From 04/10/2016 to 05/09/2016
05:25 PM Support #511: SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2
- Note that 959 persons had left both boxes of Q23 blank (so -9 was coded) but had filled in b_scfalcdrnk categories 1-...
05:14 PM Support #511: SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2
- B_SCEVERDRNK was mislabelled: 1 means they ticked the "Have never had an alcoholic drink" box. We will revise it. Tha...
11:01 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Thanks for letting us know that m_rename is not available in the Moodle course. It has now been uploaded. Check the f...
06:52 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Gundi,
can you please post the m_rename.sps macro for exercise 8? i am reworking through the exercises.
than... -
02:44 PM Support #537 (Resolved): Merged File Request
- Further to my last post, it has puzzled me why your interpretation of Stata code does not yield the same number of in...
04:11 PM Support #560 (Resolved): PNO of spouse in BHPS and UKHLS
- Hi Christa,
when you are unsure about which relationships are covered in a variable pointing to a significant other ... -
03:23 PM Support #560 (Closed): PNO of spouse in BHPS and UKHLS
- Hello,
Just for clarification: is the hgspn variable in BHPS waves 1-18 the same as ppno in UKHLS? It is not exact...
07:50 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Zoe,
as we have said before, it is bejond the remit of this support forum to work through individual user's code ... -
09:51 AM Support #556 (In Progress): Death in BHPS and US
09:50 AM Support #548 (Closed): Age variables BHPS and UKHLS
09:49 AM Support #547 (Closed): Socio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS
06:08 PM Support #554: Special license data for non-UK issues
- Hi Victoria,
Thank you very much for your reply. I read through the links you gave me, I still have 3 more quest... -
05:42 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi
I have managed to finally perform steps 1 and 2. In case other people read this feed you need to:
ADD FILES for... -
12:34 PM Support #556: Death in BHPS and US
- Alita Nandi wrote:
> Please note that the data structure of indsamp is different from indresp or indall. Here each i...
04:54 PM Support #557 (Closed): hscost mgold
- Is it correct that to obtain the original purchase price and the amount borrowed at purchase for mortgagors it is nec...
03:35 PM Support #554 (Feedback): Special license data for non-UK issues
- Dear Moyin,
Many thanks for your enquiry. Apologies for the broken link, we will get this fixed.
Medium level g... -
12:08 PM Support #541 (Resolved): Health conditions module
11:57 AM Support #555 (Feedback): Household and individual income components
- Dear Alba,
The great majority of differences are proxy cases for which we do include the component values in the d... -
11:04 AM Support #556: Death in BHPS and US
- Please note that the data structure of indsamp is different from indresp or indall. Here each individual can have mor...
11:02 AM Support #556: Death in BHPS and US
- Additionally:
In the BHPS, as in UKHLS, you can also identify deceased respondents using "wivfio" variable in "winds... -
10:53 AM Support #556: Death in BHPS and US
- Emily,
There is a cross-wave variable indicating final known status of respondents: it is astat in xwlsten.dta dat... -
09:30 AM Support #550: Interview date
- Great, thanks Victoria!
08:47 AM Support #550: Interview date
- Hi Christoph,
In the BHPS, the respondent never reports the date of interview, it’s always done by the interviewer...
05:07 PM Support #550: Interview date
- Thanks Vicotria,
that is helpful, as a follow up:
At least in the BHPS (haven't checked US yet) there are vars wh... -
03:25 PM Support #556 (Closed): Death in BHPS and US
- How can I determine whether an individual in BHPS has died at following waves, including during their time in Underst...
03:22 PM Support #555 (Closed): Household and individual income components
- We are researching changes in household income over time, and are interested in determining which components (labour ...
07:15 PM Support #553: Measuring highest level of education in both the BHPS and US data
- Hi Vanessa,
further to Victoria's response, I am now uploading the code that we run to create a proxy for the Unders... -
03:47 PM Support #553 (In Progress): Measuring highest level of education in both the BHPS and US data
- Hi Vanessa,
Many thanks for your enquiry and for transferring it to the user support forum.
Please can I refer ... -
03:38 PM Support #553 (Closed): Measuring highest level of education in both the BHPS and US data
- Dear Victoria,
I noted that you responded to a colleague’s question on this matter, but provided the solution via... -
05:34 PM Support #554 (Closed): Special license data for non-UK issues
- Hi there,
I'm a PhD student from the U.S.. I'm working with my professors on a social exclusion project that co... -
03:03 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I have been trying to do the steps Gundi mentioned was done in stata in spss. Is there a possibility of g...
10:47 AM Support #551 (Resolved): Hiqual_dv derivation
10:08 AM Support #551: Hiqual_dv derivation
- Hi Emily,
we are aware that there are, unfortunately, problems with the correct display of some of the variable note... -
09:22 AM Support #551 (Closed): Hiqual_dv derivation
- I am looking for information about how the hiqual_dv variable is derived. I have found on the website the following i...
10:19 AM Support #550 (Feedback): Interview date
- Dear Christoph,
Advance letters are sent to adults living in households that we are issuing to field. The advance ... -
10:12 AM Support #545 (Closed): I would like data for C-reactive protein
10:12 AM Support #539 (Closed): matlv: Had period of maternity/paternity leave
10:12 AM Support #542 (Closed): Partner Relationship Quality Measure
10:11 AM Support #544 (Feedback): Background informations on the questions in BHPS/US data regarding gender equality
- Dear Thea,
Many thanks for your enquiry and I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
These questions are...
07:06 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
Thank you for you help.
02:15 PM Support #549: self employment
- The variable w_Jb2pay_dv relates to second job, not self-employment, and it is monthly gross income.
Best wishes,... -
02:06 PM Support #543: household income
- 1. For net income for BHPS please take a look at the net income files also available from the UKDA Study Number 3909
... -
11:28 AM Support #543: household income
- I think I need to compute equivalent variables to netinc1 and hhnetinc1 with the BHPS - can you clarify what '31 rent...
10:08 PM Support #550 (Closed): Interview date
- Hi,
I am wondering how interview dates came about mainly in the BHPS, but also US.
How much control over interv... -
12:58 PM Support #548 (Feedback): Age variables BHPS and UKHLS
- Hi Christa,
the variables wage in the BHPS and w_dvage in the UKHLS report the respondent's age at the time of the i... -
11:03 AM Support #549 (Closed): self employment
- Is e_jb2pay_dv a gross figure - it doesn't say on your web, as neither does it in the datafile, p90 of the user guide...
03:31 PM Support #548 (Closed): Age variables BHPS and UKHLS
- Dear,
I was wondering which age-variables to use in my analyses of both the BHPS and UKHLS data? The BHPS provides... -
02:50 PM Support #547 (Resolved): Socio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS
- Dear Christa,
masoc and pasoc on the BHPS data file XWAVEDAT report the 3-digit SOC 1990. The corresponding variable... -
01:50 PM Support #547 (Closed): Socio-economic status parents BHPS and UKHLS
- Dear,
I would like to compare 18-39 year old respondents from BHPS waves 13-17 with those from UKHLS waves 1-5. On... -
09:31 AM Support #511 (In Progress): SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2
- Dear Orla,
Many thanks for your enquiry. We are just consulting with colleagues on this and will get backto you as... -
07:07 AM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Dear Zoe,
Our remit at the User Forum is to answer queries related to Understanding Society data and provide gener...
04:29 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Dear Zoe,
Many thanks for your email.
The status of all posts is changed to public after we have verified that ... -
03:19 PM Support #543: household income
- Thank you. Could you confirm that BHPS does not have an equivalent variable - it appears that the household level var...
02:08 PM Support #541: Health conditions module
- This doesn't appear to be the case with the health questions in BHPS - HLPRBA to HLPRBM, as these appear (by the lack...
10:51 AM Support #541: Health conditions module
- Thank you. As there do not appear to be these health questions in the xwave data compiled for all respondents, does t...
09:14 AM Support #541 (Feedback): Health conditions module
- Dear David,
Many thanks for your enquiry. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you - I was consulting with c... -
09:24 AM Support #533 (Closed): Using the ego_alt datafile
09:24 AM Support #535 (Closed): Creating duration of marriage variable
09:20 AM Support #531 (Closed): Context of blood sampling
09:42 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Gundi
Re your message:
I am not familiar with SPSS but I have written Stata code to identify all those respond... -
01:54 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I am having trouble still with the merge. I have been able to do the merge for a and b but when i try to ... -
02:33 PM Support #511: SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2
- hello,
I just wanted to follow-up on my earlier question relating to variable SCEVERDRNK (Wave 2). I've downloaded...
02:42 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- I am sorry Zoe we are not allowed to send these data directly. You should be able to do this appending without using ...
01:23 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita
I have already changed the macro to say indall as instructed in the documents to merge multiple files
Is... -
12:37 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hello Zoe,
The macro ukhlscombine allows you to combine different wave indresp files. You are using indall files. ... -
11:39 AM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alia,
I have tried throughout the night and I still get an error message when I run the syntax, however the files...
06:18 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I am having trouble running the macro. I keep getting line 45 REN Var - Undefined variable name. I have ... -
05:17 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- It has now been uploaded and you will find it in the online Moodle course "Introduction to Understanding Society Usin...
04:55 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Gundi,
Can you please tell me where I can get UKHLScombine.sps?
Zoe -
04:25 PM Support #545: I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Just to add:
If you go to the Understanding Society website and use the search function, you can get to any variab... -
04:22 PM Support #545 (Resolved): I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Dear Gemma,
The C-Reactive protein data can be found in the nurse health assessment data (collected at waves 2 and... -
03:44 PM Support #545 (Closed): I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Hello,
I would like to access the data for C-reactive protein as I wish to look at its association with job charac... -
04:04 PM Support #539 (Resolved): matlv: Had period of maternity/paternity leave
- Dear Muzhi,
Many thanks for your enquiry. This may have been done to reflect maternity and paternity leave rules a...
09:42 AM Support #544 (Closed): Background informations on the questions in BHPS/US data regarding gender equality
- Hi,
I'm using the British Household Panel data 1991-2007 in my master thesis. I'm especially interested in the sur...
04:55 PM Support #537 (In Progress): Merged File Request
- Hi Zoe,
you are right; it is very difficult to explain all this in text. The process of identifying those in care/fo... -
03:45 PM Support #543 (Resolved): household income
- Dear David,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
hhnetinc1 does not include additional deductions from income over and... -
02:55 PM Support #543 (Closed): household income
- The on-line documentation says that hhnetinc1 is the monthly total household net income - no deductions; and that fih...
09:56 AM Support #542 (Feedback): Partner Relationship Quality Measure
- Dear Meg,
Many thanks for your enquiry. These questions were taken from the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) - unfort...
03:56 PM Support #542 (Closed): Partner Relationship Quality Measure
- Hello,
I am enquiring about the questions relating to partner relationship quality as part of the adult self-compl... -
03:34 PM Support #541 (Closed): Health conditions module
- Who is asked about their health (Hcond) please?
The questionnaire indicates that -8=n/a, but the data records 80%+ ... -
09:07 AM Support #538: missing proxy interviews in wave 1
- Thanks for identifying these cases. xwaveid is the file that provides interview outcomes for all waves. So, I identif...
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