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# Project Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
1132 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Urgent Non-biological children in cohabitation Ashley Burdett 03/02/2021 03:59 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1318 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Special Licence access Ashley Burdett 10/13/2021 11:58 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1131 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Harmonization of retrospective cohabitation and marital status information Ashley Burdett 03/02/2021 07:19 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1311 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Unemployment/home-keeper variable Ashling Larmer 10/13/2021 12:02 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1127 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Determing end date of cohabitation spell BARBARA OKUN 08/10/2022 11:31 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1492 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal USoc Interview dates 'slotting' into financial year Babar Neyazi 10/12/2021 02:42 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1831 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal hhgrid_w12.clstat Becky Pennington 11/30/2023 12:43 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1934 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Linked credit history FCA data to be released in 2023 Belinda Tracey 11/30/2023 01:16 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1470 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Question about data Ben Phillips-Farmer 10/12/2021 02:48 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1846 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Question re. recontact for Understanding Society cohort Benjamin Fell 11/30/2023 12:47 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1682 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High How to get access to postcodes? Benjamin Laidlaw 06/06/2022 08:12 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
901 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Question by an Msc student Benjamin Woolf 08/14/2018 04:04 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1068 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Locating and accessing sexuality identity data within LHS data sets Bere Mahoney 11/08/2018 04:39 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1688 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Linkage Query Brenda Hayanga 07/27/2023 02:25 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1290 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Urgent Zero/negative values of monthly labour income C Josten 08/15/2022 04:11 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1367 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Hourly wage (accounting for overtime) C Josten 10/13/2021 11:35 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1283 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Job satisfaction: comparability across BHPS and Understanding Society C Josten 08/15/2022 03:34 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1282 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High ISCO-88 derived classification C Josten 08/15/2022 03:34 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1429 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Current | job: ISCO88 | (condensed | 3 digits | version) - Manager occupations C Josten 10/13/2021 10:53 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1402 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Low wages/ how to prevent measurement bias C Josten 10/13/2021 11:17 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1366 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Valid occupation code versus job hours C Josten 03/02/2021 03:13 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1285 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Missing interview year and month C Josten 08/15/2022 03:42 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1295 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Low Stability across Big 5 personality between wave 15 of BHPS and wave 3 of Understanding Society C Josten 08/15/2022 04:45 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1281 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Low Big Five Personality in 2005 of BHPS and Wave 3 of UKHLS C Josten 08/15/2022 03:33 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1927 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal SF1 and SCSF1 variables C Rowan Marron 11/30/2023 01:15 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1975 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Weights - Cross-sectional Analysis on LAD level Caitlin Schmid 11/30/2023 02:09 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1504 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Weights Cameron Harries 10/12/2021 02:50 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1410 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Determining the missing values in the jbsoc10_cc variable. Cameron Harries 10/13/2021 11:12 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1352 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Differences between fihhmngrs_dv over different data downloads Cameron Harries 10/13/2021 11:42 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1022 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Immediate Longitudinal weight Camille Portier 10/12/2018 02:42 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1149 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Urgent Caregiving Camille Portier 08/10/2022 11:40 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1138 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High fihhmnnet1_dv Camille Portier 08/10/2022 11:36 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
929 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect Cara Booker 03/01/2018 11:14 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1851 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Labour Income whilst on maternity leave Cara Nelson 11/30/2023 12:49 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1856 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Coding of currently on maternity leave Cara Nelson 11/30/2023 12:50 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1574 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Children's weights in the COVID-19 survey Carla Grindel 12/14/2021 01:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1434 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Linking school statistics data school codes (special license) Carla Grindel 10/13/2021 10:46 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1743 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Averaging regional data to obtain control variables for individuals Carolin Schmidt 11/30/2023 11:00 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1558 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Cross-sectional vs longitudinal weights Carolin Schmidt 10/12/2021 02:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1990 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal urban_dv Caroline Kienast von Einem 02/23/2024 02:23 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1859 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal sample size loss due to weighting Caroline Kienast von Einem 11/30/2023 12:51 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1837 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Census 2011 Lower Layer Super Output Areas Caroline Kienast von Einem 11/30/2023 12:45 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1794 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Weights Caroline Kienast von Einem 10/24/2023 09:44 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1781 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Identifying House Moves Caroline Kienast von Einem 11/30/2023 11:07 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1707 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal mvyr - Year Moved To Current Address Caroline Kienast von Einem 11/30/2023 10:53 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1560 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Project Query Casper Gill 10/12/2021 02:53 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1335 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Question on Covid survey Cath Roberts 10/13/2021 11:54 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1324 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Childcare by grandparents Cath Roberts 08/22/2023 01:27 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1854 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles variable Catherine Bunting 11/30/2023 12:50 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1724 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Weights and accounting for individual clustering Catherine Bunting 12/01/2022 06:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
(201-250/1128) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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