Support #95
closedFollow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
Many thanks for your suggestion Jakob.
On a related matter, i.e a variation between results
in Understanding Society wave 1 and British Household
Panel wave 18.
I have run a frequency in Understanding Society wave 1 looking
at age bands, filtering on employees using:
Weight: a_indpxus_xw
Filter: a_jlsemp = 1 (employee)
Variable: a_agegr13_dv
This has produced a rather strange result when looking
at the '65 years or older' age band with 48.2% (7,107) of the responses coded as employees.
To put this into context, the percentage of people who are coded as employees in their thirties is considerably
lower, '30-34 years old' account for 3.8% (559). While '35-39 years old' account for 4.4% (653)
of the total responses received (14,759).
Ray Storry
Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Are you interested in current (_jbsemp) or last job (_jlsemp)?
Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Redmine Admin
- Target version set to BHPS
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
In current. Is there a similar distinction in the BHPS between current and last job?
Yes, BHPS is the source of these two variables.
Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago
Can I check the variable for current job in BHPS, please.
The variable names are the same. Please be aware that the wave prefix on BHPS is simply a letter, whereas it is a letter plus and underscore on UKHLS.
NB Please update issues with comments or follow-up questions by logging into this user support webpage. The reply-to address on the automated email is a generic email address and we cannot guarantee that it will be picked up by the user support team. Thanks
Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100