





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
806 Closed Normal Matching Non coresident partners to households in EGOALT K.Samantha Russell Jonsson 07/18/2017 11:33 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
805 Closed Normal YPSOC in BHPS Megan Scott 07/18/2017 11:32 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
810 Closed Normal Data and merge with BHPS J Zhong 07/18/2017 11:32 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
801 Closed Normal coding of w_hrpid in w_indall Fiona Steele 07/18/2017 11:28 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
807 Closed High special licence variable victoria donnaloja 07/18/2017 11:28 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
802 Closed Normal Construction of hourly wage with paygu_dv Nico Ochmann 07/18/2017 11:26 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
795 Closed High Savings Variables in Wave A of Understanding Society Damian Finlayson 07/03/2017 09:47 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
797 Closed Normal Youth Database - All waves Lena Hassani Nezhad 07/03/2017 09:47 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
794 Closed Normal BHPS: variable 'feend' from xwavedat Julia Borodina 07/03/2017 09:46 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
781 Closed Normal Data on couple finances Charlotte Bendall 07/03/2017 09:45 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
758 Closed Normal weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(f) Nico Ochmann 06/15/2017 03:08 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
790 Closed Normal Is information on day of birth available as a variable (in BHPS)? Sebastian Barfort 06/15/2017 03:06 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
791 Closed Normal Lone Parents Helen Robb 06/15/2017 03:05 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
789 Closed Urgent Identifying UK citizens Marceline Noumoe Feze 06/15/2017 03:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
762 Closed Normal inconsistency between xwavedat and indresp on parental occupation? Carolina Zuccotti 06/07/2017 04:21 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
787 Closed Normal Household head in understanding society survey Ujjwal Kumar Das 06/07/2017 03:48 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
776 Closed Normal Access to Understanding Society and National Pupil Database Emily Lowthian 06/07/2017 03:48 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
784 Closed Normal self-completion questionnaires Daniele Guariso 06/07/2017 03:45 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
782 Closed Normal research publications - cross-sectional or longitudinal analysis Orla McBride 06/07/2017 03:45 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
785 Closed High Weighting for a complex sub-merged dataset Emily Lowthian 06/07/2017 03:42 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
768 Closed Normal Data linkage - NPD & Wave 4 - ETA? Nick Garnett 06/07/2017 03:40 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
773 Closed Normal Is information on day of birth available as a variable? Sebastian Barfort 05/26/2017 12:52 PM

Sebastian Barfort Actions
778 Closed Normal Funding GARY ADAMSON 05/17/2017 02:17 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
771 Closed Normal Interviewers' observations about the household Dana Garbarski 05/17/2017 02:15 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
772 Closed Normal training interviewers to make observations Dana Garbarski 05/17/2017 02:15 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
(1276-1300/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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