From 10/18/2022 to 11/16/2022
04:45 PM Support #1806 (Resolved): Socioeconomic classification
- I am wondering if there is Stata syntax available to construct a socioeconomic status variable for each wave of the U...
04:34 PM Support #1797: Child birth years/fertility histories
- Hello
Thanks for your help. That isn't quite what I'm looking for - apologies for not explaining more clearly.
... -
03:34 PM Support #1797 (Feedback): Child birth years/fertility histories
- Hello,
I looked at the age of first child for respondents by UKHLS waves 1-11 and did not find any difference in t... -
02:11 PM Support #1803: Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
- To clarify, their response is the same as mine, i.e., it is ok to make this application.
02:08 PM Support #1803: Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
- I have been informed by our data manager that they have responded to your query via the UKDS.
02:03 PM Support #1803: Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
- Ah great, that's good to know
thanks -
01:10 PM Support #1803 (Feedback): Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
- No, this should not be a problem. Please see item 4.6 in the Data Access Strategy. https://www.understandingsociety.a...
01:56 PM Support #1805 (Feedback): More information about the variable "bensta2": Education Grant other than a Student Loan or Tuition Fee Loan
- The information that is provided to respondents when they are asked these questions is in the questionnaire. No addit...
01:00 PM Support #1802: Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
- It may not be clear from my response above, pasoc90_cc, pasoc00_cc or pasoc10_cc are available in the End User Licens...
01:48 PM Support #1805 (Resolved): More information about the variable "bensta2": Education Grant other than a Student Loan or Tuition Fee Loan
- Hello,
Can I have more descriptive information about the educational grant variable "bensta2"? Does it refer to th... -
10:58 AM Support #1803 (Resolved): Accessing multiple Special Licence geographic data linkage files
- Hi,
I'm currently applying for Special Licence access to Understanding Society. I'm interested in using some of th...
12:20 PM Support #1802: Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
- Thank you for the prompt and helpful response.
That makes sense, and if I incorporate pasoc90 responses, there are... -
09:21 AM Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
- Sorry the text associated with that link is out of date. But if you follow the link then the UKDS page shows that it ...
02:30 PM Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
- Thank you. Can you let me know if school identifiers are available within the mainstage youth self-completion questio...
12:05 PM Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
- 1. Here is the latest information about linked education data available:
02:02 PM Support #1781: Identifying House Moves
- You are correct w_addrmov_dv variable identifies moves between two consecutive waves using the postcode of the two ad...
11:44 AM Support #1802 (Feedback): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
- Hello,
Currently not all reports of parents' occupation are available using SOC 2010 coding frame. Parents occupat...
03:21 PM Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
- Thank you. This is useful and it might be what we need. But I was thinking about mainstage youth self-completion ques...
01:37 PM Support #1799 (Feedback): query in advance of making data application
- Dear Sandra,
This dataset contains school code variables for the Understanding Society COVID-19 study (SN 8644).
... -
01:50 PM Support #1802 (In Progress): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:49 PM Support #1800 (Feedback): Monthly variable on current labour force status
- Hello,
To get this monthly labour force status variable you will need the employment event history data. This is c... -
01:44 PM Support #1801 (Feedback): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
- Hello,
This question is asked of everyone every few years (Waves 1, 4, 8,..) and in the intervening waves it is as... -
01:38 PM Support #1798 (Resolved): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
- We have received your email and passed that on to the weighting team. As the conversation is now continuing via email...
11:38 AM Support #1802 (Resolved): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
- Hi all,
I'm conducting research which involves looking at social mobility - so I'm looking at data on parental occ... -
10:21 AM Support #1801 (Resolved): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
- Dear Understanding Society team,
I am wondering why there is many missing/inapplicable responses to oprlg in later w... -
09:10 AM Support #1800 (Resolved): Monthly variable on current labour force status
- Dear Understanding Society User Support team,
I am using the variable jbstat "current labour force status". This i...
01:23 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Caroline,
Literature on multilevel modelling will help you with your first question.
You can skip scaling if yo... -
01:17 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi,
sorry maybe I wasn't clear I was more intersted in ways to _account_ for these small households in my model. ... -
12:14 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Caroline,
Yes, there can be other reasons why a model does not converge.
You don't need to specify finite populat... -
09:55 AM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi Olena,
I will check the manual yes thanks!
I am only using adukts yes so some of my household clusters are... -
11:44 AM Support #1781: Identifying House Moves
- Hi Piotr,
Thank you for the suggestion to look at the addrmov_dv variable.
I have a follow up question please...
12:12 PM Support #1799 (Resolved): query in advance of making data application
- Dear Sir/Madam,
Together with co-authors I am working on a project about the effect of school closures during the...
12:04 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Caroline,
On the specific melogit command it is best to check Stata manual.
Your non-convergence problem is lik... -
07:34 AM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi Olena,
Thank you!
Do you know whether I would need to specify running [pweight=...] instead of svyset and ...
04:53 PM Support #1798: Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
- Thanks for letting us know. Could you please email us at and our weighting tea...
08:43 AM Support #1798 (In Progress): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
08:15 AM Support #1798 (Resolved): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
- I could do with some advice re: which weights to use for the COVID module Waves 2 & 6 (that have both web and telepho...
01:07 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Caroline,
Firstly, I can confirm that you need a longitudinal weight. This is because those people who moved but d... -
12:20 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi,
reading in more depth I am now sure that I will need to include weights at each level of my analysis if I wan... -
08:54 AM Support #1794: Weights
- Good morning!
Households at the top level and individuals nested within the households at the lower level.
As... -
08:50 AM Support #1794: Weights
- Sorry I sent this too quickly. Are you considering household and individual levels in your multilevel model?
08:48 AM Support #1794: Weights
- What are the different levels that you are considering in this multilevel model?
08:44 AM Support #1797 (In Progress): Child birth years/fertility histories
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
06:58 PM Support #1797 (Resolved): Child birth years/fertility histories
- Hello
I am trying to create datasets for each wave of the survey which include the date (year) of birth for each ... -
09:52 AM Support #1794: Weights
- Good morning,
thank you for your response this is very helpful.
When I run the svy:melogit command with the l...
01:48 PM Support #1795: Wave 9 COVID-19 data
- This has now been corrected.
01:36 PM Support #1793 (Feedback): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
- Hello,
Combining b_indresp_ns and c_indresp_ns there are approx 20,000 individuals. Of these around 1900 are ethni... -
01:25 PM Support #1794: Weights
- So, you need to include all those who were interviewed in Wave 3, but you also need to observe them in Waves 4, 5 & 6...
12:56 PM Support #1783: ff_jbsoc00 not available
- Hello Albert,
The employment questions (like many other questions) follow dependent interview, i.e., previously in...
04:27 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi,
thank you very much!
Maybe I should explain this better. Let's just focus on the first model to not make ... -
02:29 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Cross-sectional weights make the sample estimates generalizable to the population of that time period while longitudi...
01:15 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi,
thank you for your quick response.
I am hoping to do cross-sectional analysis. I am interested in differe... -
01:08 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Stata help for xtgee says "iweights, fweights, and pweights are allowed; see weight. Weights must be constant within...
12:59 PM Support #1794: Weights
- Hi,
this is helpful thank you.
I am looking to use generalized estimating equations (in stata command: xtgee)... -
12:38 PM Support #1794 (Feedback): Weights
- Hello,
If you want to correctly compute standard errors taking into account the sample design then you should use ... -
10:34 AM Support #1794 (Resolved): Weights
- Hi team,
I have a question about applying survey weights:
When I am applying the weights do I have to do this v... -
12:46 PM Support #1795 (Feedback): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
- Hello,
There was no Covid19 survey in May 2021. There were three surveys in 2021: January 2021 (Wave 7), March 202... -
11:51 AM Support #1795 (Resolved): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
- On the Understanding Society webpage Waves 1-9 are described as having taken place from April 2020 to May 2021, with ...
12:19 PM Support #1787: BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
- In the BHPS questionnaires the Universe description is a little complicated. If you take a look at the questionnaire ...
05:06 PM Support #1793 (Resolved): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
- Hi Understanding Society Support team,
I am trying to find out the ethnic diversity breakdown of the wave 2-3 GPS... -
04:33 PM Support #1792: Employer changes in BHPS
- Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
> Hello,
> From onwards Wave 16 of the BHPS dependen... -
01:57 PM Support #1792 (Feedback): Employer changes in BHPS
- Hello,
From onwards Wave 16 of the BHPS dependent interviewing was implemented, i.e., questions were asked based o... -
01:59 PM Support #1770 (Resolved): Making best use of the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample
06:18 PM Support #1792 (Resolved): Employer changes in BHPS
- Dear USoc team,
Like some previous questions, this question is about job changes. In the Understanding Society wav... -
01:37 PM Support #1770: Making best use of the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample
- Dear Piotr and Olena,
Thank you for your help with this. I believe my understanding of the use of weighted/unweighte... -
11:59 AM Support #1791 (Feedback): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
- Hello,
If you want to know who gets asked a particular question please refer to the questionnaire. If you look at ... -
11:49 AM Support #1790 (Feedback): Weighting approach in Understanding society
- Hello,
We don't provide a prevalence weighted combined material deprivation score. Only the individual variables a...
04:40 PM Support #1791 (Resolved): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
- I have read on your website that 'Respondents aged 16 and over take part in the main adult survey and young people ag...
04:28 PM Support #1790 (Resolved): Weighting approach in Understanding society
- Do you take a prevalence weighting approach similar to the FRS to calculate a material deprivation score for relevant...
12:09 PM Support #1787: BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
- Hi,
Thanks very much for your reply. So rjlsoc00 essentially has the same conditions as jlsoc00? (new entrants, wo... -
10:38 AM Support #1789 (Resolved): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
08:55 AM Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
- Ah I see: thanks for your answer, that's incredibly helpful! I wasn't aware of ethn_dv. I think I'm looking for most ...
08:22 AM Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
- I see.
racel_dv is combined from the information on racel (or racelt*) collected from across all the waves, i.e.,... -
08:40 AM Support #1709 (Resolved): Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
08:35 AM Support #1723 (Resolved): 'Other qualifications' category in hiqual_dv
08:34 AM Support #1725 (Resolved): Variable for region of work?
08:33 AM Support #1721 (Resolved): Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
08:33 AM Support #1724 (Resolved): Weights and accounting for individual clustering
08:32 AM Support #1733 (Resolved): Covid Survey - Measuring Internal Migration
08:32 AM Support #1745 (Resolved): the equivalent of jbstat in the covid surveys
08:31 AM Support #1756 (Resolved): Creating length of residence variable for BHPS and UKHLS using plnowy4, plnowm, mvyr, mvmnth and mvever
08:31 AM Support #1757 (Resolved): Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
08:30 AM Support #1759 (Resolved): Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
08:29 AM Support #1764 (Resolved): Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
08:29 AM Support #1765 (Resolved): Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
08:28 AM Support #1772 (Resolved): Start of interview (istrtdaty) for BHPS wave 1
08:27 AM Support #1774 (Resolved): adcts not available for UKHLS wave 2
08:26 AM Support #1776 (Resolved): Wave6 - Migration history questionnaire module missing
05:27 PM Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
- Hi Alita,
Not really unfortunately, maybe I'm not understanding something - I'm only talking about the racel_dv va... -
01:55 PM Support #1789 (Feedback): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
- Every adult respondent is asked questions about their ethnic group the first time they are interviewed. Those who are...
11:43 AM Support #1789 (Resolved): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
- Hi,
I'm using the crosswave variable racel_dv: when I match it into UKHLS indresp waves that I am interested in, I... -
04:01 PM Support #1703: Time-varying UKHLS identifier
- Thanks for pointing this out. This is a data error and we will fix this in the next data release.
01:57 PM Support #1703 (Resolved): Time-varying UKHLS identifier
- Conversation continued via email
01:56 PM Support #1739 (Feedback): Weights when pooling data from different waves
01:56 PM Support #1741 (Feedback): Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
01:55 PM Support #1747 (Feedback): Weight problem when running regression
01:48 PM Support #1787 (Feedback): BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
- Q1&2
Only new entrants who say they are not currently employed are asked about the last job they ever had, while c... -
12:57 PM Support #1786 (Feedback): Weights for longitudinal study
12:57 PM Support #1779 (Feedback): Calculating persistent poverty
12:34 PM Support #1780 (Feedback): Code creator
- Thanks for your feedback and spotting the error. Our data team are working on correcting this. In the meantime we hav...
11:53 AM Support #1771 (Feedback): Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
11:52 AM Support #1771: Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
- Yes
11:49 AM Support #1777 (Feedback): Creating Longitudinal Weights for Unbalanced Panel
03:56 PM Support #1771: Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
- Thanks both, that makes sense
From what I can see from the syntax for deriving depchl_dv is that this would still ... -
03:35 PM Support #1772: Start of interview (istrtdaty) for BHPS wave 1
- Ah, I see! Thank you
02:30 PM Support #1786: Weights for longitudinal study
- Connor,
Thank you for your question. The answers are below:
Q1: Weighting represent any subgroup of the populatio... -
02:24 PM Support #1783: ff_jbsoc00 not available
- Thanks Piotr,
I should have said that I have access to the Special Licence version of the harmonised dataset - I w...
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