Support #2056
openWhich weights to use when combining the mainstage and Covid-19 waves of UKHLS
Hi there,
I have been reading through the forum support on weighting when using the Covid-19 data and Mainstage data combined, but I was hoping to just get some clarification on a couple of points.
I am conducting a study which looks at trends over time in adult mental health across UKHLS Mainstage surveys 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and the Covid-19 survey 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (only the web survey). I end at Mainstage survey wave 9 (survey period Jan 2017-May 2019) as that appears to be the last Mainstage wave that doesn’t cover the pandemic period. My data is in long format and I’m using Stata.
However, I am unsure of which weights to use precisely for my aims.
The first thing I would like to do is to treat the data as pooled cross-sectional data to look at how mental health changes over time (between wave 2 of the mainstage and wave 8 of the Covid survey). So, I’d like to see the level of mental health in the UK at each wave of the UKHLS. Ideally, I would like to model all the waves together. Am I right in thinking that to do so I would need to create a new ‘weight’ variable, which is the self-completion cross-sectional weight for each wave? I’ll explain below…
So, for wave 2 of the Mainstage survey, the new ‘weight’ variable would have the value of b_indscub_xw
For wave 3 it would have the value of: c_indscub_xw
For wave 4 it would have the value of: d_indscub_xw
For wave 5 it would have the value of: e_indscub_xw
For wave 6, it seems there are two self-completion, cross-sectional weights (_ub and _ui): would it be
f_indscub_xw or f_indscui_xw?
For wave 7 it would have the value of: g_indscui_xw (as there is no _ub version)
For wave 8 it would have the value of: h_indscui_xw (again, as there is no _ub version)
For wave 9 it would have the value of: i_indscui_xw (again, as there is no _ub version)
Then, turning to filling in the COVID-19 survey values of the new ‘weight’ variable it would be:
For wave 1 of the COVID-19 survey it would have the value of: ca_betaindin_xw
For wave 2 of the COVID-19 survey it would have the value of: cb_betaindin_xw
For wave 8 of the COVID-19 survey it would have the value of: ch_betaindin_xw
For wave 9 of the COVID-19 survey it would have the value of: ci_betaindin_xw
So, the Stata code would look something like this to give you an idea of what I mean:
gen weight = b_indscub_xw if mainstage_wave==2
replace weight = c_indscub_xw if mainstage_wave==3
replace weight = d_indscub_xw if mainstage_wave==4
replace weight = i_indscui_xw if mainstage_wave==9
replace weight = ca_betaindin_xw fi cv19survey_wave==1
replace weight = ch_betaindin_xw fi cv19survey_wave==8
replace weight = ci_betaindin_xw fi cv19survey_wave==9
So, it would be one new ‘weight’ variable, where each wave within each pidp had a weight value which corresponds to the cross-sectional weight for that wave.
- Is that the correct approach to take in to treat the data as repeated cross-section data and look at levels of mental health in each wave?
- Am I handling the COVID-19 weights correctly, and can I combine the Mainstage (waves 1-9) and Covid-19 surveys (waves 1-9) in this way?
- I’m not sure I fully understand the switch between _ub (waves 1-6 mainstage) and _ui (waves 7-9 mainstage). I can only use _ub up to wave 5 and only _ui from waves 7 to 9. Is it correct to take the approach I’ve outlined above, looking at _ui in some waves and _wub in others?
- Also, for wave 6, which self-completion cross-sectional weights should I use? The _ui or _ub?
I hope this makes sense and please do let me know if you require any further clarifications.
Best wishes,
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
- Category set to Weights
- Assignee changed from Understanding Society User Support Team to Olena Kaminska
Updated by Olena Kaminska about 1 year ago
Yes, your approach is generally correct and the syntax makes sense.
For wave 6 use ui weight (although check if your questions were asked to IEMB sample in memorig variable as some questions were not asked to everyone in wave 6). At wave 6 we had an immigrant and ethnic minority boost, so from wave 6 the coverage is updated with recent immigrants - hence ui weight, which now covers the population with recent immigrants.
If Covid does not have a separate weight for web part, you will have to create this yourself. You could create it from the general Covid weight in one step. For this follow our online training course:
Hope this helps,
Updated by James Laurence about 1 year ago
Hi Olena,
That's really helpful. Thanks so much.
Best wishes,
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago
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Olena Kaminska) - % Done changed from 0 to 100
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