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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
32 Closed Urgent Individual and Household Weights for combining EMBS plus ethnic minority individuals in GPS & by 5 ethnic groups Sung Park 11/10/2015 03:02 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
468 Closed Urgent Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed Konstantin Käppner 12/17/2015 03:31 PM

Konstantin Käppner Actions
836 Closed Urgent Weighting for general population Ray Storry 08/17/2017 11:04 AM

Peter Lynn Actions
298 Closed Urgent USOC cross-section household weight for BHPS sample: wave 3 Alex Hurrell 09/11/2014 02:09 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
271 Closed Urgent Where is the Cognitive tests & personality traits wave 3 located? Andrew Hind 06/30/2014 03:55 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
123 Closed Urgent b_heritage96 and b_herfreq variables Jennifer Brown 02/18/2013 02:33 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
394 Closed Urgent Data in Excel? Julia Halej 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
309 Closed Urgent Unmatched District codes Cinzia Rienzo 12/03/2014 08:53 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
264 Closed Urgent Data inconsistency - satisfaction with health - c_sclfsat1 Gemma Archer 06/30/2014 03:54 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
255 Closed Urgent Inconsistency in data set and online documentation for variable b_fimngrs_dv David Tan 05/06/2014 10:53 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
243 Closed Urgent BHPS query - Waves 12 + 17 Jonathan Burton 04/02/2015 02:48 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
147 Closed Urgent What is the difference between a_racel and a_ethnic variables? The classification is the same but you get different numbers for ethnic groups??? Sabrina Khan 05/17/2013 12:38 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
142 Closed Urgent where is work experience in the BHPS? James Nield 04/30/2013 05:25 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
138 Closed Urgent Children David Angrave 04/30/2013 05:24 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
134 Closed Urgent BHPS: employment experience variable John Baxter 04/03/2013 10:02 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
115 Closed Urgent Highest qualification variable Rachel Ong 02/18/2013 02:34 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
113 Closed Urgent multiple recrods for each individual - EGOALT Nicola Pensiero 01/28/2013 10:41 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
101 Closed Urgent Weighting in BHPS Matthew Aldrich 01/04/2013 01:02 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
78 Closed Urgent Variable a_lda Sung Park 09/17/2012 08:53 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
65 Closed Urgent question bhps j1gold, pagold leen vandecasteele 07/11/2012 07:40 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
59 Closed Urgent Linking BHPS - Understanding Society Melanie Luhrmann 06/26/2012 12:20 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
57 Closed Urgent urban rural coding issue IAN ALCOCK 06/15/2012 05:39 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
50 Closed Urgent Comparison to LFS Sung Park 05/21/2012 11:44 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
36 Closed Urgent Derived variables documentation and OECD equivalisation scale Meng Lu 12/14/2012 07:35 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
449 Closed Urgent Sexuality Variable Alex Best 12/23/2015 10:38 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
(51-75/1974) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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