





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
622 Closed Immediate hcost, hsyr04, mgold, mgtype david rhodes 09/26/2016 12:31 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
557 Closed Urgent hscost mgold david rhodes 05/31/2016 03:16 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
549 Closed Immediate self employment david rhodes 05/10/2016 04:00 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
543 Closed Normal household income david rhodes 05/10/2016 03:59 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
541 Closed Urgent Health conditions module david rhodes 05/10/2016 04:03 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
522 Closed Normal ukborn? david rhodes 03/22/2016 04:09 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
490 Closed Urgent Modified oecd equivalence scale david rhodes 02/02/2016 03:27 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
489 Closed Low HRP david rhodes 02/16/2016 10:27 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
527 Closed Normal HoH declan french 04/04/2016 03:49 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
87 Closed Normal labor income fabio mendez 11/11/2012 03:35 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
742 Closed Urgent Income gloria gennaro 04/05/2017 03:11 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
407 Closed High Missing variables in the UKHLS for the continuing members of the BHPS hiba hussein 09/16/2015 06:08 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
125 Closed Normal household income variables in Understanding society leen vandecasteele 03/18/2013 05:30 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
65 Closed Urgent question bhps j1gold, pagold leen vandecasteele 07/11/2012 07:40 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
878 Closed Urgent employment histories marco tosi 08/26/2019 09:52 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
568 Closed Normal BHPS: analysing results from children who have left the household and matching them to their parents marianne walker 06/02/2016 01:10 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
217 Closed Normal linkage with npd marta de philippis 11/10/2015 11:09 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
166 Closed Normal country of birth marta de philippis 07/11/2013 11:45 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
470 Closed High Benefit Data megan macpherson 01/19/2016 12:40 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
464 Closed Normal Local Authority Data megan macpherson 12/23/2015 10:36 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
673 Closed Urgent generating ındustry and occupatıonal dummy nazire begen 12/15/2016 10:29 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
717 Closed Urgent Deriving hourly wage variable nia kennedy 02/16/2017 09:24 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
876 Closed Normal Cross wave (xwave) variable for parents occupations NSSEC 5 cats? nicola brimblecombe 12/18/2017 02:39 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
53 Closed High "Events" variable BHPS nicolet van Dijke 06/15/2012 05:38 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
260 Closed Normal age leaving home peter tammes 06/06/2014 02:27 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
(1951-1975/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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