Support #656
closedOwn first job
Hi there,
I would like to ask about the own first job question: x_j1soc10
I see there is a large proportion of missing values for this question - upward of 1/3 in my sample of wave 3 participants aged over 16 years in GPS/EMB/BHPS pooled sample.
As far as I can tell from the routing in the questionnaire, it looks as if everyone should be included in the question.
Can you confirm if these are missing due to item non-response - not remembering?- or is there a subgroup who are excluded from being asked the question?
I also thought some could be missing due to have be unemployed after leaving school, in which case I could look at their first reported spell of labour market activity from the employment history module to find this information.
Many thanks,
Updated by Gundi Knies over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Gundi Knies to Emma Gorman
- Target version set to X M
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Dear Emma,
the question regarding the first job is part of the initial conditions module and not asked of everybody. In Wave 2 the questionnaire routing reads:
If (J1NONE = 3 | (Ff_ivlolw = 2|3|MIS & Ff_everint <> 1) & (DEMOGRAPHICS.jbstat = 1|2)) // had a first job after full-time education or is new entrant never interviewed (excluding rising 16 year olds) and current economic activity is employed or self-employed"
This means: For the majority of the sample J1SOCxx is inapplicable; missing values occur when the job information was uncodeable or not coded. Most of the BHPS sample will have been asked about their first job as part of the BHPS W1-18 when the code frame for SOC2010 did not exist (==>J1SOC10 was not coded). J1SOC90 and J1SOC00 are probably more complete across studies.
HTH, best wishes,
Updated by Victoria Nolan over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
- Private changed from Yes to No