



Support #112


Most Recent Wave Questions - Parental Educational Expectations

Added by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Redmine Admin
Data documentation
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Hello, I am using the Wave 5 data and I just a few quick questions about the questionnaire as well as the data.

(1) In the parental educational expectations module in the questionnaire, I just had a question about the construction of the PEDCHPID variable. It seems that the restriction under "Use" that Punichild > 0 & Punichild < 96 is taken care of by the "Universe", since one restriction in the universe section is that Punichild>96 and another is Punist=1, the latter of which seems to imply that Punichild>0. So, I was wondering if this was simply redundancy, or am I misunderstanding the concept of the "Use" section and the "Universe" section, or am I misunderstanding the construction of this variable.

(2) I was unable to find PEDCHPID as a variable in any of the datasets. I was wondering if you could explain this, or am I just missing it somehow.

(3) Is it true that the variables PEDCHPNO and PUNIST in the parental educational expectations can have no non-trivial answers in common, in the sense that it cannot be the case that both are asked to any one person, and so they should never both take on a value that isn't "Inapplicable". I only ask because in the e_person dataset, for PIDP=1721902846, HIDP=1710193208 and PNO=1, there is a value of "Yes" for PUNIST and "3" for PEDCHPNO.

Actions #1

Updated by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago

I'm sorry, I forgot to include that this is for the Innovation Panel.

Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

  • Category set to Data documentation
  • Assignee set to Redmine Admin
  • Target version set to IP5
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

As I understand your question, this is about identifying the child the parent is asked the parental educational expectations about. For co-habiting children you can simply use the _pedchpno (the _pno of the child) when linking to info about the child. For non-resident children it will be easier for you to use _pedchpid (the pidp of the child). The latter is not yet on the data set, but will be included in the deposited version of the data (let me know if required sooner). In you example, person number 3 is likely to refer to a child present at the previous wave. At the interview this now non-resident child is linked to the parents through a list of issued household members from the previous wave. USE states whether it is a direct question (Ask ...) or a computed item. UNIVERSE contains the Boolean logic for who is eligible for the item. I hope the data and questionnaire will make more sense now.

Actions #3

Updated by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago


Ah I see. So in the example I gave, is the entry in PEDCHPNO of 3 an error? If the child is now not a co-resident, shouldn't he not be reported in PEDCHPNO? I may not be understanding this correctly.

Thank you.


Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

Yes or at least not very helpful. For the very small number of non-resident children we will provide the identifier, pedchpid, which is equivalent of pidp. Thanks for making us aware of this issue.

Actions #5

Updated by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago

Ok thank you very much.

My final question concerns the age and gender variables in the e_person dataset. It seems that in some instances, e_psex (Gender of the respondent) is deemed "Inapplicable", whereas, for example, if the person has e_pno=1, e_idmsex01 (gender of household member 1) does in fact contain the gender (either Male or Female). Is there some reason for this, or can I safely move the values from e_idmage to e_psex without error (I thought it have something to do with fed-forward information, but I'm just not sure)?

Actions #6

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 90

The demographic variables on HHGRID take precedence over variables found in other files.

Actions #7

Updated by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago

Ok, so then does this hold true for the relationship variables, e_pr, in the e_person dataset as well (i.e. the HHGRID variables are more accurate)?

Actions #8

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

Yes, variables defined in the questionnaire documentation take precedence over temporary variables.

Actions #9

Updated by Samuel Kapon about 12 years ago

I see, thank you very much!

Actions #10

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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