Support #2036
openUnderstanding Society - weights
Good morning,
After reading the user guide and watch the short YouTube video, I am still confused on which are the correct weights I should select for my pooled cross-sectional analysis using Understanding Society.
I am using waves 6 and 9 for a pooled cross-section analysis. I would therefore being inclined in using the cross-sectional weights. However, when reading the user guide it says that cross-sectional weights should only be used when the analysis includes one wave only. I also read the paragraph on re-scaling the weights to use more waves to conduct cross-sectional analysis. However, I am not sure whether the described procedure would apply to my case since I don't have a year overlapping over the two waves (wave 6 goes from January 2014 to May 2016 while wave 9 goes from January 2017 to May 2019). Therefore I am not sure whether I should simply use cross-sectional weights, re-scale the cross-sectional weights somehow (maybe for the first 6 months of 2016 and 2019 only?), or exclude the first 6 months of the years 2016 and 2019. Or, if I am missing something and I should use longitudinal weights (in that case, since I am doing a pooled cross-section analysis, how should I deal with 0 weights?)
Thank you in advance
Valentina Di Iasio
Updated by Olena Kaminska about 1 year ago
Thank you for your question. Have a look in this paper, questions 14-16 should be helpful:
Let me know if you still have any questions,
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
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Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
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