Support #256
closedBHPS to US migration data
First time here so apologies if not the correct place to post. Is it possible to analyse movements of people (literally migrating from one region to another) from the BHPS (say 2004) to US (say wave 3)? Is there an identifier that would follow people through both surveys? If so would it be reliable enough in terms of sample size, to find this kind of data?
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 11 years ago
- Target version set to X M
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
UK Region of residence is
for BHPS and
for UKLHS. See also following FAQ for access to fine-grained geographical identifiers available under Special Licence;
Updated by Gareth Piggott almost 11 years ago
Thanks - geography is not an issue - it's only regions that I need. But I couldn't see any matching unique person or household codes between wave fourteen of the BHPS and wave 3 of Understanding Society. Which identifier do I use to match these two datasets, in a longitudinal way?
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 11 years ago
The new user guide explains all about the overlap between the two studies and how the data may be linked;
pidp for UKHLS
pid for BHPS & BHPS sample in UKHLS
Updated by Redmine Admin almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100