





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
742 Closed Urgent Income gloria gennaro 04/05/2017 03:11 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
733 Closed Urgent Identifying residential movers Rory Coulter 04/12/2017 04:24 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
717 Closed Urgent Deriving hourly wage variable nia kennedy 02/16/2017 09:24 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
713 Closed Urgent Weighting for longitudinal analysis of USOC waves 2 to 5 Jane Lakey 02/13/2017 03:33 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
695 Closed Urgent NWSTAT_BHPS Valeria Milani 01/19/2017 01:13 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
689 Closed Urgent Weighting on youth self-completion datasets Jane Lakey 01/16/2017 09:01 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
673 Closed Urgent generating ındustry and occupatıonal dummy nazire begen 12/15/2016 10:29 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
664 Closed Urgent linking employment/joblessness history between BHPS and Understanding Society King Fok 12/12/2016 09:39 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
660 Closed Urgent Private Education Variable? Kasperi Lewis 12/08/2016 10:20 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
650 Closed Urgent anwstat Sait Bayrakdar 01/19/2017 01:14 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
617 Closed Urgent "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio Helena Retamal 09/05/2016 03:45 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
607 Closed Urgent File name issue for my Stata do file Gemma Daly 08/01/2016 09:51 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
600 Closed Urgent qualoc variable, qualification from the UK or not Nico Ochmann 08/10/2016 02:23 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
586 Closed Urgent BHPS sample members without pids in Understanding Society Sait Bayrakdar 07/05/2016 01:00 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
560 Closed Urgent PNO of spouse in BHPS and UKHLS Christa Hubers 05/31/2016 03:15 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
557 Closed Urgent hscost mgold david rhodes 05/31/2016 03:16 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
548 Closed Urgent Age variables BHPS and UKHLS Christa Hubers 05/03/2016 09:50 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
545 Closed Urgent I would like data for C-reactive protein Gemma Daly 04/25/2016 10:12 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
541 Closed Urgent Health conditions module david rhodes 05/10/2016 04:03 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
533 Closed Urgent Using the ego_alt datafile zoe young 04/19/2016 09:24 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
531 Closed Urgent Context of blood sampling Gaelle Albertus 04/19/2016 09:20 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
504 Closed Urgent Svy Commands on Stata Alex Best 02/29/2016 02:22 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
490 Closed Urgent Modified oecd equivalence scale david rhodes 02/02/2016 03:27 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
488 Closed Urgent Matching educational qualification in BHPS and Understanding Society Min Zhang 02/02/2016 03:30 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
480 Closed Urgent Analysis by highest educational or vocational qualification Veronique Siegler 01/20/2016 02:00 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
469 Closed Urgent cross tabulation question Veronique Siegler 01/20/2016 02:02 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
658 Closed Immediate Weights, BHPS and USoc pooled Min Zhang 01/04/2017 01:29 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
622 Closed Immediate hcost, hsyr04, mgold, mgtype david rhodes 09/26/2016 12:31 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
579 Closed Immediate attrition question zoe young 06/27/2016 04:11 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
549 Closed Immediate self employment david rhodes 05/10/2016 04:00 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
520 Closed Immediate Variable Value : Unapplicable claudia cuchi 03/22/2016 04:09 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
515 Closed Immediate Matching pid across waves Christopher Booth 03/16/2016 11:54 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
508 Closed Immediate BHPS identifying households or individuals across waves Christopher Booth 03/08/2016 04:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
479 Closed Immediate Urgent - data accesss support Christopher Booth 01/19/2016 12:42 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
465 Closed Immediate Immediate - BHPS data access help Christopher Booth 01/19/2016 12:42 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
705 Closed Normal Emigration Status Yujung Whang 01/15/2018 06:54 PM

Yujung Whang Actions
119 Closed High Large values on alcohol consumption variables Kareena McAloney 02/27/2013 09:23 AM

jason morgan Actions
893 Rejected Immediate Urgent/ish data mental health and social media danilo di emidio 01/11/2018 10:28 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
(1951-1988/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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