



Support #56


BHPS Variable problem

Added by IAN ALCOCK almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Redmine Admin
Data analysis
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% Done:



I have a problem understanding the data for the BHPS variable on asthma, wHLPRXE, which is available for waves K and P only. This variable is routed through the all waves variable on Health problems: Chest/breathing wHLPRBE.

At wave K the asthma variable KHLPRXE is routed: if KMEMORIG==1-4 & KHLPRBE==1; if from the BHPS/ECHP sample and R has chest/breathing problems. KHLPRXE has 1404 valid yes/no response (+ 3 cases missing). BUT, KHLPRBE has 1464 cases which meet the condition for being routed to KHLPRXE; i.e. there are 1464 cases KMEMORIG=1-4 & KHLPRBE=1. (A cross tab of KMEMORIG and KHLPRBE if KHLPRBE==1 shows that of the 2542 cases KHLPRBE=1, OS=1172, and ECHP categories=143, 126 and 23; total=1464.) So where are the other 60 (or perhaps 57) who do not have a response to KHLPRBE?

The numbers do not seem to add up logically at wave P either. At wave P the asthma variable is routed: if PHLPRBE==1; if R has chest/breathing problems. KHLPRXE has 1969 valid yes/no response (+ 2 cases missing / don’t know). BUT PHLPRBE has 2010 cases which meet the condition for being routed to PHLPRXE; i.e. there are 2010 cases PHLPRBE=1. So where are the other 41 (or perhaps 39) who do not have a response to PHLPRXE?

Is this a routing statment problem, or have I missed something? Thanks in advance

Actions #1

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • Category set to Data analysis
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Redmine Admin
  • Target version set to BHPS
  • % Done changed from 0 to 40

First of all apologies for not getting back to you earlier (the good news is that we preparing more UKHLS data for release).
Key to this question seems to be the proxy responses to khlprbe (-7) and a few that look as if there were wrongly coded as missing (-9).

. table   kmemorig khlprbe  khlprxe,row

sample    |
origin:   |
original  |                                              suffer asthma attacks/ short of breath and health problems: chest/breathing                                              
bhps or   | ------------- -9 -------------    ------------- -8 -------------    ------------- -7 -------------    -------------- 1 -------------    -------------- 2 -------------
echp      |     -9      -8       0       1        -9      -8       0       1        -9      -8       0       1        -9      -8       0       1        -9      -8       0       1
        1 |                                                    7,460                 1      71     232      42                               776                               354
        2 |                                                      532                         6      20       8                                94                                41
        3 |                                                      508                         3      20       6                                89                                31
        4 |                              3                       133                 1       2       6       1                                15                                 4
        5 |                                                    1,992     357                20      64      16                                                                    
        6 |                                                    2,105     314                 4      66      12                                                                    
        7 |                                                4   2,891     363               100      84      16                                                                    
    Total |                              3                 4  15,621   1,034         2     206     492     101                               974                               430


Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 40 to 100

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