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# Project Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
2080 Understanding Society User Support Feedback High Repeated cross-sectional data weighting Fran Reah 04/17/2024 03:11 PM

Olena Kaminska Actions
2077 Understanding Society User Support Feedback Normal Using income variables Mhairi Webster 03/27/2024 02:36 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1302 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal See term variable changed for wave i? Laura M 09/03/2020 01:04 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1304 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal The "fihhmnnet" net household income variables - what deductions are made? David Irvine 09/03/2020 01:03 PM

Alita Nandi Actions
1241 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Problem merging inderesp with children data Marina Fernandez Reino 07/15/2020 03:37 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
775 Understanding Society User Support Feedback Normal Nurse interviewer ID number 9999 Fiona Pashazadeh 11/22/2017 11:20 PM

Fiona Pashazadeh Actions
2121 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Non-Binary Gender Controls Damien Cassells 09/05/2024 10:12 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1375 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High XTREG error: weight must be constant within pidp Abigail Dumalus 08/14/2024 09:36 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2108 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal National identity Ian Shuttleworth 07/16/2024 04:39 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2107 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Query related to Understanding society data (UKHLS) Saddaf Naaz Akhtar 07/16/2024 04:36 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2111 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Current economic activity & current job Luis Ortiz 07/16/2024 04:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2117 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Household members in COVID-19 collection Laura L 07/16/2024 04:34 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2124 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Household location information Xiaolun Yu 07/16/2024 04:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2122 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal W_hidp not available with variable w_seiss_reciept_dv Mhairi Webster 06/17/2024 04:18 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2078 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Choosing the correct group and sample for weight Albert Ward 05/09/2024 05:30 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2087 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Values coded as -20 in sex_dv Luis Ortiz 05/09/2024 05:29 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2090 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Overcrowding measure in USoc Michaela Kyclova 05/09/2024 05:29 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2094 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Universe for macob/pacob in xwavedat Albert Ward 05/09/2024 05:28 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2006 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Longitudinal analysis using calendar year? Marina Kousta 05/07/2024 11:34 AM

Olena Kaminska Actions
2086 Understanding Society User Support Feedback Normal Questions of Welsh proficiency Efan Hywel 04/15/2024 07:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2060 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Design weights taken account of in enumeration weights? Rosie Cornish 03/26/2024 10:57 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2058 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Using longitudinal weights when combining Covid-19 waves and mainstage waves of UKHLS James Laurence 03/26/2024 10:53 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2052 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Vote Choice: display all parties Tarek Jaziri-Arjona 03/21/2024 04:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2051 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Local Authority variable name in Special Licence dataset (SN 6666) Hannah Chappell 03/21/2024 04:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2050 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931) Max Bradley 03/21/2024 04:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2049 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Linking BHPS and US Dataset for special license data (6931) Max Bradley 03/21/2024 04:32 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2048 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Urgent Code Creator Martha Tindall 03/21/2024 04:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2047 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Council Tax Elaine Robinson 03/21/2024 04:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2046 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Unable to locate org variable used in the past Mel Cairns 03/21/2024 04:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2045 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Winter Fuel Payments Elaine Robinson 03/21/2024 04:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2044 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Old Westminster constituecies Margherita Negri 03/21/2024 04:28 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2033 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Derived variable on income / earnings of each benefit unit Thomas Stephens 03/21/2024 04:28 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2001 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Special licence request Miriam Yang 03/21/2024 04:28 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2066 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Code creator E-Mail Leo Haentjes 03/14/2024 01:31 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2041 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal w_outcome in COVID-19 survey waves Laura L 03/14/2024 12:14 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2043 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Legality of sharing Understanding Society data Michael Mahony 02/23/2024 02:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2040 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Survey Weights Martha Tindall 02/23/2024 02:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2038 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Merging family level and individual level data Ted Porter 02/23/2024 02:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2037 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Weight variables for BHPS Youth Study Imogen Cartwright 02/23/2024 02:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2035 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Inquiry on the Travel to work area special license data Xinyu Tao 02/23/2024 02:37 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2029 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Missing wave 1 data for yphsc, yphsw, yphlf Imogen Cartwright 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2027 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal jbft_dv variable Yuliya Tavares 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2025 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal expenditure in UKHLS Jane Fry 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2024 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Death/dead in waves: dcsedfl_dv (Respondent reported as deceased) + dcsedw_dv (Wave respondent deceased) and value labels for waves Alexander Labeit 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2023 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Also how to count .00 as missing. Connor Drake 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2022 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Is there a variable which indicates if a respondent is a single parent? Connor Drake 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2021 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Question about gor_dv variable Kamil Kadziolka 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2020 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Reasons for "-8 Inapplicable" response for life satisfaction variable "sclfsato" John Poole 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2019 Understanding Society User Support Resolved High Tailored Weighting Guidance Freya Buchanan 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2018 Understanding Society User Support Resolved Normal Month migrants came to Britain Michael Mahony 02/23/2024 02:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
(101-150/1128) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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