



Support #704


output area cods and names

Added by Glenna Nightingale about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Data analysis
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I am analysing BHPS and UKHLS data and am using the ONS output area classifications as a variable in my analyses.
I've downloaded the csv file with output area classification codes and names from the ONS website here:
but don't seem to find names for the codes 5c3,5c2,5b4,6c2,4b4,and 4d2 found in the combined BHPS and UKHLS dataset. I am wondering whether these codes were included in the BHPS and UKHLS datasets in error?

From the .csv file that I downloaded from the ONS (2011 OAC Clusters and Names) I have the following codes and names (tallied to get n for each code):

1a1  1a2  1a3  1a4  1b1  1b2  1b3  1c1  1c2  1c3  2a1  2a2  2a3  2b1  2b2  2c1  2c2  2c3  2d1  2d2 
2454 3086 3043 1581 5272 4811 3600 1030 1183 1240 467 574 1520 1449 1221 1683 1182 1402 1002 1239
2d3 3a1 3a2 3b1 3b2 3b3 3c1 3c2 3d1 3d2 3d3 4a1 4a2 4a3 4b1 4b2 4c1 4c2 4c3 5a1
1386 1958 1551 1382 660 921 1043 543 1278 1094 1419 4488 3512 2942 3540 2606 2322 1803 2289 8046
5a2 5a3 5b1 5b2 5b3 6a1 6a2 6a3 6a4 6b1 6b2 6b3 6b4 7a1 7a2 7a3 7b1 7b2 7b3 7c1
6378 6700 4961 4130 8482 3409 4353 7174 4865 3434 9860 8178 5577 2170 3214 4005 1344 1428 1980 3382
7c2 7c3 7d1 7d2 7d3 7d4 8a1 8a2 8b1 8b2 8c1 8c2 8c3 8d1 8d2 8d3
3225 2901 1526 909 739 312 6448 5026 4289 4845 5527 3209 4053 3527 4435 2479

I've also checked the Pen Portraits for the 2011 Area Classification for Output Areas (Updated in April 2015) but don't find the codes there either.
Does anyone know the corresponding names for the codes 5c3,5c2,5b4,6c2,4b4,and 4d2?
with many thanks

Actions #1

Updated by Gundi Knies about 8 years ago

  • Category set to Data analysis
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Glenna Nightingale
  • % Done changed from 0 to 70

Hi Glenna,
we checked the UKHLS OAC 2011 data and they appear to use the correct OAC 2011 code frame. Are the odd codes from the BHPS Wave 1-18? Note that BHPS Wave 1-18 is coded to OAC 2001 only and it is not a good idea to apply OAC 2011 labels to OAC 2001 data. The code frames are very different (despite the format of the values suggesting otherwise).
Hope this helps,

Actions #2

Updated by Victoria Nolan about 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 90
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Hi Glenna,

Just checking if there's anything more we can help you with on this query?

Many thanks, Victoria.

Actions #3

Updated by Glenna Nightingale about 8 years ago

Dear Gundi and Victoria,
Thanks very much for your response.
I checked my dataset and the odd codes only show up for the BHPS Waves 1-18, not for the UKHLS waves.
I realise now that the OAC codes are different for BHPS and UKHLS. Thanks for pointing that out.
I planned to analyse the data together (combining BHPS and UKHLS), but don't think I can anymore since I would like to include OAC Supergroup as a variable. I thought of recasting the BHPS OAC codes onto that for the 2011, but that does not seem feasible since the Supergroup names are different.
with many thanks for your advice,

Actions #4

Updated by Victoria Nolan about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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