From 12/10/2023 to 01/08/2024
06:37 PM Support #2027 (Resolved): jbft_dv variable
- Dear Team Member,
There is a derived variable 'jbft_dv' to identify full or part-time employment. In the last 13th... -
04:45 PM Support #1836: 2021 calendar data
- Hello Matthias
We just want to let you know the release of the Calendar Year Dataset, 2021, as follows:
*SN 919... -
04:22 PM Support #2026: expenditure in UKHLS
- Dear Roberto,
thank you for this information. I see there are questions relating to food, alcohol and energy in th... -
03:53 PM Support #2026 (Feedback): expenditure in UKHLS
- Hello Jane,
Understanding Society asks questions about income and expenditure at the individual and household level,... -
02:02 PM Support #2026 (Resolved): expenditure in UKHLS
- Hi,
I am new to Understanding Society/UKHLS but have used the Australian HILDA dataset, which is very similar. I gat... -
03:56 PM Support #2025 (Feedback): expenditure in UKHLS
- Hello Jane,
The response is provided on Issue #2026
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Su... -
01:58 PM Support #2025 (Resolved): expenditure in UKHLS
- Hi,
I am new to Understanding Society/UKHLS but have used the Australian HILDA dataset, which is very similar. I gat... -
11:23 AM Support #2024: Death/dead in waves: dcsedfl_dv (Respondent reported as deceased) + dcsedw_dv (Wave respondent deceased) and value labels for waves
- Hello Alexander
The data team is aware of this issue and will initiate the correction process.
Thank you for hi...
09:51 AM Support #2024 (Feedback): Death/dead in waves: dcsedfl_dv (Respondent reported as deceased) + dcsedw_dv (Wave respondent deceased) and value labels for waves
- Hello Alexander
Thank you for bringing this up. I’ll ask the data team if there is a reason for these labels and let...
06:51 PM Support #2022 (Feedback): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent?
- Hello Connor,
The response is provided on Issue #2023
Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User S... -
06:49 PM Support #2023 (Feedback): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Also how to count .00 as missing.
- Hello Connor,
Are you using "indresp" file? The total number of observations you showed differs from the current r... -
06:44 PM Support #2024 (Resolved): Death/dead in waves: dcsedfl_dv (Respondent reported as deceased) + dcsedw_dv (Wave respondent deceased) and value labels for waves
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
I want to use the information if a respondent has died in one of the waves. There... -
09:21 AM Support #2019 (Feedback): Tailored Weighting Guidance
- Hello Freya
Here is the reply regarding xtreg
I can’t tell for sure from the information provided, but this see...
06:11 PM Support #1982: reference person weights
- Yes, that's correct.
Olena -
04:20 PM Support #1982: reference person weights
- Thank you Olena for your helpful response. The representative person is defined as a head of a household, therefore t...
12:51 PM Support #2019: Tailored Weighting Guidance
- Freya,
Yes, this sounds correct. You would need _xw weights, not _lw weights if you are just pooling cross-section... -
12:05 PM Support #2023 (Resolved): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Also how to count .00 as missing.
- Hi there,
I am currently analysing data from wave 13, though this analysis was originally carried out on wave 10 d... -
11:55 AM Support #2022 (Resolved): Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent?
- Hi there,
I am currently analysing data from wave 13, though this analysis was originally carried out on wave 10 d...
08:38 PM Support #2019: Tailored Weighting Guidance
- Hi Olena,
Thank you for your swift response.
I have pooled data from all 13 waves using the 'append' command.... -
01:38 PM Support #2019: Tailored Weighting Guidance
- Freya,
Thank you for your question. I am not sure you need a tailored weight for your analysis. It sounds like you... -
05:23 PM Support #2010: BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- Hello Joe
Here is the updated link -
05:05 PM Support #2021 (Feedback): Question about gor_dv variable
- Hello Kamil,
You're correct, there's no result when searching for gor_dv in the main Study. This might be due to the... -
04:30 PM Support #2020 (Feedback): Reasons for "-8 Inapplicable" response for life satisfaction variable "sclfsato"
- Hello John,
Please review the universe/routing of the question, which is located at the end of each question/variabl... -
02:11 PM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
- Margherita,
Thank you for your question. Yes, you should use the longitudinal weight from the last wave in your an... -
01:44 PM Support #1982: reference person weights
- Amelia,
Depends on your definition. Is the 'representative person' represents whole households? Or do you want to ...
04:57 PM Support #2021 (Resolved): Question about gor_dv variable
- Hi,
For some reason I cannot see the gor_dv variable in the mainstage variable search, maybe I am going crazy but ... -
11:32 AM Support #2020 (Resolved): Reasons for "-8 Inapplicable" response for life satisfaction variable "sclfsato"
- Within the first 12 waves of the main survey, a total of 27,645 observations do not include data on overall life sati...
09:23 PM Support #2019: Tailored Weighting Guidance
- Apologies, the code I used in (1) is actually:
> xtreg fimnlabnet_dv scghq2_dv $controls if wave==1|2 [pw=b_indinus... -
04:08 PM Support #2019 (Resolved): Tailored Weighting Guidance
- I'm investigating the effect of mental health on labour market earnings. My dependent variable is fimnlabnet_dv and m...
11:41 AM Support #1982: reference person weights
- Thank you Olena for your response.
A further question is in studying such representative persons (one person per ...
10:45 AM Support #2010: BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- Hi, thank you for the response. Unfortunately, the link to the Stata code doesn't seem to work. Where can I find it, ...
03:16 PM Support #2009 (Feedback): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- Dear Marina,
Here is the answer from our Covid-19 data weighting expert:
"You aren’t going to be able to use th... -
11:09 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
- Thank you very much, Olena, for your help, I understand the point.
If I wanted to use Understanding Society weight...
05:01 PM Support #2015 (Feedback): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Dear Alexander,
In principle, it would be possible to use the linked central registry data at the LLC, but please ... -
04:57 PM Support #2018 (Feedback): Month migrants came to Britain
- Hello,
I'm afraid we don't collect the information about the month of arrival to the UK.
Best wishes,
UKHLS Us... -
10:59 AM Support #2018 (Resolved): Month migrants came to Britain
- I wish to use Understanding Society retrospective data to construct life histories of migrants within the Understandi...
02:31 PM Support #2009 (In Progress): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
02:30 PM Support #2017 (Feedback): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
- Hi Karen,
1. We leave the choice about how to code the values in such cases to users.
2. I'd suggest looking thro... -
12:07 PM Support #2017 (Resolved): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
- Dear officer,
I am looking at the variables indicating the volunteering. I noticed that 'volfreq' collected during... -
02:24 PM Support #2015 (In Progress): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Hi Alexander,
I will check this one with the linkage team.
Best wishes,
Piotr Marzec
UKHLS User Support -
09:20 AM Support #2015 (Resolved): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
In US death information is available via the variables dcsedfl_dv (respondent rep... -
02:16 PM Support #2014 (Feedback): Scottish health data
- Hi Alexander,
I'm afraid this release is delayed and will be released in the second half of 2024 at the earliest.
... -
02:08 PM Support #2014 (In Progress): Scottish health data
- Hi Alexander,
I'm checking this with the linkage team. I'll get back to you when they respond.
Best wishes,
Pi... -
09:02 AM Support #2014 (Resolved): Scottish health data
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
your website
... -
01:59 PM Support #2016 (Feedback): Family connections
- Hello,
1.Yes, that is correct. However, you can find some information about non-resident family members provided b... -
09:56 AM Support #2016 (Resolved): Family connections
- Hello,
I have a few questions regarding family connections:
1. I read the user guide for the family matrix (xhh...
01:56 PM Support #2009: Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:56 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
- Hi Fergus,
Variable search should be back to normal now. Please let us know in case you encounter any further issu...
03:03 PM Support #1968 (Resolved): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
02:58 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
- Thank you for the prompt reply! This is very helpful. Sorry to pile on - I just thought it was important to draw your...
02:41 PM Support #2013 (Feedback): Issue with new USoc variable search
- Hi,
We've just launched a new Understanding Society website and we still have some teething problems. The variable... -
02:36 PM Support #2013 (Resolved): Issue with new USoc variable search
- The variable search page on the understanding society website seems to have been updated recently and is no longer wo...
02:56 PM Support #2007: Code Creator
- Hi Martha,
We've just launched our new website, so I am afraid I need to kindly ask you to check it once again. In... -
02:36 PM Support #2006 (Feedback): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
02:35 PM Support #2012 (Feedback): longitudinal weight
11:29 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
- Margherita,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this isn't an option. The results will be wrong if our wei... -
02:35 PM Support #2011 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
- Hi,
There are quite a few measures of class in the study but the most widely available across the BHPS and UKHLS i... -
08:33 AM Support #1832: Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
- I am struggling to find this faq you refer to, please could you link it?
03:03 PM Support #2012 (Resolved): longitudinal weight
- Dear Understanding Society Team,
I am currently examining the relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWA... -
02:38 PM Support #2006: Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
- Marina,
You could use calendar data longitudinally with a correct set up. For this you would need to select the we... -
09:12 AM Support #2011 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
- Hi, quick question. I am just wondering if either (or both) of these datasets contain variables on social class, simi...
09:07 AM Support #2007: Code Creator
- Yes, I am still having the issue today.
04:37 PM Support #2007 (Feedback): Code Creator
- Hello,
Could you please check if the error persists? We know that this sometimes happens but is only temporary and... -
02:07 PM Support #2007 (In Progress): Code Creator
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:35 PM Support #2010 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- Dear Joe,
That is quite a big topic but I do my best to give a few (hopefully) useful hints. First of all, when yo... -
02:20 PM Support #2010 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
- I am writing my dissertation on intergenerational mobility in the UK. My question relates to the harmonised BHPS and ...
03:05 PM Support #2008 (Feedback): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
- Hi,
For non-resident parents you can use paedqf and maedqf, or panssec8_dv and manssec8_dv, for resident parents y... -
10:28 AM Support #2008 (Resolved): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
- I'm wondering is there a socio-economic status indicator for those aged 16/17? As highest educational attainment/ job...
01:46 PM Support #2009 (Resolved): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
- To whom it may concern,
I would appreciate some help/guidance with using longitudinal weights for the understandin...
03:24 PM Support #2007 (Resolved): Code Creator
- Good afternoon, when using the code creator function on the website I get the following error when I click "get your ...
01:52 PM Support #2006 (Resolved): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
- Hello,
I am reaching out to kindly request help on how to conduct longitudinal analysis using calendar year datase... -
01:21 PM Support #2004 (Feedback): Selection of weights
11:28 AM Support #2004: Selection of weights
- Joanna,
Thank you for your question. It has a few sub-questions which I will answer separately below.
1. If all t... -
01:21 PM Support #2002 (Feedback): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
- Dear Joanna,
Up to and including W12 the focus was on bio kids, so only maternity/paternity leave.
From W13 we up...
06:17 PM Support #2001: Special licence request
- Dear Roberto,
Thank you very much for the prompt reply, which is very helpful.
In addition to the main survey a... -
04:12 PM Support #2004: Selection of weights
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:11 PM Support #2004 (Resolved): Selection of weights
- Hello,
I am looking to use information on new parents (newmum/newdad), specifically dates of leave taken when chil... -
11:48 AM Support #2003 (Feedback): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
- Dear Ceri,
You can find the code creating this variable in the file available here: https://www.underst... -
09:36 AM Support #2000: BHPS+UKLHS weigths
- Thanks a lot!
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