by the hcondncode38 variable and am hoping you can help me.
I read in the questio... -
06:29 PM Support #2061 (In Progress): Video content for part 8 + sections 11,12 & 13 greyed out
- Hello Joe,
Could you please point us to the specific content section you are watching? It would be helpful if you co... -
01:58 PM Support #2061 (Feedback): Video content for part 8 + sections 11,12 & 13 greyed out
- Hi,
I am a new user just going through the content. I was just wondering if there is accompanying video content fo...
01:35 PM Support #2060: Design weights taken account of in enumeration weights?
- Rosie,
Yes, that's correct. The weights we provide are final and account for unequal selection probability and all... -
01:21 PM Support #2060 (Resolved): Design weights taken account of in enumeration weights?
- I think the answer to this is yes, but can you confirm that the household enumeration weights (e.g. a_hhdenus_xw) tak...
12:43 PM Support #2058: Using longitudinal weights when combining Covid-19 waves and mainstage waves of UKHLS
- Hi Olena,
That's great. Thanks so much for the helpful insights.
Best wishes,
07:53 PM Support #2059: BMI, weight and height variables
- Hello Beate,
Indeed, you are correct regarding the adult questionnaire. Additionally, there is information availa... -
03:24 PM Support #2059: BMI, weight and height variables
- This is very useful, thank you. Does this mean BMI (or weight and height) information not available for years after 2...
02:57 PM Support #2059 (Feedback): BMI, weight and height variables
- Hello Beate,
I recommend exploring the "Health, biomarkers, genetics and epigenetics data":https://www.understandi... -
01:36 PM Support #2059 (Feedback): BMI, weight and height variables
- I am interested in looking at BMI across different years but it seems this variable (or weight and height which would...
11:37 AM Support #2058: Using longitudinal weights when combining Covid-19 waves and mainstage waves of UKHLS
- James,
In short Covid weights are based on wave 9of the mainstage of UKHLS, so you can use them as they are for an...
02:37 PM Support #2043 (Resolved): Legality of sharing Understanding Society data
02:37 PM Support #2040 (Resolved): Survey Weights
02:37 PM Support #2038 (Resolved): Merging family level and individual level data
02:37 PM Support #2037 (Resolved): Weight variables for BHPS Youth Study
02:37 PM Support #2035 (Resolved): Inquiry on the Travel to work area special license data
02:35 PM Support #2029 (Resolved): Missing wave 1 data for yphsc, yphsw, yphlf
02:35 PM Support #2027 (Resolved): jbft_dv variable
02:35 PM Support #2025 (Resolved): expenditure in UKHLS
02:35 PM Support #2024 (Resolved): Death/dead in waves: dcsedfl_dv (Respondent reported as deceased) + dcsedw_dv (Wave respondent deceased) and value labels for waves
02:35 PM Support #2023 (Resolved): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Also how to count .00 as missing.
02:35 PM Support #2022 (Resolved): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent?
02:35 PM Support #2021 (Resolved): Question about gor_dv variable
02:35 PM Support #2020 (Resolved): Reasons for "-8 Inapplicable" response for life satisfaction variable "sclfsato"
02:35 PM Support #2019 (Resolved): Tailored Weighting Guidance
02:35 PM Support #2018 (Resolved): Month migrants came to Britain
02:35 PM Support #2017 (Resolved): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
02:35 PM Support #2016 (Resolved): Family connections
02:35 PM Support #2015 (Resolved): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
02:35 PM Support #2014 (Resolved): Scottish health data
02:35 PM Support #2013 (Resolved): Issue with new USoc variable search
02:35 PM Support #2012 (Resolved): longitudinal weight
02:35 PM Support #2011 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
02:35 PM Support #2010 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
02:35 PM Support #2009 (Resolved): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
02:35 PM Support #2008 (Resolved): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
02:35 PM Support #2007 (Resolved): Code Creator
02:35 PM Support #2006 (Resolved): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
02:26 PM Support #2004 (Resolved): Selection of weights
02:26 PM Support #2002 (Resolved): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
02:23 PM Support #1993 (Resolved): Indall and hhresp
02:23 PM Support #1990 (Resolved): urban_dv
02:22 PM Support #1992 (Resolved): household income
02:22 PM Support #1987 (Resolved): IP12 Blood and Hair Sample Particpation
02:22 PM Support #1991 (Resolved): request explanation for variable 'Njbsp' in BHPS
02:22 PM Support #1986 (Resolved): Jbbgdat variable
02:22 PM Support #1989 (Resolved): inapplicable ukborn
02:21 PM Support #2003 (Resolved): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
02:21 PM Support #1999 (Resolved): treatment of HMOs
02:21 PM Support #1998 (Resolved): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
02:20 PM Support #1997 (Resolved): Issues using variable w_fimnnet_dv in COVID-19 dataset jk_wave
02:20 PM Support #1996 (Resolved): Issues using variable fihhmnnet3_dv
02:20 PM Support #1995 (Resolved): question about different SOC used
02:20 PM Support #1994 (Resolved): Matching a_natchild and w_newborn datasets
10:16 AM Support #2056 (Feedback): Which weights to use when combining the mainstage and Covid-19 waves of UKHLS
10:14 AM Support #2057 (Feedback): What is ficode measuring?
- Hello,
Ficode is an indicator of the benefit a given respondent receives. The variable is included in the w_income...
04:48 PM Support #2058 (Resolved): Using longitudinal weights when combining Covid-19 waves and mainstage waves of UKHLS
- Hi there,
I was just hoping to get some more advice regarding correctly weighting my analysis combining the mainst...
03:36 PM Support #2057 (Feedback): What is ficode measuring?
- Hello
My understanding is that the variable ficode -
01:22 PM Support #2056: Which weights to use when combining the mainstage and Covid-19 waves of UKHLS
- Hi Olena,
That's really helpful. Thanks so much.
Best wishes,
James -
12:10 PM Support #2056: Which weights to use when combining the mainstage and Covid-19 waves of UKHLS
- James,
Yes, your approach is generally correct and the syntax makes sense.
For wave 6 use ui weight (although ch...
02:23 PM Support #2056 (Feedback): Which weights to use when combining the mainstage and Covid-19 waves of UKHLS
- Hi there,
I have been reading through the forum support on weighting when using the Covid-19 data and Mainstage da... -
12:06 PM Support #1883: Periods for personal income - fimnlabgrs_dv & paygu_dv
- Resolved
11:22 AM Support #2055: Reasoning for inapplicable variables which don't have a preceding question or perequisit.
- Also, -9 cases are where the interview was online (CAWI) and the person did not answer the question.
05:25 PM Support #1832: Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
- Sorry this question was removed from the FAQ as the detailed note had been included as variable notes for QFHIGH_DV a...
05:15 PM Support #2001: Special licence request
- Hello,
xbaseline is not a separate survey, but rather includes the variables that were asked about the "baseline" ... -
05:02 PM Support #2055: Reasoning for inapplicable variables which don't have a preceding question or perequisit.
- In all waves that these questions are asked (9 10 11 12 13), except for the additional issue with Wave 12, these ques...
04:24 PM Support #2055: Reasoning for inapplicable variables which don't have a preceding question or perequisit.
- You reply was sent to our email instead of being posted here, so copying it here
Thanks for your reply!
12:46 PM Support #2000 (Resolved): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
12:45 PM Support #2026 (Resolved): expenditure in UKHLS
12:45 PM Support #2032 (Resolved): hidp missing from hhresp but present in income, egoalt, indresp files
12:44 PM Support #2039 (Resolved): Household identifier in Understanding Society COVID-19 Survey Waves
12:42 PM Support #2055 (Feedback): Reasoning for inapplicable variables which don't have a preceding question or perequisit.
- Hello,
This question was raised by someone else, please see our response to that query:
05:06 PM Support #2055 (Feedback): Reasoning for inapplicable variables which don't have a preceding question or perequisit.
- Hi,
I have a query regarding the status of 'inapplicable' for certain variables.
A few participants show up as ...
05:59 PM Support #2033 (Feedback): Derived variable on income / earnings of each benefit unit
- Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Here is the response from our income team.
For complete households you...
08:42 PM Support #2042 (Feedback): Survey Weights for Multi-Wave Pooled Analysis
08:40 PM Support #2036 (Feedback): Understanding Society - weights
09:50 AM Support #2052 (Feedback): Vote Choice: display all parties
- Hello Tarek,
The complete description of the "other party" option can be located in the Study "SN 6931 - Understandi...
03:52 PM Support #2052 (Resolved): Vote Choice: display all parties
- Hi,
In the questions regarding voting behaviour. Is it possible to get the all the vote choices of the respondent...
09:11 PM Support #2051 (Feedback): Local Authority variable name in Special Licence dataset (SN 6666)
- Hello Hannah,
You can find the variables associated with Study "SN6666": -
04:56 PM Support #2051 (Resolved): Local Authority variable name in Special Licence dataset (SN 6666)
- Hello,
I am struggling to find the variable name for Local Authority indicators in the Special Licence Access vers... -
10:16 AM Support #2050 (Feedback): Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931)
- Hello Max,
The response is on Issue #2049.
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support T... -
10:14 AM Support #2049 (Feedback): Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931)
- Hello Max
The variable "age_dv" represents the age, in completed years, at the time of the interview. It is calcul...
10:00 PM Support #2050 (Resolved): Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931)
- I am attempting to merge individual files from harmonised bhps and ukhls into long format. The datasets I am using ar...
03:44 PM Support #2049 (Resolved): Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931)
- I am attempting to merge individual files from harmonised bhps and ukhls into long format. The datasets I am using ar...
10:31 AM Support #2048: Code Creator
- Hi Roberto
Thanks for your help. I am still having issues but will edit the code you sent for now and hope it reso... -
10:16 AM Support #2048: Code Creator
- Hello Martha,
I've completed the process to obtain the code and can confirm that it's working fine. I'm attaching... -
09:57 AM Support #2048: Code Creator
- Hi Roberto
I have tried various variables including benbase4, sc_ghq1_dv and age_dv.
Martha -
09:53 AM Support #2048 (Feedback): Code Creator
- Hello Martha,
Which specific variables are you trying to use? I just did a similar exercise myself and everything... -
09:42 AM Support #2048 (Resolved): Code Creator
- Hi
I am having issues when trying to use the code creator on your website. When I click save the save it does not...
04:30 PM Support #2047 (Feedback): Council Tax
- Hello Elaine,
“w_ficountax_dv” is designated as a special licence variable and can be located within the study "SN... -
03:00 PM Support #2047 (Resolved): Council Tax
- Where can I find the amount of council tax paid by a household?
The variable look up suggests I need ficountax_dv an... -
04:15 PM Support #2045 (Feedback): Winter Fuel Payments
- Hello Elaine,
We categorized benefits as a source of income. The benefits we’ve collected are listed in the income... -
07:45 AM Support #2041: w_outcome in COVID-19 survey waves
- Hello Laura,
Here is the feedback from our Survey team.
1. Yes, if they start the interview but stop before a point ... -
07:41 AM Support #2046 (Feedback): Unable to locate org variable used in the past
- Hello Mel,
The variable you mentioned, along with others related to the module groups and organisations, are curre...
01:05 PM Support #2041: w_outcome in COVID-19 survey waves
- Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
> Dear Laura,
> I am not sure I understand what the ... -
11:33 AM Support #2044 (Feedback): Old Westminster constituecies
- Hello Margherita,
The geographical data files for all waves of UKHLS are generated, whenever feasible, from ONS Po... -
11:23 AM Support #2046 (Resolved): Unable to locate org variable used in the past
- Hello, We have previously used a variable which we noted the name of as 'org' which was about being a member of one o...
02:32 PM Support #2045 (In Progress): Winter Fuel Payments
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:06 PM Support #2045 (Resolved): Winter Fuel Payments
- There are a range of benefits for those of pension age to help with fuel bills, including the Winter Fuel Payment and...
10:24 AM Support #2044 (In Progress): Old Westminster constituecies
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:32 PM Support #2044 (Resolved): Old Westminster constituecies
- Hello, I am trying to link survey responses to electoral results for the Westminster constituencies. I have obtained ...
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