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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
426 Closed Urgent Merging youth to family information K.Samantha Russell Jonsson 10/23/2015 07:05 AM

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368 Closed Urgent variable "inc1lab" (Wave C) Sabrina Kraus 06/08/2015 03:13 PM

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363 Closed Urgent educational qualification variables Yaojun Li 04/28/2015 03:02 PM

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349 Closed Urgent GLYCATED HAEMOGLOBIN (HbA1c) Rasha Alfawaz 03/26/2015 04:22 PM

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345 Closed Urgent pregnancy Nora Alafif 03/16/2015 12:05 PM

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325 Closed Urgent stata docile to convert soc00 to isco-88 Albert Arcarons 12/03/2014 08:53 AM

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320 Closed Urgent Tracing movers Tarra Penney 11/21/2014 12:13 PM

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297 Closed Urgent conversion of educational varibales to ISCED levels Tina Hannemann 09/11/2014 02:03 PM

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234 Closed Urgent Household Income Variable “c_fihhmngrs_dv” exact definition Onyinye Ezeyi 01/24/2014 09:52 AM

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220 Closed Urgent Problem with mergin files Shilan Dargahi 12/03/2013 05:31 PM

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186 Closed Urgent Weighting for couple data YIFAN SHEN 09/12/2013 04:02 PM

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170 Closed Urgent Unable to access full sample size Madeline Crosswaite 07/19/2013 07:47 AM

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64 Closed Urgent weighting youth data Kareena McAloney 06/26/2012 01:36 PM

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43 Closed Urgent Weighting-related questions Sung Park 05/14/2012 08:47 AM

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845 Closed Urgent Linkage of Understanding Society to Hospital Episodes Statistics Alex Turner 10/16/2017 04:26 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
874 Closed Urgent try to link the birthweight to each child YIN XU 03/07/2018 05:43 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
812 Closed Urgent BHPS TTWA codes Steven Ram 08/30/2017 09:51 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
859 Closed Urgent Adoption status Andrew Brown 12/18/2017 02:34 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1063 Resolved Urgent Employment variables Armine Ghazaryan 11/08/2018 04:38 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
847 Closed Urgent Complex samples suite in SPSS Carla Ayrton 10/16/2017 04:27 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
858 Closed Urgent Date of Birth variables Elena Pupaza 11/20/2017 02:52 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1066 Resolved Urgent Weights for Waves 3 and 6 Luca Bernardi 11/08/2018 04:38 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
819 Closed Urgent Gender identity Manuela Barreto 08/30/2017 09:53 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
856 Closed Urgent how to deal with contradictory records Min Zhang 11/20/2017 02:51 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
855 Closed Urgent Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion Min Zhang 10/30/2017 03:46 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
(76-100/1985) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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