





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
76 Closed Normal Mortgage debt on owned property/properties missing for BHPS sample of wave 2 Clinton McMurray 10/09/2012 05:28 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
75 Closed High local context over time and census data Rafaela Dancygier 08/16/2012 10:51 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
74 Closed Normal a_hiqual_dv derivation Lorraine Waller 08/06/2012 09:06 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
73 Closed Normal availability of a_schsta - Is NAME's school a state school or is it a private, fee paying school? John Brown 07/20/2012 03:11 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
72 Closed Normal Single PSU per strata Peter Taylor 08/06/2012 09:08 AM

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70 Closed High Public vs. private sector Pieter De Vlieger 07/20/2012 03:13 PM

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69 Closed Normal New cases in interim release second wave of youth self-completion data Peter Taylor 07/20/2012 03:13 PM

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68 Closed High SOC90 reliability flag and parental occupation when the respondent was aged 14 years Lorraine Waller 07/17/2012 03:35 PM

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67 Closed Normal LVWHY Antje Mertens 07/11/2012 07:41 AM

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66 Closed High Weights - Longitudinal BHPS David Bayliss 06/26/2012 10:00 PM

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65 Closed Urgent question bhps j1gold, pagold leen vandecasteele 07/11/2012 07:40 AM

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64 Closed Urgent weighting youth data Kareena McAloney 06/26/2012 01:36 PM

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63 Closed Normal Identifying Underemployment David Bayliss 07/11/2012 07:40 AM

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62 Closed Normal Questionnaire content - Olympics Alison Stout 06/15/2012 05:40 PM

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59 Closed Urgent Linking BHPS - Understanding Society Melanie Luhrmann 06/26/2012 12:20 PM

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58 Closed Normal Youth Wave 1 data Alicia Heptinstall 06/15/2012 05:40 PM

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57 Closed Urgent urban rural coding issue IAN ALCOCK 06/15/2012 05:39 PM

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56 Closed Normal BHPS Variable problem IAN ALCOCK 07/04/2012 11:22 AM

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53 Closed High "Events" variable BHPS nicolet van Dijke 06/15/2012 05:38 PM

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52 Closed High Components of weighting variable a_indinus_xw Sung Park 06/15/2012 05:38 PM

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51 Closed Immediate a_indinus_xw weight=0 Sung Park 05/27/2012 01:43 PM

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50 Closed Urgent Comparison to LFS Sung Park 05/21/2012 11:44 AM

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48 Closed Normal Height variable in wave 16 of BHPS Sara Watson 06/15/2012 05:37 PM

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45 Closed High BHPS year first job Hannah Zagel 06/15/2012 05:36 PM

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44 Closed Normal Weighting on a restricted sample (outcome=110) Rigmor Nielsen 05/14/2012 09:07 AM

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43 Closed Urgent Weighting-related questions Sung Park 05/14/2012 08:47 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
611 Closed High longitudinal weights or cross-sectional weights for descriptive with index constructed with longitudinal weights Rita Bussi 08/11/2016 08:28 AM

Rita Bussi Actions
773 Closed Normal Is information on day of birth available as a variable? Sebastian Barfort 05/26/2017 12:52 PM

Sebastian Barfort Actions
886 Closed Normal Zero weights and statistical power Eric Emerson 03/07/2018 05:50 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
884 Closed Normal Missing call records for the wave 2 and wave 3 nurse visits Fiona Pashazadeh 03/07/2018 05:48 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
883 Closed Normal a_indrep.sav Rel Quality Data Sharon Blake 03/07/2018 05:45 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
882 Closed Normal scprely, scrrely and scfrely Chris Randall 01/09/2018 01:51 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
881 Closed High weighting values of zero Andrew Brown 03/07/2018 05:44 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
880 Closed Normal Genetic data linked to NPD Michelle Luciano 03/07/2018 05:44 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
879 Closed Normal macob_all and pacob_all in xwavedat_protect are not available Nico Ochmann 12/18/2017 02:40 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
878 Closed Urgent employment histories marco tosi 08/26/2019 09:52 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
876 Closed Normal Cross wave (xwave) variable for parents occupations NSSEC 5 cats? nicola brimblecombe 12/18/2017 02:39 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
875 Closed Normal Veterans employment David Owen 01/09/2018 01:47 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
874 Closed Urgent try to link the birthweight to each child YIN XU 03/07/2018 05:43 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
873 Closed Normal Westminster constituency identifiers Quinton Mayne 01/09/2018 01:47 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
872 Closed High Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS Lawrence Sacco 12/18/2017 02:38 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
871 Closed Normal Confirmation Wave 1 -9 Victoria Thompson 12/18/2017 02:37 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
870 Closed Normal Change in boundaries of Local Authority Districs Jascha Tutt 01/09/2018 01:47 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
868 Closed Normal wealthassetsanddebt Anonymous 12/18/2017 02:37 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
867 Closed Normal Wave 6 f_hhnetinc1 set to zero rather than missing for iemb sample David Leese 12/18/2017 02:36 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
866 Closed High Stratification information Theodora Kokosi 12/18/2017 02:36 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
865 Closed Normal Change in question on occupation in Questionnaire in 2005 and 2006 Glenna Nightingale 12/18/2017 02:36 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
864 Closed Urgent filterring Olga Maslovskaya 01/09/2018 01:46 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
863 Closed Normal People living in Multi-generational homes in the UK Charlotte Pierzchniak 11/20/2017 02:55 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
862 Closed Normal interviewer identification numbers Dana Garbarski 12/18/2017 02:35 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
(1601-1650/1984) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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