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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
240 Closed Low Derived variable in the BHPS Jonathan Burton 02/07/2014 01:28 PM

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236 Closed Normal Wave 3: Special Licence Access, Census 2011 Middle Layer Super Output Areas Lindsay Richards 02/07/2014 01:27 PM

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231 Closed Normal SF36 in BHPS Ian Alcock 01/28/2014 07:15 PM

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234 Closed Urgent Household Income Variable “c_fihhmngrs_dv” exact definition Onyinye Ezeyi 01/24/2014 09:52 AM

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233 Closed Immediate variables location Queena Wong 01/22/2014 05:10 PM

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228 Closed Normal Wave 3 equivalent of b_indscbh_xw David Bayliss 01/15/2014 11:00 AM

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229 Closed Immediate Social class for unemployed individual Ourega-Zoe Ejebu 12/30/2013 10:25 AM

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230 Closed Immediate Weights Ourega-Zoe Ejebu 12/30/2013 10:25 AM

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223 Closed Normal Understanding Society Waves 2 & 3 Jobhist Files Nathan Hudson-Sharp 12/03/2013 05:31 PM

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220 Closed Urgent Problem with mergin files Shilan Dargahi 12/03/2013 05:31 PM

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197 Closed Normal SF36GHP in Wave 9 of the BHPS Emma Salter 11/12/2013 03:33 PM

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209 Closed Normal BHPS movers and residential casward Helena Tunstall 11/12/2013 03:32 PM

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210 Closed Normal Non-resident adult children Robert de Vries 11/12/2013 03:31 PM

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216 Closed Normal Why so many deaths in 2000 and 2004? Stephen Clark 11/12/2013 03:29 PM

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187 Closed Normal NIHPS 2008-09 (SN: 5151) - correct household weighting variable? Demi Patsios 10/28/2013 10:30 AM

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212 Closed Normal Retrieving previous responses to questions asked only once Poppea Daniel 10/28/2013 10:11 AM

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201 Closed Normal combining cross-sectional weights from wave 1 and 2 Ferdinand Eibl 10/21/2013 10:23 AM

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204 Closed Normal Linked administrative data Morag Treanor 10/21/2013 09:53 AM

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196 Closed High Variables in "b_ptimings_ip" of IP2 Vivian So 09/16/2013 09:20 AM

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186 Closed Urgent Weighting for couple data YIFAN SHEN 09/12/2013 04:02 PM

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185 Closed Normal Pre-participation unemployment spell Chris Martin 09/12/2013 04:01 PM

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179 Closed Normal mariatl status change between wave 1 and 2 Tina Hannemann 09/12/2013 04:00 PM

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183 Closed Normal Variables in "b_ptimings_ip" of IP2 Vivian So 08/27/2013 09:00 AM

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178 Closed Normal Marital Satisfaction Availability in Wave K? Spencer James 08/27/2013 09:00 AM

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180 Closed Normal Sports Club membership among Scottish adults Chris Martin 08/21/2013 01:54 PM

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(1851-1875/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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