Support #150
closedHow to combine two waves?
I have been referring to various literature available on how to combine the two waves in USoC and am a bit confused, either to use merge or append? Could you please guide me how to combine the entire datasets of Wave 1 and 2? And secondly how can I use the BHPS identifier - hidp and individual identifier - pidp, to identify the respondents from the BHPS? is there any literature available somewhere that might be useful?
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Redmine Admin
- Target version set to X M
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
pidp is the unique personal identifier across all waves and be used for merging data on the same individuals from different waves.
From the user guide (p.42):
“For longitudinal analysis of the GPS sample, cases may be matched to Wave 1 data, available as part of this release from the UK Data Service, using the variable pidp, the Understanding Society cross wave person identifier.
However for the BHPS sample, a different identifier will need to be used: the variable pid, which is the BHPS cross-wave person identifier. The pid identifier is available in all person level files in the Understanding Society Wave 2 release and in the 18-wave BHPS longitudinal data set, available separately from UK Data Service.”
The cases in the two samples can be distinguished using the variable b_memorig (INDSAMP) or b_hhorig (enumeration and response files).
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
The user guide has examples of some common data handling tasks.
The training course materials here may also be of interest: