





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
714 Closed Normal Missing values Luca Bernardi 02/27/2017 09:47 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
824 Closed Normal Question on individual saving Lucyna Gornicka 09/14/2017 05:27 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
524 Closed Normal Geographical identifiers Luke Munford 04/04/2016 03:48 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
690 Closed High Cohabitation history Lydia Palumbo 01/19/2017 01:14 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
724 Closed High Education in BHPS and UKHLS (harmonization and classification) Lydia Palumbo 03/16/2017 11:11 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
710 Closed High variable `w'lcoh Lydia Palumbo 02/08/2017 09:43 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
384 Closed High NS-SEC variable M Bourne 06/18/2015 03:31 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
182 Closed Urgent Derived Variable a_hiqual_dv Madeline Crosswaite 11/10/2015 02:25 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
181 Closed High Age for youths in the youth questionnaire Madeline Crosswaite 11/10/2015 02:27 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
170 Closed Urgent Unable to access full sample size Madeline Crosswaite 07/19/2013 07:47 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
262 Closed Normal Weights Maire Williams 11/10/2015 11:03 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
619 Closed High Cost of obtaining the data at Local Authority level Maire Williams 09/05/2016 03:44 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
819 Closed Urgent Gender identity Manuela Barreto 08/30/2017 09:53 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
789 Closed Urgent Identifying UK citizens Marceline Noumoe Feze 06/15/2017 03:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
190 Closed Normal Wave 3 release date and content on loneliness Marcus Green 11/10/2015 02:22 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
244 Closed Normal GHQ-12 measures in wave 3 Marcus Green 03/18/2014 10:05 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
22 Closed Normal Matching parent's information to their children (aged >15) in the same household Maren M. Michaelsen 11/10/2015 02:57 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
759 Closed Normal SF-12 Maria Pavlova 04/12/2017 04:21 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
631 Closed Normal Rents in Understanding Society Maria Sanchez-Vidal 10/27/2016 04:22 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
608 Closed Normal Housing benefits' variable: coding Maria Sanchez-Vidal 08/15/2016 03:44 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
361 Closed Normal variables about house's type Maria Katia Orteca 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
331 Closed Normal grid variables Maria Katia Orteca 01/05/2015 12:41 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
487 Closed Normal Understanding Society variable: change jobs Mariska van der Horst 02/18/2016 01:03 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
736 Closed Normal Cross-sectional weight for self-completion questionnaire in wave 6 Mark Fransham 03/09/2017 03:22 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
42 Closed Urgent Imputation flags on gross income Mark Tomlinson 11/10/2015 02:47 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
757 Closed Normal Young mothers data Marsha Wood 04/12/2017 04:22 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
366 Closed Normal Work on attrition and non-response Martin Griffiths 11/10/2015 03:07 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
386 Closed Normal Using BHPS / Understanding Society for CNEF Martin Schröder 07/16/2015 11:38 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
716 Closed High Weighting linked USoc-NPD dataset Matt Barnes 08/05/2019 07:08 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
189 Closed Normal Items from citizenship survey Matt Easterbrook 11/10/2015 02:21 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
92 Closed Normal Origin of deprivation indicators Matt Ford 11/16/2012 05:50 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
496 Closed High Clarification Query - Understanding Society linked NPD, and Understanding Society with School Codes Matteo Sandi 02/18/2016 01:02 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
101 Closed Urgent Weighting in BHPS Matthew Aldrich 01/04/2013 01:02 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
81 Closed High Does Health Visitor data still exist in Understanding Society Matthew Swannell 11/10/2015 12:35 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
102 Closed Normal Aggregarting results for numbers of users in the sample to user in the population using probability weights Matthew Swannell 01/04/2013 01:02 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
642 Closed Normal LAD Codes Matthias Buser 11/09/2016 02:48 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
640 Closed Normal Citizenship in BHPS Matthias Buser 10/27/2016 04:23 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
573 Closed Normal citizenship in BHPS Matthias Buser 06/13/2016 03:18 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
542 Closed Normal Partner Relationship Quality Measure Meg Stapleton 04/25/2016 10:12 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
805 Closed Normal YPSOC in BHPS Megan Scott 07/18/2017 11:32 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
682 Closed Normal Weights for combined youth panel and main adult panel, BHPS and UKHLS Megan Scott 01/16/2017 09:01 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
677 Closed Normal Mapping SOC2000 and SOC1990 to RGSC Megan Scott 01/19/2017 01:12 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
655 Closed Normal Matching children and young people to parents no longer in the same household Megan Scott 11/22/2016 01:05 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
594 Closed Normal Discrepancy in 'don't know' responses to yasoc00 Megan Scott 08/01/2016 09:48 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
570 Closed Normal Missing stable characteristics data in xwavedat Megan Scott 06/13/2016 03:19 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
59 Closed Urgent Linking BHPS - Understanding Society Melanie Luhrmann 06/26/2012 12:20 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
36 Closed Urgent Derived variables documentation and OECD equivalisation scale Meng Lu 12/14/2012 07:35 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
813 Closed Normal Match of sex across waves Michael Nolan 08/30/2017 09:52 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
602 Closed High BHPS pid versus Understanding Society (UKHLS, with BHPS hhorig) pidp Michael Nolan 08/15/2016 03:46 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
89 Closed Normal variable bjBSECT (sector of current job) appears to be corrupt or anomalous with two thirds of employees being coded not applicable. Is there an explanation please? Michael White 11/05/2012 11:04 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
(1601-1650/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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