





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
1172 Resolved Normal seeming errors in fnspid and mnspid variables Katy Morris 06/04/2019 08:26 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1038 Resolved Normal Imputations for savings, investment, debts and housing value Nora Müller 03/27/2019 11:16 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
514 Closed Immediate BHPS wave O proxy and or phone data Christopher Booth 03/03/2016 04:40 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
352 Closed High BHPS Elisa Macchi 04/13/2015 10:32 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1230 Closed Normal Equality Act 2010 definition of disability Onyinye Ezeyi 08/21/2019 10:22 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
914 Closed Immediate end dates of individual interview for IP W9 Olga Maslovskaya 02/15/2018 05:30 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1686 Feedback Normal New diabetes diagnoses in UKHLS wave 10 Amy Clair 05/03/2022 10:41 AM

Amy Clair Actions
2176 Feedback Normal USOC Wave 16 - Enquiry re: questions on employment rights Andrei Savitski 11/20/2024 03:47 PM

Andrei Savitski Actions
1111 In Progress Normal Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew Chris Foye 03/27/2019 03:44 PM

Chris Foye Actions
547 Closed Urgent Socio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS Christa Hubers 05/27/2016 12:55 PM

Christa Hubers Actions
2194 Feedback High Analysing sub populations Evie Gates 01/20/2025 12:52 PM

Evie Gates Actions
775 Feedback Normal Nurse interviewer ID number 9999 Fiona Pashazadeh 11/22/2017 11:20 PM

Fiona Pashazadeh Actions
1340 Resolved Normal relationship_dv code request Chris Playford 05/13/2020 02:24 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
1239 Resolved Normal Using weights on a subsample of UKHLS Amanda Moorghen 09/13/2019 10:23 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1238 Resolved Normal Genotyping Data - plink format Dionysios Grigoriadis 09/13/2019 10:41 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1237 Resolved High Month of birth variables Maddalena Ronchi 09/13/2019 10:42 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1233 Resolved Urgent Commuting to work (jsttwt) Maddalena Ronchi 09/13/2019 10:42 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1232 Resolved Normal 2015 immigrant and ethnic minority boost and ward level data Elena Pupaza 09/13/2019 10:43 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1229 Resolved Normal Equality Act 2010 definition of disability Onyinye Ezeyi 09/13/2019 10:44 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
1221 Resolved Normal Using UKHLS at the quarterly level Tom Waters 09/13/2019 10:28 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
908 Resolved Normal Request Charlotte Edney 09/13/2019 10:29 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
489 Closed Low HRP david rhodes 02/16/2016 10:27 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
440 Closed Urgent Longitudinal Regression Analysis Weights Esther Afolalu 11/10/2015 10:36 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
437 Closed Normal sample design and community establishments Phil Jones 11/10/2015 10:35 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
435 Closed High Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS Ourega-Zoe Ejebu 11/10/2015 10:38 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
(26-50/1976) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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