





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
706 Closed Normal Religious sample across all waves Andrew Barclay 02/08/2017 09:43 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
631 Closed Normal Rents in Understanding Society Maria Sanchez-Vidal 10/27/2016 04:22 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
569 Closed Normal Repeated child identifer for a given adult in a_natchild file Paulino Font Gilabert 10/13/2016 03:41 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
289 Closed Normal Reproducing survey questions Victoria Peacey 11/10/2015 10:58 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
665 Closed Normal Research Using Understanding Society's anti-social behaviour (ASB) variables James Oswald 12/12/2016 09:40 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
257 Closed Normal Residential mobility and LSOA codes Rory Coulter 05/30/2014 08:49 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
455 Closed Normal Residential mobility indicators Rory Coulter 12/08/2015 10:24 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
374 Closed Normal Response rates in wave 1 Caroline Tait 05/22/2015 12:26 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
378 Closed Immediate Retirement data Sarah Qu 07/07/2015 04:01 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
71 Closed Normal Retirement planning module Rigmor Nielsen 11/10/2015 02:58 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
212 Closed Normal Retrieving previous responses to questions asked only once Poppea Daniel 10/28/2013 10:11 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
46 Closed Normal Review Board Amy Thomas 11/10/2015 03:00 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
326 Closed Normal Revised weights Noah Carl 12/22/2014 08:49 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
764 Closed Normal Reward variables Roxana Corduneanu 05/03/2017 02:44 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
511 Closed Normal SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2 Orla McBride 05/17/2016 02:46 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
759 Closed Normal SF-12 Maria Pavlova 04/12/2017 04:21 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
231 Closed Normal SF36 in BHPS Ian Alcock 01/28/2014 07:15 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
177 Closed Normal SF36 in BHPS and SF12 in UKHLS Emma Salter 11/10/2015 02:26 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
197 Closed Normal SF36GHP in Wave 9 of the BHPS Emma Salter 11/12/2013 03:33 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
422 Closed Urgent SIC 2007 variables in Wave 3 Ashwin Kumar 11/10/2015 10:37 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
60 Closed Normal SL Version W2 Interim Relaease IAN ALCOCK 11/10/2015 02:38 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
96 Closed High SN 3954 British Household Panel Survey Combined Work-Life History Chris Foster 11/10/2015 02:44 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
416 Closed High SOC 00 to ISCO 1988 stata dofile (code for 4 digits) Understanding society dataset Albert Arcarons 09/28/2015 02:15 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
68 Closed High SOC90 reliability flag and parental occupation when the respondent was aged 14 years Lorraine Waller 07/17/2012 03:35 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
214 Closed Normal SPSS files and documentation John F Hall 11/10/2015 03:04 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
(1601-1625/1985) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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