





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
281 Closed Immediate Weights for IP5 HSIN CHEN 08/18/2014 02:45 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
86 Closed Normal Query re: variables in Wave 1 data set Gwyther Rees 10/30/2012 03:23 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
388 Closed Normal Weights Northern Ireland UK Gretta Mohan 11/10/2015 10:47 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
398 Closed Normal Identifying drop outs and re joiners Gretta Mohan 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
397 Closed Normal question about Total personal income annually Greg Hines 08/17/2015 11:52 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
588 Closed Normal Locating Data Grace Wallace 07/11/2016 12:10 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
865 Closed Normal Change in question on occupation in Questionnaire in 2005 and 2006 Glenna Nightingale 12/18/2017 02:36 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
704 Closed Normal output area cods and names Glenna Nightingale 02/16/2017 09:25 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
679 Closed High paired balanced panel in UKHLS/BHPS Glenna Nightingale 01/04/2017 01:31 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
653 Closed Normal R users, scaling UKHLS for use with BHPS Glenna Nightingale 11/22/2016 01:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
172 Closed Normal racel Giulia Montresor 07/30/2013 01:07 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
164 Closed High ethnicity Giulia Montresor 07/11/2013 11:41 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
145 Closed High working with two waves and weights Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:36 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
208 Closed Urgent move abroad Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:24 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
207 Closed Urgent income variables Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:15 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
206 Closed Normal income variables in Understanding Society Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:50 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
191 Closed Normal current employment situation and current job Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 03:02 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
156 Closed Low Variables and weights Giulia Montresor 11/10/2015 02:37 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
122 Closed Normal Data Availability Gionata Castaldi 02/20/2013 03:21 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
344 Closed High Where can I find the variables movemth and moveyr in waves 2, 3 and 4? Gilllian Paull 04/02/2015 02:43 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
343 Closed High Variables jnmnth and jnyear missing in wave 4? Gilllian Paull 04/02/2015 02:46 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
748 Closed Normal GHQ-12 results Gillian Bentley 04/05/2017 03:09 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
409 Closed Normal Weights for w2 bloods Gill Weston 09/22/2015 10:51 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
760 Closed Normal Number of sibling pairs with genetic data Gibran Hemani 04/24/2017 01:55 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
442 Closed Normal Weight for longitudinal analysis with BHPS Youth dataset Genevieve Gariepy 11/16/2015 03:22 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
(1701-1725/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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