Support #1286
openAppropriate weights to use with Wave 7 "chmain" dataset
Sorry to bother you again. I work for DWP and have been trying to do some cross sectional analysis of the wave 7 Child Maintenance datafile (“g_chmain”). As far as I can tell this dataset is at the child level with one row per relevant child (is that right??) but I wasn’t sure how to go about weighting these child-level observations if, for example, we wanted to produce a cross tab of the total number of children in separated families by the amount of time the children spend with non-resident parent (using g_cseeterm variable).
Each child-level record in the “chmain” dataset has a PIDP person identifier but this seems to relate to the parent of each child rather than the child themselves. There is a child-level person number variable called “g_childpno” in chmain so my plan was to use this to link each child’s record from chmain to their corresponding record in the “indall” table, assuming g_childpno in chmain corresponds to g_pno in the indall table - is this correct??. From the children’s records in the indall table I could get the g_psnenub_xw cross sectional person weight for the weighting and also the g_strata and g_psu variables to take stratification and clustering into account (and then use proc surveyfreq in SAS to produce the crosstabs). Does this seem like a reasonable approach and would these be the right variables to use?
Grateful for any advice you can offer.
Many thanks
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 5 years ago
- Category set to Weights
- Assignee set to Olena Kaminska
- Private changed from Yes to No
Updated by Olena Kaminska over 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Olena Kaminska to Alita Nandi
Thank you for your question. I suggest you use g_psnenui_xw weight as it has a higher sample size, but g_psnenub_xw is also correct. The psu and strata variables that you chose are correct.
Someone else will come back to you about the pidp question.
Best wishes,
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Alita Nandi to Stephanie Auty
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
Updated by Stephanie Auty over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Stephanie Auty to David Irvine
- % Done changed from 30 to 70
Dear David,
Yes, w_childpno in w_chmain corresponds to w_pno in w_indall (within a wave) so, along with w_hidp, can be used to link these files.
Best wishes,
Updated by David Irvine over 5 years ago
Perfect. thanks a lot for your help!
Stephanie Auty wrote:
Dear David,
Yes, w_childpno in w_chmain corresponds to w_pno in w_indall (within a wave) so, along with w_hidp, can be used to link these files.
Best wishes,
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee deleted (
David Irvine) - % Done changed from 70 to 100