Support #729
closedmodetype variable
I am looking for "modetype" variable from the dataset but I could not find where the variable is stored at.
The online codebook says it is in GRIDVARIABLES module.
I searched for every datafile in wave 2 to find which dataset contains that variable but I could not find.
I have also looked at the cross wave data files such as xwavedat but I could not find it from there either.
Could you please direcet me to where I can find that variable?
Updated by Victoria Nolan about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Victoria Nolan
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Private changed from Yes to No
Dear Yujung,
Many thanks for your message - the team here is looking into it and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Best wishes, Victoria
On behalf of the Understanding Society Data User Support Team
Updated by Victoria Nolan about 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Victoria Nolan to Yujung Whang
- % Done changed from 10 to 90
Dear Yujung,
Modetype is only available in wave 6 in the hhresp, indall and child data files as f_modetype and is the mode of completion of the household grid. It is not, however, included in waves 1 to 5. The variable that should be of more use to you is *_hholdmodedv which is available for waves 3 to 6 and is the mode of completing the household interview. There was no modetype variable at wave 2 as all interviews (with the exception of BHPS telephone-only households) were face to face and there was no switching between face to face and telephone.
Best wishes, Victoria.
Updated by Yujung Whang about 8 years ago
Hi, many thanks for the clarification.
Then I'm afraid some of the descriptions on the universe of the variables on the online codebook must be corrected..
For instance, "ethid4a" variable in wave 2 was said to be conditioned on "modetype=1". So I thought there must be a modetype variable in wave 2..
You mentioned that some BHPS sample members were interviewed through telephone. Is there a variable in wave 2 where I can detect those households?
Also, is it why the online codebook says "ethid4a" variable was asked only for the face-to-face households, to exclude the BHPS telephone only households?
Updated by Victoria Nolan about 8 years ago
Dear Yujung,
The description of the universe for the variable ethid4a on the online documentation does not need to be corrected. The universe specifies the conditions relating to the question being asked of the interviewee. Just because modetype is specified in the universe does not mean that it translates to a variable in the dataset made available to researchers.
There is a variable that identifies telephone interviews in wave 2 (for BHPS sample members only) and is called b_ff_tel. It can be found in hhresp, hhsamp, indall and indresp data files.
The whole Ethnic Identity module was not asked of telephone interviewees (as specified in the questionnaire). There could be a combination of reasons for that but significantly the questions as they exist were not formulated to be asked over the telephone – they are quite wordy, repetitive and without a showcard would likely prove confusing.
Hope this helps, best wishes, Victoria.
Updated by Yujung Whang about 8 years ago
Thanks for the clarification !!
Updated by Victoria Nolan almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100