





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
592 Closed Normal Sampling weights when using the Youth Survey Tomos Robinson 07/25/2016 12:55 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
591 Closed Normal Downloaded waves 1-7 Gemma Daly 07/11/2016 12:13 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
590 Closed Normal guests staying with the household Sait Bayrakdar 07/11/2016 12:11 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
588 Closed Normal Locating Data Grace Wallace 07/11/2016 12:10 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
587 Closed Normal Education category "Other school cert" Rachel Sumner 07/25/2016 12:54 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
585 Closed Normal Identifying individuals with whom an interview could not be completed Sanne Velthuis 07/25/2016 12:54 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
584 Closed Normal New births in understanding society Emma Tominey 07/05/2016 12:57 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
578 Closed Normal physical activity data christine roberts 06/23/2016 12:09 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
575 Closed Normal Institutional accommodation definition Galit Gordoni 06/23/2016 12:08 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
573 Closed Normal citizenship in BHPS Matthias Buser 06/13/2016 03:18 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
572 Closed Normal No description of difference between b_nqfhigh_dv and b_qfhigh_dv in Wave 2 Rachel Sumner 06/06/2016 09:51 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
570 Closed Normal Missing stable characteristics data in xwavedat Megan Scott 06/13/2016 03:19 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
568 Closed Normal BHPS: analysing results from children who have left the household and matching them to their parents marianne walker 06/02/2016 01:10 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
567 Closed Normal Household Income vs. Housing costs Emily Murray 06/06/2016 09:52 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
566 Closed Normal Data on children's mental health Sophie Epstein 05/31/2016 03:17 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
563 Closed Normal Weights when using the youth panel Libby Webb 06/06/2016 09:50 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
556 Closed Normal Death in BHPS and US Emily Murray 05/31/2016 03:16 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
555 Closed Normal Household and individual income components Alba Lanau 05/10/2016 04:02 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
553 Closed Normal Measuring highest level of education in both the BHPS and US data vanessa gash 05/10/2016 04:01 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
550 Closed Normal Interview date Christoph Kronenberg 05/10/2016 04:02 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
544 Closed Normal Background informations on the questions in BHPS/US data regarding gender equality Thea Elnan 05/10/2016 04:00 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
543 Closed Normal household income david rhodes 05/10/2016 03:59 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
542 Closed Normal Partner Relationship Quality Measure Meg Stapleton 04/25/2016 10:12 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
539 Closed Normal matlv: Had period of maternity/paternity leave Muzhi ZHOU 04/25/2016 10:12 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
538 Closed Normal missing proxy interviews in wave 1 Yujung Whang 08/10/2016 02:25 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
(1926-1950/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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