From 02/01/2023 to 03/02/2023
- 04:13 PM Support #1872 (Resolved): Pooling waves for longitudinal analysis
- Hello,
I am doing some analysis on informal care. I want to track people's incomes for several years after they st... - 03:41 PM Support #1864: Using survey weights in longitudinal analysis
- See whether this information may help you:
18. Pooled analysis
You can pool the data however you want. There are ... - 03:39 PM Support #1867: Significant change between waves - longitudinal weight
- Monica,
No, you can't compare as you describe because such comparison implies data from independent samples. In th... - 02:43 PM Support #1868: Use of weights for analysing job quality in UKHLS, Waves 4, 6, 8 and 10
- Tom,
Thank you for your questions.
1. Yes, different weights. If you use multiple waves in your analysis (e.g. ... - 12:10 PM Support #1870 (In Progress): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
- Hello,
Can I ask how do you define the place of birth?
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support Team - 11:42 AM Support #1871 (Feedback): Inquiry on the place of residence
- Hello,
In such case they would be treated as living in a new household, whether they would be followed and intervi...
- 02:35 PM Support #1863: coding health conditions
- Hello Karen if you want to create a variable denoting if someone has a health condition, meaning they still have it w...
- 10:59 AM Support #1871 (Resolved): Inquiry on the place of residence
- Dear officer,
I am looking at the data on the place of residence. I have one doubt which makes me a little bit con... - 10:40 AM Support #1870 (Resolved): Inquiry on the data on place of birth
- Dear officer,
May I get access to the data on individuals' places of birth, and how specific is this geographic lo...
- 01:43 PM Support #1869 (Feedback): 2021 calendar data
- Hi Matthias,
There is a slight delay and we now hope to release the dataset sometime in May.
Best wishes,
Piot... - 10:00 AM Support #1869 (Resolved): 2021 calendar data
- Hi, do you have any further updates on when the 2021 calendar data will be available? Sorry to be persistnent, but we...
- 01:15 PM Support #1853 (Feedback): Missing Data in Higher Education Codes
- Hello,
I am sorry that it has taken so long to get back to you.
The high level of missingness is due to some er... - 06:08 AM Support #1863: coding health conditions
- Hi Alita,
I thought I might also provide the code below. Tt appears that there is something wrong with this coding ...
- 03:54 PM Support #1863: coding health conditions
- Hi Alita,
Is it correct to use the responses in hconds (new entrants) and hcondns (continuing sample members) for... - 02:00 PM Support #1866 (Feedback): Code Creator Beta No longer working
- Hello,
The IT team informed us that they fixed the issue, would you be able to check if it works for you now, plea...
- 04:00 PM Support #1868 (Resolved): Use of weights for analysing job quality in UKHLS, Waves 4, 6, 8 and 10
- Good afternoon,
I have a few questions about the weights to use for some analysis of job quality which I'm carryin...
- 02:17 PM Support #1865: Changes to USOC wave data downloaded from UK Data Service compared to previous downloads of the waves
- Dear William,
Your observation is completely correct. We have taken ub_xw weight out from after wave 6 and have ma... - 08:47 AM Support #1865 (In Progress): Changes to USOC wave data downloaded from UK Data Service compared to previous downloads of the waves
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 11:58 AM Support #1866 (In Progress): Code Creator Beta No longer working
- Hello,
We are very sorry about that. I have informed our web team and asked them to look into this.
Best wishes... - 09:38 AM Support #1866 (Resolved): Code Creator Beta No longer working
- Hello,
The code creator beta tool is no longer working and I receive the following error message:
Error: call to... - 11:54 AM Support #1857: ISCED levels for Main study waves 1 to 12
- Hello,
To be able to provide ISCED classification, we had to collect additional information which was done in Wave... - 11:24 AM Support #1867 (In Progress): Significant change between waves - longitudinal weight
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 09:45 AM Support #1867 (Resolved): Significant change between waves - longitudinal weight
- Hello,
I am comparing variable trcarfq across waves 8, 10 and 12. I have applied a longitudinal weight and have r... - 08:44 AM Support #1864 (In Progress): Using survey weights in longitudinal analysis
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 08:43 AM Support #1861: Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Sorry I should have been clearer, after the next job information if current spell not reached the employment loop sta...
- 04:42 PM Support #1865 (Resolved): Changes to USOC wave data downloaded from UK Data Service compared to previous downloads of the waves
- Hi,
Q1: indscub_xw weight from wave 6 of USOC is present in our historical download of the wave 6 dat... - 03:34 PM Support #1864 (Resolved): Using survey weights in longitudinal analysis
- I am using Waves 7, 9 and 11 to conduct longitudinal analyses on changes in fruit and vegetable intake with age. I am...
- 02:51 PM Support #1861: Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Ah I see, I didn't know about those variables but that's very helpful - thanks! When you say the nxtjbend questions l...
- 02:05 PM Support #1861: Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- If they were continuously employed and changed jobs then the end date of each job is recorded in jbendd/m/y4 & then i...
- 01:37 PM Support #1861: Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Hi Alita,
I understand you use dependent interviewing. It makes sense not to ask these questions to people who are... - 10:35 AM Support #1861 (Feedback): Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- As we use dependent interviewing, if someone is in the same job they are not asked these types of questions about the...
- 01:08 PM Support #1859: sample size loss due to weighting
- Caroline,
As you describe it, you are using a longitudinal analysis with information from wave 6 and one or more o... - 12:31 PM Support #1859: sample size loss due to weighting
- Dear Olena,
with pooled analysis I mean that my sample consists of individuals that have responded in wave 3, 4, ... - 10:37 AM Support #1859 (Feedback): sample size loss due to weighting
- 12:35 PM Support #1863 (Feedback): coding health conditions
- hello Karen,
You are right the health conditions quesitons have changed. I am attaching two files that we have pre... - 12:30 PM Support #1863 (Resolved): coding health conditions
- Hi there,
I am analyzing data from Waves 7,9 and 11 of UKHLS and would like to create a variable to denote if someon... - 11:16 AM Support #1820 (Resolved): Cross-sectional vs longitudinal weights
- 11:02 AM Support #1839 (In Progress): Combining individual level files across waves with different variables into a long format.
- 11:02 AM Support #1839 (Feedback): Combining individual level files across waves with different variables into a long format.
- 10:52 AM Support #1857 (In Progress): ISCED levels for Main study waves 1 to 12
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:41 AM Support #1858 (Feedback): Inquiry on the Youth files in BHPS
- Hello,
Q: "I found no region of government indicator in the * *_youth files in BHPS. To solve this issue, I used t... - 10:37 AM Support #1860 (Feedback): household income special licence variables
- Hello,
Please take a look at the section of our user guide that details the income variables that we provided and ... - 10:34 AM Support #1862: Welsh Language
- But if you are interested in specific questions, you can either do a search across the questionnaires, or search usin...
- 10:33 AM Support #1862 (Feedback): Welsh Language
- Hello,
While there are some core questions that are asked every wave, these are not provided as a separate module,... - 10:30 AM Support #1852 (Feedback): Select the correct weighting values
- 02:13 PM Support #1859: sample size loss due to weighting
- Caroline,
Thank you for your question. When you mention pooled analysis, do you mean using data cross-sectionally ... - 11:16 AM Support #1862 (Resolved): Welsh Language
- Is their a core module where their is a list of questions which is asked at the start of each participants participat...
- 02:44 PM Support #1861 (In Progress): Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- 02:43 PM Support #1861: Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 12:13 PM Support #1861 (Resolved): Job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Hi, I would like to work out how long someone has been working for their current employer for in Understanding Societ...
- 02:42 PM Support #1860 (In Progress): household income special licence variables
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 02:42 PM Support #1859 (In Progress): sample size loss due to weighting
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 02:39 PM Support #1858 (In Progress): Inquiry on the Youth files in BHPS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 02:45 PM Support #1860 (Resolved): household income special licence variables
- Hi,
Hoping to get some clarity on one of the UKHLS variables and get an idea what it adds. We will be using UKHLS... - 02:26 PM Support #1859 (Resolved): sample size loss due to weighting
- Hi,
I am aware that weighting will affect and alter the sample size of the analysis, however, I am working with ...
- 06:24 AM Support #1858 (Resolved): Inquiry on the Youth files in BHPS
- Dear officer,
I found no region of government indicator in the * *_youth files in BHPS. To solve this issue, I use...
- 03:34 PM Support #1851 (Feedback): Labour Income whilst on maternity leave
- Hello Cara
Generally speaking, the employee pay variables refer to “usual” pay. The Study asks about the last net ... - 01:27 PM Support #1857 (Resolved): ISCED levels for Main study waves 1 to 12
- Hi,
We've been asked to run in R some analysis on the sclfsat7 variable looking at horizontal inequality by ISCED ... - 11:51 AM Support #1856 (Feedback): Coding of currently on maternity leave
- Hello Cara,
Are you working with variable w_matleave? If this is correct I just checked wave 5 and don't see and ... - 11:10 AM Support #1856 (Resolved): Coding of currently on maternity leave
- Hi,
It seems as if the coding for currently on maternity leave changed after wave 5. Would you be able to tell me ... - 10:02 AM Support #1785 (Resolved): Question regarding geographical data
- 04:21 PM Support #1854 (Feedback): Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles variable
- Hello Catherine,
You will need to download UKHLS dataset again given the index of Multiple Deprivation variables ... - 03:59 PM Support #1844: Data Linkage with Stroke NHS Data
- Hello Timea
According to our data team linking SSNAP information (collected by King’s College) with UKHLS is not i...
- 03:42 PM Support #1844: Data Linkage with Stroke NHS Data
- Hello,
Just quickly following up on the above query, the SSNAP dataset seems to be available on NHS Digital for li...
- 01:56 PM Support #1854 (Resolved): Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles variable
- Hello,
I am carrying out analysis of waves 6 and 7 and would like to use the derived variable for Index of Multipl...
- 01:58 PM Support #1852: Select the correct weighting values
- Yushi,
Thank you for your question. Very interesting design and use of our data. There are two concepts your may w... - 10:47 AM Support #1853 (In Progress): Missing Data in Higher Education Codes
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 09:12 AM Support #1853 (Resolved): Missing Data in Higher Education Codes
- Hello!
I applied for special access to the data 8578 Higher Education Codes. I have now been given the data but I ... - 07:54 AM Support #1820: Cross-sectional vs longitudinal weights
- Thanks for all your help!
- 09:18 AM Support #1852 (In Progress): Select the correct weighting values
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 05:53 PM Support #1852 (Resolved): Select the correct weighting values
- Dear colleagues,
I'm a post-doc research associate at the University of Manchester. We're currently planning an an... - 04:00 PM Support #1851 (In Progress): Labour Income whilst on maternity leave
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 11:54 AM Support #1851 (Resolved): Labour Income whilst on maternity leave
- Whilst a participant is on maternity leave is the labour income they report 0 or their usual labour income?
- 02:07 PM Support #1850 (Feedback): Query regarding consent for the COVID-19 study
- Hello Olivia
As with the main survey, the overall mechanism for gaining consent for participation in the COVID-19 ... - 09:43 AM Support #1848: Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
- Hello Georgina,
Sorry for my misunderstanding.
They were derived from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and...
- 02:34 PM Support #1850 (Resolved): Query regarding consent for the COVID-19 study
- Could you please clarify whether participants gave written or oral consent to participate in the Understanding Societ...
- 04:58 PM Support #1848: Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
- Hi Roberto,
Thank you for the information but unfortunately it does not answer my question. My question was on whe... - 04:34 PM Support #1848 (Feedback): Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
- Hello Georgina,
The Study has some questions regarding siblings' relationships. For household members aged 10-15 ... - 02:09 PM Support #1848 (Resolved): Sibling relationship measures in youth questionnaire/ young adult module
- hello,
I am planning to use the sibling relationship items (asking about behaviours towards and from a sibling e.g... - 02:57 PM Support #1847 (Feedback): Panel construction across all UKHLS for paygu_dv
- Hello Vriddhi
As Understanding Society is a longitudinal study there is always a missingness risk involved. This m... - 09:16 AM Support #1840: errors in 4-digits ISCO88 variable
- Finally, let me signal that one of the jbisco pseudo-codes 2470 ("Public service administrative professionals") does ...
- 08:49 AM Support #1840: errors in 4-digits ISCO88 variable
- Dear Piotr,
thanks for the clarification. Let me also point out, both to ask your confirmation and for future read... - 02:28 AM Support #1785: Question regarding geographical data
- Thank you!
- 04:46 PM Support #1847 (In Progress): Panel construction across all UKHLS for paygu_dv
- Hello Vriddhi
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back... - 04:28 PM Support #1847 (Resolved): Panel construction across all UKHLS for paygu_dv
- Using the data management syntax available on your website, I was able to match parents with their children, and usin...
- 04:25 PM Support #1846 (Feedback): Question re. recontact for Understanding Society cohort
- Hello Ben,
UKHLS asks participants for consent to give an interview in the current wave and the subsequent wave i... - 11:44 AM Support #1785: Question regarding geographical data
- Hello Anil,
In general, the steps are:
1. Register with the UK Data Service at - 10:34 AM Support #1845: Childhood socioeconomic status for adults
- Hello Michaela,
UKHLS recently released a family matrix data file “xhhrel”, where you can identify family connect...
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