





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
359 Closed Normal savings greater than income Elisa Macchi 06/15/2015 01:27 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
882 Closed Normal scprely, scrrely and scfrely Chris Randall 01/09/2018 01:51 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
105 Closed Normal second wave full release date Peter Taylor 01/08/2013 03:56 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
392 Closed Normal secondary vs. post-secondary distinctions in vocational quals Jonathan Burton 08/11/2015 04:11 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
784 Closed Normal self-completion questionnaires Daniele Guariso 06/07/2017 03:45 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
358 Closed Normal selfemployed well being Julia Heynat 04/23/2015 03:15 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
597 Closed Normal some incorrect value lables - wave 5 Renee Luthra 08/15/2016 03:46 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
103 Closed Normal stata files fiona carmichael 01/04/2013 01:03 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
450 Closed Normal subpopulation analysis Stefanie Jane 12/23/2015 10:37 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
254 Closed Normal svyset query Stephanie Wallace 05/09/2014 12:52 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
148 Closed Normal test Redmine Admin 05/15/2013 02:18 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
651 Closed Normal tnc variable Sait Bayrakdar 11/22/2016 01:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
118 Closed Normal total gross income variables Robert de Vries 02/18/2013 02:34 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
772 Closed Normal training interviewers to make observations Dana Garbarski 05/17/2017 02:15 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
826 Closed Normal transformed HH income measure? Seok Woo Kwon 09/05/2017 11:23 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
522 Closed Normal ukborn? david rhodes 03/22/2016 04:09 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
849 Closed Normal universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS Yujung Whang 12/18/2017 02:33 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
89 Closed Normal variable bjBSECT (sector of current job) appears to be corrupt or anomalous with two thirds of employees being coded not applicable. Is there an explanation please? Michael White 11/05/2012 11:04 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
361 Closed Normal variables about house's type Maria Katia Orteca 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
843 Closed Normal w_englang is not part of xwavedat, but available for wave a, e, f Nico Ochmann 09/01/2023 02:15 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
399 Closed Normal w_hiqual_dv coding Stefanie Jane 08/27/2015 04:01 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
749 Closed Normal w_scparoutint Ian Alcock 04/05/2017 03:10 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
698 Closed Normal wave 6 - individual records apparently unmatched to household records FRANCESCA ZANTOMIO 01/30/2017 11:50 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
868 Closed Normal wealthassetsanddebt Anonymous 12/18/2017 02:37 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
630 Closed Normal weight with fixed-effects Carolina Zuccotti 11/03/2016 02:39 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
498 Closed Normal weight youth self-completion + adult Carolina Zuccotti 02/08/2016 01:08 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
448 Closed Normal weights Vernon Hedge 11/20/2015 09:23 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
106 Closed Normal weights Carolina Zuccotti 01/24/2013 08:54 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
506 Closed Normal weights and design variables query Waves 2-5 Orla McBride 03/08/2016 04:05 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
362 Closed Normal weights for longitudinal analysis Anonymous 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
758 Closed Normal weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(f) Nico Ochmann 06/15/2017 03:08 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
128 Closed Normal working with England & Wales Carolina Zuccotti 03/06/2013 02:13 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
296 Closed Normal zero value weights using c_indnsub_xw Esther Curnock 10/16/2014 08:13 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
240 Closed Low Derived variable in the BHPS Jonathan Burton 02/07/2014 01:28 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
565 Closed Low Egoalt file and meaning of alwstat codes Dan Brown 07/05/2016 12:58 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
489 Closed Low HRP david rhodes 02/16/2016 10:27 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
156 Closed Low Variables and weights Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:37 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
893 Rejected Immediate Urgent/ish data mental health and social media danilo di emidio 01/11/2018 10:28 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
(1951-1988/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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