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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
292 Closed High Household food spending repondant also primary household shopper? Tarra Penney 09/03/2014 09:00 AM

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335 Closed Normal Household weights in b_hhresp Wave 2 Dharmi Kapadia 02/04/2015 02:17 PM

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433 Closed Normal How can I apply for a special license? Yujung Whang 10/30/2015 11:06 AM

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150 Closed Normal How to combine two waves? Sabrina Khan 06/03/2013 09:49 AM

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162 Closed High How to get data? Lisa Reuter 07/04/2013 07:41 AM

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436 Closed Normal How to identify the Household Reference Person Laura Jones 11/09/2015 01:01 PM

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444 Closed Normal I need help Abdulganiyu Ajani 11/16/2015 03:21 PM

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286 Closed High ILO Unemployment indicator with BHPS Euan Ritchie 08/18/2014 02:24 PM

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120 Closed Normal IP Wave 5-Egoalt Dataset Samuel Kapon 02/01/2013 02:32 PM

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250 Closed Normal Identify Eligible Nurse Health Assessment Sample Caroline Carney 03/28/2014 04:19 PM

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63 Closed Normal Identifying Underemployment David Bayliss 07/11/2012 07:40 AM

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438 Closed Normal Identifying a change in address Federico Zilio 11/19/2015 03:58 PM

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398 Closed Normal Identifying drop outs and re joiners Gretta Mohan 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

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400 Closed Normal Identifying when IP sample members die Peter Lynn 08/12/2015 01:46 PM

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451 Closed Normal Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Boost sample Wave 6 Dharmi Kapadia 12/01/2015 09:07 AM

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332 Closed Normal In ECHP, FC and WFTC are included in pi211mg and deducted to get pi211m? Diego Collado 04/02/2015 05:19 PM

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427 Closed Normal Income variables' descriptive stats on US website do not match my results Gabriella Melis 10/23/2015 07:06 AM

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255 Closed Urgent Inconsistency in data set and online documentation for variable b_fimngrs_dv David Tan 05/06/2014 10:53 AM

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121 Closed Normal Information Treatment-IP Wave 5 Samuel Kapon 02/20/2013 03:21 PM

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90 Closed Normal Innovation Panel Variables and Wave Alexandru Cernat 11/16/2012 05:49 PM

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293 Closed Normal Is further documentation available as to how the REGION geographies have been constructed for BHPS? Chanuki Seresinhe 09/11/2014 02:08 PM

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312 Closed Normal Issue with "Self-completion Best Friends module" Sergio Lo Iacono 10/30/2014 02:09 PM

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129 Closed Normal Item origin in Youth self completion data Peter Taylor 03/18/2013 05:31 PM

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130 Closed High Jbsec variable in wave 2 - 12 months or 2 months? Sagar Shah 03/20/2013 03:03 PM

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144 Closed Normal LSOA file Carolina Zuccotti 05/17/2013 08:24 AM

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(1551-1575/1985) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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