From 07/12/2022 to 08/10/2022
05:28 PM Support #1747 (Resolved): Weight problem when running regression
- When I try to do a regression I come up with the error in screenshot below. My weight values have to be different bec...
04:39 PM Support #1554 (Resolved): hsval - units
03:26 PM Support #1737: Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
- Dear Laura,
The person responsible for this linkage is currently on holiday, we will be able to answer when they a... -
03:00 PM Support #1746 (Feedback): reconciling household income between the main survey & covid-19 survey
- Dear Karen,
Yes, fihhmnnet1_dv is the closest variable in the sense that this is net hh income from all sources. O... -
02:10 PM Support #1746 (Resolved): reconciling household income between the main survey & covid-19 survey
- Hi there,
Can I please get some advice on how to accurately compare household income in the main survey vs. the c... -
02:56 PM Support #1743 (Feedback): Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
01:06 PM Support #1739: Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Jonas,
2) Yes, svyset command is sufficient;
1) We do recommend rescaling, especially if you include BHPS data. T... -
11:51 AM Support #1204 (Resolved): UKHLS zero weight in panel data
11:51 AM Support #1199 (Resolved): UKHLS higher education data linkage
11:50 AM Support #1198 (Resolved): Weighting data Wave 8 h_indresp
11:50 AM Support #1197 (Resolved): 'inapplicable' category for jbft_dv variable
11:49 AM Support #1195 (Resolved): Merging data
11:49 AM Support #1194 (Resolved): h_jbfxuse9
11:49 AM Support #1192 (Resolved): Caring for a Child
11:48 AM Support #1191 (Resolved): Availability of requested variables
11:48 AM Support #1187 (Resolved): Is it possible to identify contributory and income-based JSA
11:48 AM Support #1186 (Resolved): Ethnicity Data Inapplicable
11:48 AM Support #1182 (Resolved): Pooling data for analysis by calendar year
11:47 AM Support #1181 (Resolved): Merging general health variables
11:47 AM Support #1180 (Resolved): BHPS + US harmonized measure of mental well-being
11:46 AM Support #1179 (Resolved): EQ-5D-5L
11:46 AM Support #1176 (Resolved): Merging a set of variables to wave 1
11:46 AM Support #1175 (Resolved): Can the cross-sectional self-completion interview weight variable be used to estimate the real population distribution at the Local Authority level?
11:46 AM Support #1174 (Resolved): Creating reliable fertility history variables - UKHLS waves 1-8
11:46 AM Support #1173 (Resolved): Clustering
11:45 AM Support #1170 (Resolved): Self reported health
11:45 AM Support #1169 (Resolved): Micro-level locational data
11:45 AM Support #1164 (Resolved): job classification
11:45 AM Support #1161 (Resolved): Medication query
11:44 AM Support #1160 (Resolved): sample size - households in NI in latest wave
11:44 AM Support #1158 (Resolved): On variables in entrepreneurship studies
11:44 AM Support #1157 (Resolved): Missing variable: a_nbrsnci_dv (Buckner's Neighbourhood Cohesion Instrument)
11:42 AM Support #1156 (Resolved): Fertility History and birth events
11:42 AM Support #1152 (Resolved): Coding of x_jbxpcha in Waves 6 and 8
11:42 AM Support #1151 (Resolved): Carrying forward variables across waves, creating 'how long lived at address' variable
11:40 AM Support #1149 (Resolved): Caregiving
11:40 AM Support #1148 (Resolved): Geographic information
11:39 AM Support #1147 (Resolved): Identification of members of household receiving care
11:39 AM Support #1146 (Resolved): Understanding Society Wave 8 Interview dates/times data
11:39 AM Support #1145 (Resolved): disdif and health variables
11:38 AM Support #1143 (Resolved): Derived interview and demographic characteristics
11:37 AM Support #1141 (Resolved): Weighting
11:37 AM Support #1139 (Resolved): Polytechnic vs university degree
11:36 AM Support #1138 (Resolved): fihhmnnet1_dv
11:33 AM Support #1137 (Resolved): Field of Study Variable
11:33 AM Support #1135 (Resolved): Wave 8 - Vote 8 - Northern Ireland
11:32 AM Support #1134 (Resolved): Weights Northern Ireland
11:32 AM Support #1130 (Resolved): risk items innovation sample waves 6 and 7
11:32 AM Support #1129 (Resolved): fimnlabgrs
11:31 AM Support #1127 (Resolved): Determing end date of cohabitation spell
11:30 AM Support #1126 (Resolved): Who owns vehicle
11:30 AM Support #1125 (Resolved): Weighting problem
11:28 AM Support #1121 (Resolved): Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
11:28 AM Support #1120 (Resolved): Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
11:28 AM Support #1119 (Resolved): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
11:27 AM Support #1114 (Resolved): Tracking health conditions
11:25 AM Support #1110 (Resolved): Uprating Wages for Inflation
11:25 AM Support #1104 (Resolved): Variable "plbornc"
11:25 AM Support #1102 (Resolved): Type of further education (variable: FETYPE) inapplicable
11:22 AM Support #1101 (Resolved): Use of social media
11:22 AM Support #1098 (Resolved): Consulting
11:21 AM Support #1097 (Resolved): YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
11:20 AM Support #1095 (Resolved): question about sample sizes
11:20 AM Support #1093 (Resolved): Mortality and attrition
11:20 AM Support #1089 (Resolved): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
11:15 AM Support #1088 (Resolved): More information on variable "plbornc"
11:15 AM Support #1086 (Resolved): Biomarker serum creatinine
11:14 AM Support #1085 (Resolved): Inapplicable and missing data
11:14 AM Support #1084 (Resolved): Financial situation
11:13 AM Support #1083 (Resolved): Subjective Well-Being Data
11:13 AM Support #1082 (Resolved): House details in youth or adult datasets
11:11 AM Support #1078 (Resolved): Marital change
11:11 AM Support #1077 (Resolved): Variable on country of birth
11:10 AM Support #1047 (Resolved): Weights
08:35 AM Support #1745: the equivalent of jbstat in the covid surveys
- Thank you for your advice Piotr, this is very helpful.
Many thanks
06:13 PM Support #1745 (Feedback): the equivalent of jbstat in the covid surveys
- Dear Karen,
Unfortunately, there is no equivalent for jbstat in the Covid-19 survey. The only question covering em... -
02:16 PM Support #1745 (Resolved): the equivalent of jbstat in the covid surveys
- Hi there,
Is there an equivalent of the variable 'jbstat' (in the main survey) in the covid survey? I've looked thro... -
01:21 PM Support #1739: Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Dear Olena,
Thank you very much for your clear and quick response.
I will go with the first approach. I just h...
04:23 PM Support #1744 (Feedback): weight
- Hello,
You can use one of the weights available in the child file (w_psnenxx_lw). Please read the weights selectio...
08:33 AM Support #1743: Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
- Thanks for the swift reply, Olena!
08:31 AM Support #1744 (Resolved): weight
- Hi,
I use the 1-8 wave child survey to study the children's health (longitudinal data), should I use the weight wh...
03:56 PM Support #1739: Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Jonas,
Thank you for your question. The first approach is correct and you can use it with relevant cross-sectional... -
03:05 PM Support #1743: Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
- Carolin,
You don't need our weight (probability weight) in creating variables. Sometime people use analitical weig... -
11:14 AM Support #1743 (Resolved): Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals
- Hi there,
I am using wave 6 to study household heads' homeownership probabilities. I am looking at native Brits an... -
10:14 AM Support #1742 (Resolved): Recommended Method to Construct Unemployment Duration?
- Hi Alita,
Hope you are doing well. :)
I am wondering what the best way is to construct unemployment duration fo...
06:10 PM Support #1740 (Feedback): Survey participant drop out across waves
- Hello,
1) Yes, the drop results from survey attrition which could have happened in wave 10, but also in any of the... -
12:46 PM Support #1740 (Resolved): Survey participant drop out across waves
- Hello,
I'm using data from wave 1, 4 and 10. I've merged them and keep only participants who provided response in... -
06:03 PM Support #1741: Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:38 PM Support #1741 (Resolved): Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
- Hi there,
I've combined the main & covid-19 waves in long-format. My goal is to understand changes over time compa... -
06:00 PM Support #1739 (In Progress): Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
08:32 PM Support #1739 (Resolved): Weights when pooling data from different waves
- Dear Understanding society support team,
I am currently working on a study for which I would like to pool data fro... -
03:34 PM Support #1737 (In Progress): Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:33 PM Support #1738 (Feedback): Variables- child abuse, child witnessing of abuse
- Dear Luke,
This perhaps depends on how you define violence, but I think you can find some potentially useful varia... -
12:51 PM Support #1715: Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
- Sue,
Yes, such analysis with a longitudinal weight from wave k will be fine. Having said that some models that all...
03:30 PM Support #1738 (Resolved): Variables- child abuse, child witnessing of abuse
- I am a data analyst working for the Scottish Government’s ‘Children and Families Analysis’ group. I’m currently worki...
02:32 PM Support #1737 (Resolved): Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
- Hi there
I'm looking to developing a study about cancer and subjective social class (variable opcls2, Subjective s...
03:00 PM Support #1735: Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Dear Dan,
These are the sample sizes for adult (16+) individuals, I'm attaching samples sizes for adult and all in...
07:14 PM Support #1735: Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Thank you very much, this is extremely useful. I was looking for the number of participants in Bradford (E08000032), ...
05:20 PM Support #1735 (Feedback): Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Dear Dan,
Here are the sample sizes (individual respondents) across 11 waves of the UKHLS for Bradford identified ... -
01:19 PM Support #1735 (Resolved): Sample size in Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Dear Understanding Society,
I'm a researcher at the Bradford Institute for Health Research and UCL, and I'm trying... -
06:15 PM Support #1736 (Feedback): Data request - by Scottish Local Authority
- Dear Christina,
You can certainly get any information separately for males and females and by Scottish Local Autho... -
03:33 PM Support #1736 (Resolved): Data request - by Scottish Local Authority
- Hello,
I work for Public Health Scotland and am developing a mental health indicator dashboard for Scotland. The ... -
11:32 AM Support #1734 (Feedback): Imputation flag for income variable fimngrs_dv in BHPS
- Dear Daniël,
Please use the w_fimnthi (Imputation flag - wFIMN (derived)) - fimngrs_dv is named fimn in the unha...
10:31 AM Support #1734 (Resolved): Imputation flag for income variable fimngrs_dv in BHPS
- I am using the income variable fimngrs_dv, which measures the total monthly personal income of a respondent. This inc...
03:49 PM Support #1733: Covid Survey - Measuring Internal Migration
- Dear Piotr,
This was very helpful, thank you.
Best wishes,
Morgan -
03:45 PM Support #1733 (Feedback): Covid Survey - Measuring Internal Migration
- Dear Morgan,
I suspect that you have incorrectly calculated the number of moves. I managed to get 147 moves to Sou... -
02:52 PM Support #1733 (Resolved): Covid Survey - Measuring Internal Migration
- Hello,
I am attempting to measure 3-monthly internal migration moves between UK regions during the Covid pandemic... -
03:00 PM Support #1732 (Feedback): Inapplicable values in qfhigh_dv variable
- Dear Claire,
Please check the variable note for qfhigh_dv (
09:12 PM Support #1732 (Resolved): Inapplicable values in qfhigh_dv variable
- Dear support team,
I am confused when examining the derived variable "w_qfhigh_dv" for respondents' educational qu...
01:47 PM Support #1730 (Feedback): study youth health
- Dear Huihui,
please check the syntax "Matching co-resident parents' information" available on our website https://... -
01:11 PM Support #1715 (Feedback): Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
01:11 PM Support #1731 (Feedback): Interview Time for Main Survey Wave 10
- Dear Claire,
The wave 10 fieldwork spanned over 2.5 years, so from Jan 2018 to May 2020, you can check the individ... -
11:51 AM Support #1731 (Resolved): Interview Time for Main Survey Wave 10
- Dear support team,
I am conducting a study comparing the timing of housework before and after the Covid-19 outbrea...
06:39 PM Support #1729: variable for out of work with a disability
- Hi Huihui,
Would jbstat be helpful? Category 8 "LT sick or disabled" gives you this information and is available i... -
01:35 PM Support #1729 (Feedback): variable for out of work with a disability
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:22 AM Support #1729 (Resolved): variable for out of work with a disability
- Hi there,
I want to study the sample out of work with a long-term disability.
To measure this variable, is there ... -
05:56 PM Support #1730: study youth health
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:29 PM Support #1730 (Resolved): study youth health
- Hi there,
I would like to study the parents' impact on youth health.
Therefore, I need to merge indresp data wit... -
05:54 PM Support #1728: Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
- Dear Parth,
The missing values on the variables you included on the screenshot result from the way in which you cr... -
05:31 PM Support #1727 (Feedback): harassment variables unclear
- Dear Ellen,
All variables w_resinsulted(1-97)_12 refer to people who answered 1 "mentioned" on the filtering varia...
08:56 AM Support #1728: Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
- Thanks for your reply. I have been able to merge waves into long format as my message above (I can see two rows for e...
11:08 AM Support #1721 (Feedback): Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
09:34 AM Support #1728 (Feedback): Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
- Dear Parth
Thank you for your email. The standalone syntax files explaining how to link variables across waves are...
10:58 PM Support #1728 (Resolved): Merging main survey wave to COVID-19 study wave
- Hi I am doing a Master's dissertation studying changing markers of adulthood from pre COVID-19 to the initial impact ...
12:59 PM Support #1726 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
12:59 PM Support #1727 (In Progress): harassment variables unclear
- Many thanks for your enquiry.
The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as so...
01:11 PM Support #1727 (Resolved): harassment variables unclear
- Hi there,
I want to create descriptive statistics on the most common places to be insulted due to age. However, i... -
11:23 AM Support #1726: BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
- Maria,
This should answer your question:
and https://www.understandi...
05:05 PM Support #1726 (In Progress): BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:42 AM Support #1725 (Feedback): Variable for region of work?
- Thank you for your email.
Currently there is no work location variable available.
As the (ONS) SRS is a secure ...
05:58 PM Support #1726 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society - weights
- Hi,
I am using both the BHPS (wave 1-18) and the Understanding Society (wave 1-11) to conduct a descriptive analysis... -
01:51 PM Support #1725 (In Progress): Variable for region of work?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:57 AM Support #1725 (Resolved): Variable for region of work?
- Hello,
I have found a variable for the region where the respondent lives (gor_dv). Is there a similar variable for... -
11:08 AM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Excellent, thanks very much for your help.
Catherine -
11:07 AM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- And to reply to your earlier question, yes, use longitudinal weight from wave 9. As soon as you use information from ...
10:52 AM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Kind of yes. The answer is more complicated because households are not a longitudinal concept, but I wouldn't worry a...
04:36 PM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Sorry Olena, one last question - if I use psu as the clustering variable, does that account for clustering by hidp as...
03:28 PM Support #1724 (Feedback): Weights and accounting for individual clustering
02:02 PM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Hi Olena - thanks so much for the speedy reply, that's very helpful.
Just to clarify - if I have a group of indivi... -
01:36 PM Support #1724: Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Catherine,
You only need psu as your clustering variable as it is the highest level (pidps are nested within psu),... -
11:58 AM Support #1724 (Resolved): Weights and accounting for individual clustering
- Hello,
I am carrying out logistic regression to estimate the association between transitioning from unemployment t...
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