From 03/20/2016 to 04/18/2016
09:42 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Gundi
Re your message:
I am not familiar with SPSS but I have written Stata code to identify all those respond... -
01:54 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I am having trouble still with the merge. I have been able to do the merge for a and b but when i try to ... -
02:33 PM Support #511: SCEVERDRNK variable Wave 2
- hello,
I just wanted to follow-up on my earlier question relating to variable SCEVERDRNK (Wave 2). I've downloaded...
02:42 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- I am sorry Zoe we are not allowed to send these data directly. You should be able to do this appending without using ...
01:23 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita
I have already changed the macro to say indall as instructed in the documents to merge multiple files
Is... -
12:37 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hello Zoe,
The macro ukhlscombine allows you to combine different wave indresp files. You are using indall files. ... -
11:39 AM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alia,
I have tried throughout the night and I still get an error message when I run the syntax, however the files...
06:18 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I am having trouble running the macro. I keep getting line 45 REN Var - Undefined variable name. I have ... -
05:17 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- It has now been uploaded and you will find it in the online Moodle course "Introduction to Understanding Society Usin...
04:55 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Gundi,
Can you please tell me where I can get UKHLScombine.sps?
Zoe -
04:25 PM Support #545: I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Just to add:
If you go to the Understanding Society website and use the search function, you can get to any variab... -
04:22 PM Support #545 (Resolved): I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Dear Gemma,
The C-Reactive protein data can be found in the nurse health assessment data (collected at waves 2 and... -
03:44 PM Support #545 (Closed): I would like data for C-reactive protein
- Hello,
I would like to access the data for C-reactive protein as I wish to look at its association with job charac... -
04:04 PM Support #539 (Resolved): matlv: Had period of maternity/paternity leave
- Dear Muzhi,
Many thanks for your enquiry. This may have been done to reflect maternity and paternity leave rules a...
09:42 AM Support #544 (Closed): Background informations on the questions in BHPS/US data regarding gender equality
- Hi,
I'm using the British Household Panel data 1991-2007 in my master thesis. I'm especially interested in the sur...
04:55 PM Support #537 (In Progress): Merged File Request
- Hi Zoe,
you are right; it is very difficult to explain all this in text. The process of identifying those in care/fo... -
03:45 PM Support #543 (Resolved): household income
- Dear David,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
hhnetinc1 does not include additional deductions from income over and... -
02:55 PM Support #543 (Closed): household income
- The on-line documentation says that hhnetinc1 is the monthly total household net income - no deductions; and that fih...
09:56 AM Support #542 (Feedback): Partner Relationship Quality Measure
- Dear Meg,
Many thanks for your enquiry. These questions were taken from the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) - unfort...
03:56 PM Support #542 (Closed): Partner Relationship Quality Measure
- Hello,
I am enquiring about the questions relating to partner relationship quality as part of the adult self-compl... -
03:34 PM Support #541 (Closed): Health conditions module
- Who is asked about their health (Hcond) please?
The questionnaire indicates that -8=n/a, but the data records 80%+ ... -
09:07 AM Support #538: missing proxy interviews in wave 1
- Thanks for identifying these cases. xwaveid is the file that provides interview outcomes for all waves. So, I identif...
04:55 PM Support #539 (Closed): matlv: Had period of maternity/paternity leave
- I have just checked the questionnaire for waves involved and noticed this question is only asked when:
If (ff_ivlolw... -
02:22 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Alita,
I have further examined the EGOALT file and believe that I can not use this file for the intended purpose....
12:59 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Thank you for the above information. I have examined the EGOALT and I have a question regarding pidp and apidp varia...
04:17 PM Support #538 (Closed): missing proxy interviews in wave 1
- Hi, I have been using UKHLS dataset, and I found a few (six cases I found) proxy interview information is missing in ...
03:49 PM Support #534 (Closed): Using data for fertility factor study
03:49 PM Support #532 (Closed): what is the head of household variable
03:49 PM Support #527 (Closed): HoH
03:48 PM Support #526 (Closed): Identifying Child Respondents
03:48 PM Support #524 (Closed): Geographical identifiers
03:47 PM Support #530 (Closed): Proxy interview rules
03:46 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- About whether you should use lvag14 or relationship_dv - depends on who you are analysing. relationship_dv tells you ...
01:02 PM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi alita,
I am trying to examine those who experienced care versus those who have not by examining educational attai... -
08:58 AM Support #537: Merged File Request
- Hi Zoe,
Which software are you using for Data Management? We offer guides to merging data files across many waves ... -
03:25 PM Support #531 (Feedback): Context of blood sampling
- Dear Gaelle,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you about this. We have gone back to the ...
05:55 PM Support #537 (Closed): Merged File Request
- I am wondering if there is a merger file or a way to obtain a merged file for waves 1-5 including the files _egoalt a...
12:06 PM Support #533 (Feedback): Using the ego_alt datafile
- Dear Zoe,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
You should use the relationship_dv variable – this corrects a couple of... -
11:59 AM Support #535: Creating duration of marriage variable
- Dear Harini,
One possibility is that the cases that you have cited dropped out of the panel before 2008 and the st... -
11:14 AM Support #535: Creating duration of marriage variable
- Hi Victoria,
Thank you very much for your help - the dataset you have guided me towards is exactly what I need. I ...
04:10 PM Support #525 (Closed): Inapplicable responses are so high for academic qualification- BHPS cohort of Understanding Society
04:09 PM Support #522 (Closed): ukborn?
04:09 PM Support #523 (Closed): Using BHPS items in new questionnaire
04:09 PM Support #520 (Closed): Variable Value : Unapplicable
04:05 PM Support #503 (Closed): Inconsistencies in self-completion module of wave three?
04:04 PM Support #535 (Feedback): Creating duration of marriage variable
- Dear Harini,
Many thanks for your enquiry. In the first instance, please could I direct you to the following datas...
06:07 PM Support #534: Using data for fertility factor study
- Dear Victoria,
Thank you for the directions! I am now applying for UK Data Archive username and password.
Bes... -
02:21 PM Support #534 (Resolved): Using data for fertility factor study
- Dear Mikael,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
Understanding Society data are accessible from the UK Data Service -... -
02:13 PM Support #532 (Feedback): what is the head of household variable
- Dear Audrina,
Many thanks for your enquiry. Two previous posts in the forum have responded to the question of iden... -
02:12 PM Support #527 (Feedback): HoH
- Dear Declan,
Many thanks for your enquiry. Two previous posts in the forum have responded to the question of ident... -
11:48 AM Support #535 (Closed): Creating duration of marriage variable
- I am trying to create a variable denoting duration of current marriage (years). The only wave with information on yea...
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