



Support #446


Childcare analysis

Added by Ceri Hughes over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Data analysis
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% Done:




I would like to use the Understanding Society wave 4 data to assess whether childcare arrangements made to cover working hours/commitments vary by employment status (self-employed vs employees).

The ccwork variable asks respondents with children under 15 who have a job what arrangements they make to look after their children when working. It is only asked of people who have said they do not use 'childcare' (care provided by someone other than them or a partner).

My question is whether I can use the d_ccwork variable alongside d_ccare (use childcare) to provide a broad overview of childcare arrangements made to accommodate work. I.e. x per cent of employees use childcare, x per cent don't but work from home and another x per cent think their children are old enough to look after themselves (and so on along the different response options). It seems to me that there is an assumption in the way that the questions are structured that those who state that they use childcare would be using it when they are at work whereas those who answer no are pressed to provide more detail on the arrangements that they make. However it could be that people who say they use childcare only use it for babysitting and that they actually make arrangements to work from home or structure their working hours in a particular way to ensure care is provided whilst they work. A question similar to ccwork does not seem to be asked of those who say they use childcare.

Is there another combination of variables that need to be looked at to determine whether the ccwork response options apply to those who use childcare?

Any help on this much appreciated.

Actions #1

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Data analysis
Actions #2

Updated by Gundi Knies over 9 years ago

  • Target version set to M4
Actions #3

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alita Nandi
Actions #4

Updated by Alita Nandi over 9 years ago


Yes, if you combine ccare and ccwork and restrict the analysis to those who had a job last week (jbhas=1|jboff=1), you will be able to say what % of employed with at least one child (age <15 years) "use childcare, x per cent don't but work from home and another x per cent think their children are old enough to look after themselves (and so on along the different response options)."

If you are interested in different types of childcare arrangements by employment status then wkch* should give you lot of detail. However, you are right from these questions what you cannot say is whether those who work and sometimes use childcare also "work at home" or "only work during school hours". You may get an idea of working hours from the employment section questions on usual work time ("wktime", "wkends") and the questions on hours worked in a week.

Best wishes,
On behalf of the team

Actions #5

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
Actions #6

Updated by Ceri Hughes over 9 years ago

Thank you for your help on this

Actions #7

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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