



From 12/01/2023 to 12/30/2023


04:57 PM Support #2021 (Resolved): Question about gor_dv variable
For some reason I cannot see the gor_dv variable in the mainstage variable search, maybe I am going crazy but ...
Kamil Kadziolka
11:32 AM Support #2020 (Resolved): Reasons for "-8 Inapplicable" response for life satisfaction variable "sclfsato"
Within the first 12 waves of the main survey, a total of 27,645 observations do not include data on overall life sati... John Poole


09:23 PM Support #2019: Tailored Weighting Guidance
Apologies, the code I used in (1) is actually:
> xtreg fimnlabnet_dv scghq2_dv $controls if wave==1|2 [pw=b_indinus...
Freya Buchanan
04:08 PM Support #2019 (Resolved): Tailored Weighting Guidance
I'm investigating the effect of mental health on labour market earnings. My dependent variable is fimnlabnet_dv and m... Freya Buchanan
11:41 AM Support #1982: reference person weights
Thank you Olena for your response.
A further question is in studying such representative persons (one person per ...
Amelia Watts


10:45 AM Support #2010: BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
Hi, thank you for the response. Unfortunately, the link to the Stata code doesn't seem to work. Where can I find it, ... Joe Mcilwaine


03:16 PM Support #2009 (Feedback): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
Dear Marina,
Here is the answer from our Covid-19 data weighting expert:
"You aren’t going to be able to use th...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:09 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
Thank you very much, Olena, for your help, I understand the point.
If I wanted to use Understanding Society weight...
Margherita Agnoletto


05:01 PM Support #2015 (Feedback): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
Dear Alexander,
In principle, it would be possible to use the linked central registry data at the LLC, but please ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:57 PM Support #2018 (Feedback): Month migrants came to Britain
I'm afraid we don't collect the information about the month of arrival to the UK.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:59 AM Support #2018 (Resolved): Month migrants came to Britain
I wish to use Understanding Society retrospective data to construct life histories of migrants within the Understandi... Michael Mahony


02:31 PM Support #2009 (In Progress): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:30 PM Support #2017 (Feedback): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
Hi Karen,
1. We leave the choice about how to code the values in such cases to users.
2. I'd suggest looking thro...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:07 PM Support #2017 (Resolved): Inquiry on the setting on variables on volfreq and lactl
Dear officer,
I am looking at the variables indicating the volunteering. I noticed that 'volfreq' collected during...
Xinyu Tao
02:24 PM Support #2015 (In Progress): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
Hi Alexander,
I will check this one with the linkage team.
Best wishes,
Piotr Marzec
UKHLS User Support
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:20 AM Support #2015 (Resolved): Death information and death date + linked health data + US COVID-19 survey
Dear Understanding Society Team,
In US death information is available via the variables dcsedfl_dv (respondent rep...
Alexander Labeit
02:16 PM Support #2014 (Feedback): Scottish health data
Hi Alexander,
I'm afraid this release is delayed and will be released in the second half of 2024 at the earliest.
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:08 PM Support #2014 (In Progress): Scottish health data
Hi Alexander,
I'm checking this with the linkage team. I'll get back to you when they respond.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:02 AM Support #2014 (Resolved): Scottish health data
Dear Understanding Society Team,
your website
Alexander Labeit
01:59 PM Support #2016 (Feedback): Family connections
1.Yes, that is correct. However, you can find some information about non-resident family members provided b...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:56 AM Support #2016 (Resolved): Family connections
I have a few questions regarding family connections:
1. I read the user guide for the family matrix (xhh...
Stav Federman


01:56 PM Support #2009: Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
01:56 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
Hi Fergus,
Variable search should be back to normal now. Please let us know in case you encounter any further issu...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:03 PM Support #1968 (Resolved): Is it possible to have access to the raw methylation data?
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:58 PM Support #2013: Issue with new USoc variable search
Thank you for the prompt reply! This is very helpful. Sorry to pile on - I just thought it was important to draw your... Fergus McCormack
02:41 PM Support #2013 (Feedback): Issue with new USoc variable search
We've just launched a new Understanding Society website and we still have some teething problems. The variable...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:36 PM Support #2013 (Resolved): Issue with new USoc variable search
The variable search page on the understanding society website seems to have been updated recently and is no longer wo... Fergus McCormack
02:56 PM Support #2007: Code Creator
Hi Martha,
We've just launched our new website, so I am afraid I need to kindly ask you to check it once again. In...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:36 PM Support #2006 (Feedback): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:35 PM Support #2012 (Feedback): longitudinal weight
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:29 AM Support #2012: longitudinal weight
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this isn't an option. The results will be wrong if our wei...
Olena Kaminska
02:35 PM Support #2011 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
There are quite a few measures of class in the study but the most widely available across the BHPS and UKHLS i...
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:33 AM Support #1832: Highest qualification variables - query about correct variable and coverage of non-UK qualifications
I am struggling to find this faq you refer to, please could you link it? Martha Tindall


03:03 PM Support #2012 (Resolved): longitudinal weight
Dear Understanding Society Team,
I am currently examining the relationship between flexible work arrangements (FWA...
Margherita Agnoletto
02:38 PM Support #2006: Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
You could use calendar data longitudinally with a correct set up. For this you would need to select the we...
Olena Kaminska
09:12 AM Support #2011 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Variables
Hi, quick question. I am just wondering if either (or both) of these datasets contain variables on social class, simi... Joe Mcilwaine
09:07 AM Support #2007: Code Creator
Yes, I am still having the issue today. Martha Tindall


04:37 PM Support #2007 (Feedback): Code Creator
Could you please check if the error persists? We know that this sometimes happens but is only temporary and...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:07 PM Support #2007 (In Progress): Code Creator
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:35 PM Support #2010 (Feedback): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
Dear Joe,
That is quite a big topic but I do my best to give a few (hopefully) useful hints. First of all, when yo...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:20 PM Support #2010 (Resolved): BHPS and Understanding Society Dataset Query
I am writing my dissertation on intergenerational mobility in the UK. My question relates to the harmonised BHPS and ... Joe Mcilwaine
03:05 PM Support #2008 (Feedback): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
For non-resident parents you can use paedqf and maedqf, or panssec8_dv and manssec8_dv, for resident parents y...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:28 AM Support #2008 (Resolved): Paren't educational attainment or other SES indicator for adolescents
I'm wondering is there a socio-economic status indicator for those aged 16/17? As highest educational attainment/ job... Emma Kirwan
01:46 PM Support #2009 (Resolved): Covid survey - longitudinal weights with telephone responses
To whom it may concern,
I would appreciate some help/guidance with using longitudinal weights for the understandin...
Marina Kousta


03:24 PM Support #2007 (Resolved): Code Creator
Good afternoon, when using the code creator function on the website I get the following error when I click "get your ... Martha Tindall
01:52 PM Support #2006 (Resolved): Longitudinal analysis using calendar year?
I am reaching out to kindly request help on how to conduct longitudinal analysis using calendar year datase...
Marina Kousta
01:21 PM Support #2004 (Feedback): Selection of weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:28 AM Support #2004: Selection of weights
Thank you for your question. It has a few sub-questions which I will answer separately below.
1. If all t...
Olena Kaminska
01:21 PM Support #2002 (Feedback): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
Dear Joanna,
Up to and including W12 the focus was on bio kids, so only maternity/paternity leave.
From W13 we up...
Understanding Society User Support Team


06:17 PM Support #2001: Special licence request
Dear Roberto,
Thank you very much for the prompt reply, which is very helpful.
In addition to the main survey a...
Miriam Yang
04:12 PM Support #2004: Selection of weights
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:11 PM Support #2004 (Resolved): Selection of weights
I am looking to use information on new parents (newmum/newdad), specifically dates of leave taken when chil...
Joanna Clifton-Sprigg
11:48 AM Support #2003 (Feedback): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
Dear Ceri,
You can find the code creating this variable in the file available here: https://www.underst...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:36 AM Support #2000: BHPS+UKLHS weigths
Thanks a lot! Aelen Valen


09:06 PM Support #2003 (Resolved): Benefit unit do file and advice on construction
I would like to understand how benefit units are defined within UKHLS to ensure consistency with a variable I a...
Ceri H


04:59 PM Support #2002 (In Progress): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:16 PM Support #2002 (Resolved): Identification of all parents of new entrant children in the data
I am preparing to analyse the take up of maternity/paternity leave among parents of children born into UKHLS.
Joanna Clifton-Sprigg
04:45 PM Support #2001 (Feedback): Special licence request
Hello Miriam,
You may explore the following variables in the main Study -file w_indresp
|_. variable |_. label |...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:36 PM Support #2001 (Resolved): Special licence request
Dear support team of UKHLS,
I am a researcher working on the UKHLS dataset to understand the mental health traject...
Miriam Yang
11:06 AM Support #2000 (Feedback): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
Hello Aelen,
You are correct, “fihhmngrs_dv” is the household income variable harmonised (BHPS + UKHLS).
If you...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:16 PM Support #2000 (Resolved): BHPS+UKLHS weigths
Hello, first of all thanks for you prompt support, that's super helpful!
My issue is the following: I pooled BHPS an...
Aelen Valen
04:09 PM Support #1999 (Feedback): treatment of HMOs
Hello Marika,
All household members of the households selected at the first wave and their descendants constitute...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:30 PM Support #1999 (Resolved): treatment of HMOs
Hi, I am interested in how USOC treats full-time students and HMOs in terms of households composition. More specifica... Marika Cioffi
03:35 PM Support #1998 (Feedback): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
Hello Martha,
There is a benefits module in the main Study, which has the variable “Frwc” related to the “period ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:47 PM Support #1998 (In Progress): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
10:38 AM Support #1998 (Resolved): COVID-19 Survey Benefit Claims
I was wondering if there is a variable that measure current benefit receipt in the covid19 survey (and what this vari... Martha Tindall


12:15 PM Support #1997 (Feedback): Issues using variable w_fimnnet_dv in COVID-19 dataset jk_wave
Dear Mhairi,
The jk file combines the second part of the wave 10 fieldwork and the first part of the wave 11 field...
Understanding Society User Support Team

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